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[Tempatan] Malaysia, Negara PERUSAK Hutan Nomor Satu SEDUNIA

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Post time 19-11-2013 11:45 AM | Show all posts |Read mode -
Sebuah laporan terbaru yang dilansir Mongabay menunjukkan jika Malaysia saat ini tercatat sebagai negara dengan angka penggundulan hutan tertinggi di dunia.

Seperti dikutip Softpedia (16/11), dengan bantuan peta hutan global yang baru dikembangkan di dunia teknologi, para peneliti akhirnya mampu mengetahui jika pada periode tahun 2000-2012, Malaysia merupakan negara yang paling banyak kehilangan area hutannya.
Dari data tersebut, disebutkan jika sekitar 14,4 persen wilayah hutan Malaysia telah hilang dan beralih fungsi. Jika dikonversikan, maka persentase tersebut sama halnya dengan 47.278 kilometer persegi area hutan yang telah menghilang. Area dengan luas tersebut sama halnya dengan luas negara Denmark.

Dilansir dari sumber yang sama, juga diketahui jika sudah 50 persen area hutan Malaysia yang hilang pada satu dekade terakhir. Padahal hutan tersebut juga menjadi habitat dari spesies yang terancam punah seperti macan tutul.

Menariknya, dalam jangka waktu yang sama juga diketahui bahwa industri kelapa sawit lokal di Malaysia mengalami kenaikan yang cukup pesat. Bahkan total wilayah yang saat ini wilayah perkebunan kelapa sawit di Malaysia tercatat naik sebanyak 50 persen.

Meskipun pemerintahan Malaysia saat ini tengah melakukan kegiatan reboisasi untuk mengembalikan vegetasi hutan di wilayahnya, namun hal ini masih dinilai tidak sebanding dengan kerusakan hutan yang diakibatkan pengalihfungsian lahan dari hutan ke perkebunan kelapa sawit.
"Anda tidak bisa mengganti kerusakan akibat deforestasi dengan menanam pohon, karena hutan yang baru tidak bisa menggantikan keanekaragaman hayati dan makhluk hidup yang bergantung pada hutan asli yang sudah berusia ratusan tahun," jelas Dan Zarin, salah satu peneliti dari Climate and Land Use Alliance.

worst news ever...

Last edited by wongedandotcom2 on 19-11-2013 12:18 PM


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Post time 19-11-2013 11:46 AM | Show all posts
indon lak pembekal jerebu nomor 1 dunia

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Post time 19-11-2013 11:48 AM | Show all posts
Agaknya % hutan di Amerika, German dan Jepun bakal mengatasi Malaysia sedikit masa lagi.

Berapa peratus sisa hutan Malaysia dibanding negara maju ya??

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Post time 19-11-2013 11:49 AM | Show all posts
terima kasih indon sbb prihatin kt malaysia. sorry la ye kalau pasni negara ko ken gempa bumi ke gunung berapi ke tsunami lg ke malas aku nak menderma utk korg.

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 Author| Post time 19-11-2013 11:50 AM | Show all posts

RE: Malaysia, Negara PERUSAK Hutan Nomor Satu SEDUNIA

Malaysia has the world's highest deforestation rate, reveals Google forest map
Rhett A. Butler,
November 15, 2013

Malaysia had the world's highest rate of forest loss between 2000 and 2012, according to a new global forest map developed in partnership with Google.

Malaysia's total forest loss during the period amounted to 14.4 percent of its year 2000 forest cover. The loss translates to 47,278 square kilometers (18,244 square miles), an area larger than Denmark.

Malaysia's forest loss was partly offset by a 25,978 sq km gain in vegetation cover resulting from natural recovery, reforestation, and establishment of industrial timber and oil palm plantations. During the period, Malaysia's oil palm estate grew by roughly 50 percent or 17,000 sq km.

