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Post time 10-6-2011 04:01 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera aku ucapkan buat forumers bod MPS nie..Actually aku bukak thread nie adalah untuk discuss dengan korang tentang pontianak..dan suku-sakatnya..
Kalau korang ada cerita about pengalaman face 2 face dengan makhluk2 bergelar pontianak nie pon okay jugak kan?So,feel free untuk kongsikan dalam thread nie..

Okey,nie apa yang aku jumpa dan nak sharekan dalam bod MPS nie..

Ibu segala pontianak dan dracula..

Countess Elizabeth Bathory..

Countess Elizabeth Bathory nie adalah anak kepada George dan Anna Bathory dan telah dilahirkan pada tahun 1560..Ibunda menetap di Istana Cachtice..Ibunda segala dracula dan ponti nie adalah seorang perempuan yang sangat kejam dan dia amat percaya bahawa hanya dengan meminum darah wanita muda dan sunti,dia akan dapat mengekalkan keremajaannya..

Mula-mula,orang tak syak sangat tentang perangai dia nie,,Lagipun suami dia sendiri yang ajar dia teknik2 kejam untuk menghukum seseorang..So,dia apply kan ilmu2 tue dalam upacara meminum darah mangsa dia.Yuckss!

Mula2 dia bunuh sorang-sorang pembantu rumah dekat kawasan rumah dia..Lepas dah takde orang lagi nak dijadikan mangsa,dia culik perempuan2 muda dari kalangan kerabat diraja dan bangsawan yang ada dalam kerajaan dia nie..Kira memilih jugaklah kan?

P/S :Mod,kalau dah ada thread macam nie,sila merge atau deletekan saja thread nie..Terima kasih..

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 Author| Post time 10-6-2011 04:12 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by 7teen at 10-6-2011 16:17

Aku rasa kalau nak bercerita tentang ponti dan dracula nie banyak sangatkan cerita dan versinya..So,apa kata kalau aku share apa yang aku jumpa tentang diorang dari sudut sains?

Sains Pontianak

Pada tahun 1616,sorang saintis Itali yang bernama Ludovico Fatinelli telah menerbitkan bukunya yang bertajuk Treatise on Vampires yang mana dia telah menspekulasikan bahawa proses pemontianakan.Ada ke istilah pemontianakan?

Bahawa proses pemontianakan nie adalah disebabkan oleh pathogen yang kecil bersaiz mikro..ataupun bahasa omputehnya,microscopic pathogen.

Kat bawah nie tentang Ludovico neyh..

Tapi yang sadisnya tentang penerbitan buku dia nie adalah,dia telah ditentang oleh pihak gereja oleh Pope Paul V yang mana Pope tue tak mahu pihak Protestan berkembang lebih banyak dan menentang diorang..Dan Pope tue amik keputusan untuk menghukum bunuh Fatinelli nie sekarang kejam dan tidak bermoral kononnya sebagai contoh untuk orang-orang yang berani menentang pihak gereja.Dulu2,sains kan menentang pihak teokrasi..

Gambar di atas adalah tentang keadaan semasa hukuman ke atas fatinelli berlangsung..

Tapi kan,walaupun Fatinelli telah dihukum secara kejam macam tue..Idea dia telah digunakan dan dikaji oleh beberapa lagi orang yang betul2 nak tahu tentang kebenaran proses pemontianakan nie..Maksudnya,pihak gereja tak menang lah kan walaupun hasrat diorang nak hancurkan pendapat Fatinelli dengan membunuhnya dan takut2 kan orang lain..

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Post time 10-6-2011 04:17 PM | Show all posts
Countess Elizabeth Bathory.... wow thanks for sharing..sekarang baru saya tau
Menurut legend pada zaman dulu2, pernah dengar kan Count Dracula?? the first vampire atau juga dikenali "thirsty for blood” Prince of Transilvania" anak pada  Vlad Dracul..(1436-1442; 1443-1447) die pun suka darah pompuan..lebih kurang 650 perempuan dah dibunuh oleh dia ni.sakit jiwa agaknye           

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Post time 10-6-2011 04:21 PM | Show all posts
Tapi ponti ni takda la hisap darah kan....

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 Author| Post time 10-6-2011 04:22 PM | Show all posts
Virus Pemontianakan..

HVV source: the bat flea Xenopsylla cheopsis

The source of vampirism is the Human Vampiric Virus (HVV). Like Rabies, HVV belongs to the orderMononegavirales, viruses with a nonsegmented, negative-stranded RNA genome. Viruses in this group have a distinct bullet shape. The virus' natural host is a flea commonly found on cave-dwelling bats, especially the vampire bat. In the most common scenario, a bat which has been bitten by the flea passes the virus on to livestock and humans through a bite.

Unlike many other viruses, the HVV virus is not airborne. Airborne viruses can travel from one host to another through the air and quickly cause an outbreak by infecting a significant number of people through the air ventilation systems in large public buildings, like for example a casino or a shopping mall.

HVV carrier: Vampire bat

While in theory HVV infection is possible through any exchange of bodily fluids, transmission occurs through the bite of an infected person in virtually every case.


