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Long Distance Relationship: From a Man's Perspective
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Salam 1Malaysia,
Topic yg seringkali membawa perbincangan yg hangat di kalangan lovers board...LDR...long distance relationship...berbaloikah? hubungan LDR membawa pelbagai implikasi kpd pasangan me personally, i hate LDR...been there, done doesn't work...u know why? Love is something u a plant where u need water, sunshine, and once in a while...u talk to the plant like a crazy person...hehe
Lovers who go through LDR has a tremendous pressure...unless u sanggup makan hati aje, than by all means...being far from each other, and still be madly in love does not do justice on the heart...someone u love needs to be near u...not all the time...but near for u to meet him/her easily...because love is hard work...true love needs sustainability...physically and emotionally viable...LDR can drain positive energy from your mental health...
maybe some of u had gone through would be great if u could share the experiences and feelings...humans can easily be swayed by surroundings and circumstances...matter of the heart is easily corrupted...even Adam ask god why did he take his life so early since god had promise adam that he will live up to a hundred years...
Maybe u guys can put positive thought in way for me, i'm a SDR kinda guy...keep it short and simple... |
.like a plant where u need water, sunshine, and once in a while...u talk to the plant like a crazy person...hehe
finally ada juga guy yg berani mengaku benda ni...
iol pernah LDR 2x..hihi...lastly putus..
apa yg boleh iol simpul d sini..iols xpercaya LDR..sebab pihak i sahaya yg cukup setia...
now i have to face it again..bila my BF terpaksa lompat...spore,thai,japan...huh....!!i hope it will be last...
cam something je aku punya statement ni.. |
finally ada juga guy yg berani mengaku benda ni...
iol pernah LDR 2x..hihi...lastly putus.. ...
ogata Post at 4-6-2012 19:38
thanks for sharing...but why would u want to be in a LDR again? dah 2 kali putus? why put hope on something that does not work? care to share your views... |
Reply 3# ifanonline
yang shore petronas......mula2 ok..sedaya upaya call i bila ada adalah first job dia selepas graduate...
yang ni paling tekesan sekali sbb?? dia jobless omost for 2year masa dia lepas study...i yg dulu bkerja b4 dia dapat kerja.. meaning to say..i banyak spend duit or sharing dgn dia..i bukan ungkit sbb biasanya mana ada ppuan 20an belanja BF kan...
putus sebab dia kata 'sayang i have to let u go, my mom suruh i fokus dgn kerjaya bukan dlm cinta' yes such a bullshit reason ever...
yang 2nd..steward...yang ni mmg i x berharap apa2..sebab i tahu 'market' dia...dan kerjaya dia..
yang 3rd ni..dulu dia kerja as a executive so dia x perlu nak travel selalu..just 3blnsekali je.. p selepas dia promote mjd asst.manager so nak x nak dia terpaksa ikut jadual company..dlm tahun ni i baru jumpa dia 2x..tu pun xsampai 6jam b4 dia fly balik/balik home town... |
Reply 3# ifanonline
put hope....
entah la...i terlalu setia kot... |
Reply ifanonline
yang shore petronas......mula2 ok..sedaya upaya call i bila a ...
ogata Post at 4-6-2012 19:56
owh my, u deserve better...u should seriously consider SDR...LDR doesn't work for u... |
me berjaya tapi apa me boleh kata LDR ni jangan lelama, setahun
oklah, kalau lebih dari tu
kesabaran dan jodoh aje menentukan berjaya atau tidak... |
Reply 6# ifanonline
u r x the first person yang pernah berkata sedemikian rupa..
as i told u..rasa cinta tu x pernah padam..seriusly..even my fwneds pun kata..wonder...kenapa i boleh tahan jauh2 cm tu..and x teringin nak pasang kunci pendua dan sebagainya.. yang 3rd ni i hope and really hope dia tak curang or beralih arah.. i pray for it..
padahal xda org d luar tu pun tackle aku.hak hak hak
tipu la as a women pun sama gak mcm guys lonely...p i x kearah utk curang.. if i got problems.. biasanya or lain akn jumpa and luahkan dgn bf mereka.. i hanya mampu menaggis and meluah perasaan tru phone sahaja... |
Reply 7# faraway1
i selalu berpegang dgn kata2 kalau dah jodoh xkan kemana..ayat penyedap hati... |
I also have been through Long Range relationship.... its painful |
Post Last Edit by KingNepTune at 5-6-2012 21:44
opsssssssss |
I also have been through Long Range relationship.... its painful
KingNepTune Post at 4-6-2012 22:45
thread ni pun aku buka nak mengupas tentang LDR dan SDR...mungkin different people, different perspective... |
Love should not be painful...painful love is sadistic love... |
tapi kite akn lbh menghargai cinta yg perit...
tp bknlah yg sedih spnjang mse...
err terjiwang pulak malam2 nih.. |
LDR can drain positive energy from your mental health...
ifanonline Post at 4-6-2012 17:50
there's truth in your words ipan.
LDR does drain positive energy (now i know why).
i'll be extremely happy when he's near me but i'll go all moody when he's not around. when that happens, we usually end up arguing and hurting each other. luckily, i found myself a man who possesses such a high level of tolerance and patience. kalau tak, dah lama aku kena dumped. |
i ok je...almost 4 years weols been together...
dea kat muar and still study and i kat KL and dah keje kat bank...
so far ok...every month dea turun KL...but kalau dea ade game (player hoki) then x jumpe dea for 2-3 months....but still ok lah so far..insyaallah...kalau ade game kat KL, jumpa dea kat stadium je....
i rasa this LDR neh ikut kehendak hati kot? kalau niat tuh ok...ok lah ...klu x, xde lah...tapi adatlah if bergado sume tuh..yg penting percaya, faham perangai each other..and paling penting kena open minded but still kena observed certain things. |
pernah cuba LDR...4 jam je pon dr tpt dia duduk dengan i tak jalan...gaduh je manjang..pastuh rasa mcm tak disayangi..last2 one of us tukar keje ke kawasan berdekatan...baru okay balik...suami saya pon pernah ckp..dia tak boleh LDR..dia akan rasa terabai walaupon hari2 ckp kat telefon...kene jugak dok depan mata dia...
saya pulak? pon rasa tak boleh kot LDR |
i dont know how to describe mine..da 5 tahun kawan tp jarang sgt jmp..duduk xde la jauh sgt antara ofis aku dgn ofis selesa camni bile jmp rase rindu tu lebih je ..paling penting jujur |
Post Last Edit by KingNepTune at 5-6-2012 21:47
sometimes weird things do happen |
Reply 19# KingNepTune
macam byk pengalaman LDR je ni |
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Category: Cinta & Perhubungan