But tree plantations don't stack up well to natural forests into terms of biodiversity, carbon storage, or maintenance of ecosystem services, indicating that Malaysia suffered very extensive decline of its natural capital base. Most of Malaysia's forest loss occurred in its densest forests, those with tree cover exceeding 50 percent, which generally store the most carbon and are richest with wildlife, including endangered orangutans, pygmy elephants, Sumatran rhinos, and clouded leopards.

After decades of unsustainable logging, which depleted timber stocks and undermined the viability of traditional forestry management, Malaysia's forests are increasingly being converted for industrial oil palm plantations. The palm oil industry is a powerful political force in the country.

Summary of land use change in Malaysia (bottom). Left column: land use prior to the establishment of new oil palm plantations (in the lower left corner is the total annual increase in oil palm plantations). Middle column: the fate of land following forest conversion (in the lower left corner is the annual rate of deforestation). Right column: net land use change over each five year period. From Historical CO2 emissions from land use and land cover change from the oil palm Industry in Indonesia, Malaysia and Papua New Guinea

Dan Zarin, program director of the Climate and Land Use Alliance, an association of philanthropic foundations, says trading natural forests for planted forests represents a net loss for the planet.

“You can't ‘net out’ deforestation by planting trees," said Zarin, "because newly planted forests are far less valuable for carbon, biodiversity and forest-dependent people than standing native forests.”

Malaysia's rate of forest loss during the period was nearly 50 percent higher than the next runner up, Paraguay (9.6 percent). Its area of forest loss ranked ninth after Russia, Brazil, the United States, Canada, Indonesia, China, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Australia. Malaysia's net forest loss — 21,480 sq km — ranked 12th globally.

The data was released in a breakthrough map developed by a team of researchers from the University of Maryland, Google Inc, NASA, USGS, South Dakota State University, the Woods Hole Research Center, and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Foundation. The map, which is detailed in today's issue of the journal Science, is based on 650,000 images captured by NASA Landsat cameras at 30 meter resolution.

According to the project's led developer, Matthew Hansen of the University of Maryland, the map represents a significant advancement toward understanding ecological changes that accompany changes in forest cover.

“This is the first map of forest change that is globally consistent and locally relevant,” said Hansen. “Losses or gains in forest cover shape many important aspects of an ecosystem including, climate regulation, carbon storage, biodiversity and water supplies, but until now there has not been a way to get detailed, accurate, satellite-based and readily available data on forest cover change from local to global scales.”

Forest loss in Peninsular Malaysia. Some of Malaysia's forest loss included replanting of existing plantations — the current version of the map does not distinguish between natural forest cover and plantations.

Hansen adds the tool could be used to develop and implement policies to reduce deforestation.

“Brazil used Landsat data to document its deforestation trends, then used this information in its policy formulation and implementation,” said Hansen. “Now, with our global mapping of forest changes every nation has access to this kind of information, for their own country and the rest of the world.”

Whether Malaysia decides to use the information for that purpose remains to be seen.

AUTHOR: Rhett Butler founded Mongabay in 1999. He currently serves as president, head writer, and chief editor.

Last edited by wongedandotcom2 on 19-11-2013 11:51 AM


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Post time 19-11-2013 11:51 AM | Show all posts
Hutan natural ganti dgn hutan sawit. Sawit pun hutan gak. Daun sawit warna hijau produce O2. Tp malaysia nie aku tgk hutan merata-rata lagi. Tak caya pi lalu karak highway....

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Post time 19-11-2013 11:56 AM | Show all posts
Indon pula perusak mata orang, sakit mata nengok indon2 muke macam jembalang hutan ni ha


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Post time 19-11-2013 11:57 AM | Show all posts
Study ini dari 2000-2012 kan? Zaman ni memang developing countries banyaklah yang bakar hutan buat bangunan..... Nasib developed countries dah habis bakar hutannya 1950-1980 sebelum ada google forest map ni.