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 Author| Post time 10-6-2011 04:26 PM | Show all posts
Stages of the Disease

Gambar kat atas nie adalah Electron micrograph of HVV

Stage One: Infection. Within hours of being bitten, the victim develops a headache, fever, chills and other flu-like symptoms as the body tries to fight off the infection. These symptoms can be easily confused with more common viral infections, although the presence of bite marks on the body are usually enough to confirm the diagnosis. This stage generally lasts between six and twelve hours, during which the vaccine is 100 percent effective.

Gambar pesakit diberikan darah kambing melalui transfusi darah sebagai langkah terdesak pada tahun 1800 di Perancis..

Stage Two: Vampiric Coma. Within 24 hours of being bitten, the victim will slip into a vampiric coma. During this phase, the pulse slows, breathing is shallow and the pupils are dilated. The large numbers of people mistakenly buried alive while in vampiric comas gave rise to the myth that vampires sleep in coffins. While it is commonly thought that anyone infected with HVV turns into a vampire, in fact only a small percentage of people survive vampiric comas. Generally, the young, the old and the feeble never come out of their vampiric comas and eventually die. The vast majority of people who survive vampiric comas are males between the ages of 18 to 35. Vampiric comas last about a day; the victim usually comes out of the coma the night after its onset. The vaccine is 50 percent effective when administered during Stage Two of the infection: the longer the victim has been in the coma, the less effective the vaccine.

Stage Three: Transformation. A bite victim who survives the coma will awaken fully transformed into a vampire. An acclimation period follows, characterized by confusion, despondency and paranoia. Most vampires begin to hunt within 24 hours of transformation. The vaccine is of no use at this point.

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Post time 10-6-2011 05:00 PM | Show all posts
Raja bersiong boleh masuk kategori dracula atau vampire takk???

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Post time 10-6-2011 06:38 PM | Show all posts
seriau tengok gambar ni!


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 Author| Post time 10-6-2011 06:46 PM | Show all posts

Klise Pontianak melayu..

Berbaju lebar..Bajunya panjang..Takde brand terkenal..Kain koyak rabak..
Muka menyeringai..Tunjuk taring dekat orang ramai..
Suka mengilai di tengah malam??

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 Author| Post time 10-6-2011 09:30 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by 7teen at 10-6-2011 21:32

Tokoh2 Pontianak Dunia..


Menurut teks orang Yahudi,Lilith adalah wanita pertama yang diciptakan untuk Nabi Adam.Selepas Lilith disingkirkan dari Syurga,barulah Hawa diciptakan untuk Nabi Adam...Lilith juga adalah ibu segala Pontianak selain daripada Countess Elizabeth Bathory..

According to Jewish texts, Lilith was the first woman created for Adam. Many have made her a model for feminists because when Adam demanded her to be on the bottom while they, umm sleep, she refused. After Adam persisted, she became very angry and screamed the holy name of God and then disappeared to be cast out of Eden. God then made Eve for Adam from his rib bone instead of making her like Lilith from wholly dust. By doing this Eve would be attached to Adam. Lilith went to the Red Sea. There she made a deal with the Angels that were sent to retrieve her that she would stay where she was and become the mother to all demons thus becoming Vampire Lilith. Lilith vampire is said to be allowed to kill infants up to 7 days after birth unless they had a charm with the names of the angels over the child’s sleeping place. This is also said to be the religious reason for sudden infant death syndrome or SIDS. The reason she kills the infants is in retaliation for the thousands of her offspring that were killed in the war of good versus evil.

Genesis 1:27-28
    27. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God
        created he him; male and female created he them.
    28. And God blessed them and God said unto them, Be fruitful and
        multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it.

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 Author| Post time 10-6-2011 09:36 PM | Show all posts

The theory of Cain is a possibility and this is why. Cain is claimed to be the first born son of Adam and Eve. Cain killed his brother Able in a jealous rage and was thus banished and given a mark.

Genesis 4:10-15
    10. What hast thou done? The voice of thy brother's blood
        crith unto me from the ground.
    11. And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened
        her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand;
    12. When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield
        unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou
        be in the earth.
    15. And the LORD said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain,
        vengeance shall be taken on him seven fold. And the LORD set
        a mark on Cain, lest any finding him shall kill him.
According to vampire legend, Cain wondered until he found Lilith (Adams supposed first wife) by the Red Sea. Lilith showed him the power of blood which may be considered to be the tree of life. It is said that this is why the Jewish drain all blood from their meat before cooking and eating it. From this union between Cain and Lilith came forth a host of demons and vampires in myths across the globe. Cain is said to have had legitimate children with an unnamed woman. Some of his children are regarded for inventing the harp and metal working. However, Cain’s children are almost erased from further mention in the Bible past Genesis 4:26. Cain is referred to only twice more after in the New Testament as the prototype of wicked man. Cain is then what seems to be stricken from the good book. Lilith appears only in Jewish apocrypha texts, not mentioned in the Bible or the Torah. Cain and Lilith’s spawn may be read in the epic poem Beowulf.

