ini bukan thread jenaka atau lawak....ini kes lukisan ecce homo yang telah di baiki semula(dengan melukis semula diatas lukisan asal) oleh seorang wanita tua tapi jadi lain pulak...lihat laa sendiri...menariknya poster ni dah jadi bahan lawak yang sensasi(ada yang mengaitkan dengan poster ni dengan iphone 5) dan nenek ni pulak baru baru ni mintak royalti ...macam macam hal...
MADRID — The image appears on T-shirts and cellphone covers, coffee mugs and wine labels. And the 80-year-old pensioner who just weeks ago was mortified by the global stir she created with her botched restoration of a fresco of Christ is now looking to get a piece of the action.
The church painting in the town of Borja was for decades a little-known piece of religious art by a minor Spanish artist. Now that Cecilia Gimenez has disfigured it, it has found a new fate as an international icon — used to sell products around the world.
Gimenez’s lawyers have begun investigating whether all the notoriety may be turned to profit, albeit with an aim to help charity.
The fresco depicts Christ with a crown of thorns before crucifixion, in a style known as “Ecce Homo” (Behold the Man). It stood in peaceful obscurity in the Misericordia Sanctuary since it was painted in 1930 — until Gimenez, a longtime devotee of the work, decided it needed to be rescued from flaking caused by the damp church air.
Word of the artistic travesty spread across the world, and the solemn Ecce Homo quickly took on a less dignified identity: “Ecce Mono.” Behold the Monkey.
Then something unexpected happened.
The town morphed into a tourism destination for people who want to see the restoration. The crush has been so big that the Sancti Spiritus foundation that owns the Misercordia church and sanctuary recently started charging admission: one euro per visitor. Meanwhile, Internet entrepreneurs have quickly moved in to cash in on the phenomenon, printing “Ecce Mono” on a seemingly endless range of products to sell online.
Gimenez’s lawyers say she has no interest in a cut of what the foundation is charging people to see the fresco. But they are investigating possible copyright infringements of what she created. If she has rights, said lawyer Antonio Val Carreras Rivera, Gimenez could pursue payments from those using the image to sell products, although whatever she earns would go to charity. She’s most interested in funding groups that help people with congenital muscular dystrophy, because her son has the disorder. The Sancti Spiritus foundation is stuck in its own legal bind: Should it restore the painting to its original state? Or leave Gimenez’s image on the church walls? Or try, as experts say is possible, to separate the two?