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Post time 19-11-2013 12:01 PM | Show all posts
maaf la ek indon..aku dari dulu memang tak suka korang..sila berambus dari malaysia ini..sila bawa balik jerebu2 yang korang sebarkan setiap tahun..paling BENCI jerebu sbb indon bodo selamba bakar lpas tu claim yg kita semua tk bersyukur diorng dh 'supply' oksigen selama ni..katanyerrrrrr....
rasa nak sepak je memana indon yg ada lalu depan aku..serumpun ke setumpun ke..aku peduli ape.

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Post time 19-11-2013 12:03 PM | Show all posts
Acong posted on 19-11-2013 11:46 AM
indon lak pembekal jerebu nomor 1 dunia

jgn lupa juga pembekal bom taek terkemuka dunia.

thread yindon gini tak lak sudi @peYno kontol muncrat crott masuk bagi komen sepatah dua. setongkang ngan wongjowo gamaknya.

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 Author| Post time 19-11-2013 12:04 PM | Show all posts
Malaysia destroying its forests three times faster than all Asia combined

Malaysia is destroying its forests more than three times faster than all of   Asia combined, new satellite imagery has shown, with demand for palm oil the   reason for the clearance.

The pictures also show that its carbon-rich peat soils of the Sarawak coast are being stripped even faster than its rainforests.

A report commissioned by the Netherlands-based Wetlands International says Malaysia is uprooting an average two per cent of the rainforest a year on Sarawak, its largest state on the island of Borneo, or nearly 10 per cent over the last five years.

Most of it is being converted to palm oil plantations, it said.

The deforestation rate for all of Asia during the same period was 2.8 per cent.

In the last five years, 872,263 acres of Malaysia's peatlands were deforested, or one-third of the swamps which have stored carbon from decomposed plants for millions of years.

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Post time 19-11-2013 12:04 PM | Show all posts
Tok_Batin posted on 19-11-2013 11:57 AM
Study ini dari 2000-2012 kan? Zaman ni memang developing countries banyaklah yang bakar hutan buat b ...

Boleh kalahkan China ke?

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Post time 19-11-2013 12:06 PM | Show all posts
It looks Sumatra and Kalimantan 'SAMA' teroknya ....

Last edited by rnoor on 19-11-2013 12:08 PM


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Post time 19-11-2013 12:13 PM | Show all posts

lepas take off..hijau jeh pemandangan.. penuh hutan...

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Post time 19-11-2013 12:14 PM | Show all posts
jonlabu posted on 19-11-2013 12:03 PM
jgn lupa juga pembekal bom taek terkemuka dunia.

selain tu... indon laaa pembekal babu & ammah nomor 1 dunia.....!

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Post time 19-11-2013 12:14 PM | Show all posts
teky posted on 19-11-2013 12:13 PM

lepas take off..hijau jeh pemandangan.. penuh hutan...

mane penah teky oii.. diorg dtg malaysia pun naik tongkang je


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Post time 19-11-2013 12:16 PM | Show all posts
indon nie bodoh nak mampus.......

pengeluar oksigen utama dunia adalah dari fitoplankton kat lautan laa......

bodoh nak mampus.......!!!

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Post time 19-11-2013 12:16 PM | Show all posts
Propaganda saja je nak jatuhkan Malaysia seperti biasa... kalo bukan Malaysia, ada je puak yg lain kan? cakap je jeres yg korang x mampu nk bikin pembangunan tu tanpa nak buat kemusnahan kan? semuanya blame MALAYSIA atleast xde pulak org Malaysia yg bersusah payah nk cari rezeki kat Indon tu dari Indon yg terpaksa mengemis datang ke Malaysia, negara paling jahat

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Post time 19-11-2013 12:17 PM | Show all posts
mawarmatahari posted on 19-11-2013 12:01 PM
maaf la ek indon..aku dari dulu memang tak suka korang..sila berambus dari malaysia ini..sila bawa b ...

yang tu xde lak derang nk blame kompeni Spore...

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Post time 19-11-2013 12:19 PM | Show all posts
Yang indon plak perosak sungai........Contoh, Sungai Citarum.


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