    Till the monster stirred, that demon, that fiend,
    Grendel, who haunted the moors, the wild
    Marshes, and made his home in a hell
    Not hell but earth. He was spawned in that slime,
    Conceived by a pair of those monsters born
    Of Cain, murderous creatures banished
    By God, punished forever for the crime
    Of Abel's death. The Almighty drove

    Those demons out, and their exile was bitter,
    Shut away from men; they split
    Into a thousand forms of evil-- spirits
    And fiends, goblins, monsters, giants,
    A brood forever opposing the Lord's
    Will, and again and again defeated.
    (Ll. 101-114)...Cain had killed his only
    Brother, slain his father's son
    With an angry sword, God drove him off,

    Outlawed him to the dry and barren desert,
    And branded him with a murder's mark. And he bore
    A race of fiends accursed like their father...
    (Ll. 1261-1266)
Cain is said to be a sinner but in the Bible Cain is said to build the city of Enoch and his descendents become great inventors. For some reason the Author of Beowulf speaks horribly about Cain while the Bible speaks of him as a great sinner and then just doesn’t speak of him anymore. It is also said that Grendel’s ancestors were driven out of Eden and Cain and Lilith were the only two driven out by God. “The Almighty drove those demons out.” The only other mention of sin in Eden is when Lilith is mentioned. Lilith said the holy name of God and was thence forth banished from Eden forever. In Jewish mythology she is said to be the mother of demons. This is one theory to the origin of vampires.

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Post time 10-6-2011 10:03 PM | Show all posts
go go 7 teen.tq 4 sharing!

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Post time 10-6-2011 10:45 PM | Show all posts
asal usul ponti ni dari negeri maner agaknyer? sy raser kemungkinan besar dr negeri sabah le.

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Post time 11-6-2011 12:00 PM | Show all posts
Kebanyakan hantu-hantu asal dari Eropah, sebagai contoh Pontianak dalam bahse orang putih Vampire, kat Eropah diorang pakai smart2, rambut ter-urus, dan ade jadual makan. Mungkin ade peperangan Vampire berlaku di sana dan mana-mana Vampire yang tak kuat dan miskin di halau dan merantau la sampai ke Nusantara, sampai-sampai dah jadi selekeh je sebab jauh perjalanan nye, kalau kat Eropah diorang boleh serang manusia nak dapatkan darah tapi kat Nusantara ni diorang leh tunggu bile ade eksiden atau tunggu perempuannye pampers je bile lapar mungkin sebab trauma mase peperangan kat Eropah dulu

Sebab tu Pontianak ni selalu je kacau tempat2 yang banyak supplynye macam hospital, asrama perempuan (hehe...), Kalau dia mengilai tu maknenye dia suka la, sebab da kenyangkan betul tak?

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Post time 11-6-2011 06:12 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1# 7teen

    uit 7teen, bukan ker pada 9.6.2011 ko dh buka thread Siung dekat Bod Lagenda, Mitos & Sejarah?? 10.6.2011 ko bukak

thread yg lebih kurang sama jer info dia kt Bod MPS ni... isinya lebih kurang sama jer 7teen, ermm dinda masuk thread ni mcm

keliru lak sebab haritu tgok menda yg sama gak... motifnya ngaper buka benda yg lebih kurang sama??? cuma tajuk jer yg


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 Author| Post time 11-6-2011 10:45 PM | Show all posts
Reply 15# adindaHikaru

Maaflah buat dinda..Kalau thread nie nampak sama dengan thread yang ada dalam bod LMS..Tapi,aku bukak thread nie sebab aku harap kalau ada orang yang tak bersiar-siar dekat bod LMS akan dapat baca tentang pontianak dekat bod PMS saja..Insya-Allah,thread Pontianak nie akan aku buat lain dari thread dekat bod LMS tue..

Terima kasih sebab prihatin..

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Post time 11-6-2011 11:29 PM | Show all posts
Reply 16# 7teen

   its ok, cumanya td dinda ingat thread yg sama, mungkin TT tukar tajuk dia, tp tgk lak kt bod mps, patah balik kt bod tadi eh ada pulak... kekonpiusan telah berlaku la 7teen...

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Post time 12-6-2011 06:45 AM | Show all posts
asal kejadian pontianak dlm filem melayu tak sama dlm drama ngn pontianak sebenar...
menurut sepupu aku, rupa pontianak sbnar berbeza....dan lg, ada gak org pelihara pontianak untuk dpt duit dan jd kaya...sepupu aku tu forumer kat sini dan perawat gak....

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Post time 12-6-2011 11:51 AM | Show all posts
asal kejadian pontianak dlm filem melayu tak sama dlm drama ngn pontianak sebenar...
menurut sepupu ...
J-bond Post at 12-6-2011 06:45

so, macam mana rupa sebenar die?

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Post time 12-6-2011 04:33 PM | Show all posts
mcm muka anjing kecil(bkn poodle..jenis apa...?) yg x da idung...telinga runcing ke atas...
wajah samada coklat tua atau itam...mulut terbuka...
cuba ko tepek aku x reti...

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