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The Sounds of Music [by fly_in_d_sky, sesuka jer & naiza]
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aku pun tengok gak citer n ih... budak yg paling kiut ialah Brigitta.. sape ada apa2 info pasal dia? muka dia mengingatkan aku dengan watak dlam citer soap opera Dynasty..ala.. yg pegang watak apa tah nama dia tapi dia tu sebagai anak org gaji Blake Carrington.. pas tu dia jatuh cinta dgn Jeff Colbys sekejap.. sape ha nama budak tu? BTW betul ke budak tu yg berlakon dlm Sound of Music ( 1965 ) tu org yg sama dengan pelakon dlm citer Dynasty ( era 80-an )??:re: |
The Sounds of Music [by fly_in_d_sky, sesuka jer & naiza]
semlm ntah buat brapa kali NTV7 tayang cite musikal yg paling popular n tak boring bg Fly .. segala dialog, lagu .. Fly ingat ..
dah ada VCD leh lg tgk kat TV ... the story so sweet ..  
The Sound of Music (1965)
Genre: Musical/Performing Arts
Starring: Julie Andrews, Christopher Plummer, Richard Haydn, Peggy Wood, Eleanor Parker
Director: Robert Wise
Producer: Robert Wise, Boris Leven
Writer: Ernest Lehman
Shot in Salzburg against the majestic Bavarian Alps, THE SOUND OF MUSIC is considered one of the greatest screen musicals ever made. Winner of five Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director (Robert Wise), the film, based on a real family and their true events, tells the story of a young postulate, Maria (Julie Andrews), who, after proving too high-spirited for the Mother Abess and other nuns, is sent off to work as a governess to seven unruly children. The Von Trapp family is run, in military style, by the seemingly cold-hearted Captain Von Trapp (Christopher Plummer), a lonely widowed naval officer. Seeing how badly he and his children need companionship, he proposes to the Baroness Schraeder (Eleanor Parker), a calculating, mutual friend of beloved family friend Max Detweiler (Richard Haydn). It is the baroness who soon realizes that it's Maria--with her warmth and love for the children--the captain really loves. It is nearly bliss for the newly formed family who loves to sing together--except for the cloud looming over their beloved Austrian horizon: Hitler is ascending to power, forcing Von Trapp to decide whether to join the Nazi party--which he loathes--or force his family to leave their home forever. One of the most memorable scores ever written (by Rodgers and Hammerstein) and breathtaking performances by Andrews, Plummer, and the seven children mark this classic as one of the world's most favorite films.
Release Date: April 1, 1965.
MPAA Rating: G.
Distributor: 20th Century-Fox
[ Last edited by DARSITA on 1-1-2004 at 04:54 PM ]
[ Last edited by fly_in_d_sky on 27-3-2004 at 03:09 PM ] |
| pon all time musical movies feveret wa... sempat layan kejap smlm walaupon ade kije. heheh~ |
agaknya budak paling kecik tuh dah berumur 40s sekarang kan....BTW...ending cerita tuh aku tak sempat tangkap apa yg rahib2 wanita tu pegang..... |
Originally posted by GAIA at 28-12-2003 03:08 PM:
agaknya budak paling kecik tuh dah berumur 40s sekarang kan....BTW...ending cerita tuh aku tak sempat tangkap apa yg rahib2 wanita tu pegang.....
ooooo .. yg tu cable kereta ....
diorg pi cabut cable dlm enjin kereta kepunyaan tentera Nazi
tak bg tentera Nazi tangkap mereka ...
tp sayang la pakwe Liesl dah join German army ...
handsome la pakwe Liesl ...   |
Seronok tengok citer musical ni, esp. gelagat d nanny dgn anak2 Kapten tu. Lucky rasa citer ni juga bergantung byk pd pemandangan dia yg indah [for romanticism purposes ;) ], dan lagu2 yg boleh kita ingat sampai sekrg [Do a dear a female dear.. Re a drop of golden sunnnn, so long farewell.. I am 16, going on 17]
Pendek kata, citer ni seronok ditonton sekeluarga. Menghiburkan! |
ooh...gitu ker....mengenai watak pakwe leist tuh...aku tertinggal sesuatu lah...kenapa dia jadi begitu ? mengkhianati bangsa dan negara ? |
Originally posted by LuCkY-sTaR at 29-12-2003 12:27 PM:
Seronok tengok citer musical ni, esp. gelagat d nanny dgn anak2 Kapten tu. Lucky rasa citer ni juga bergantung byk pd pemandangan dia yg indah [for romanticism purposes ;) ], dan lagu2 yg boleh kit ...
the hills are alive...with the sound of music...
these are a few of my favourite things... |
Originally posted by GAIA at 29-12-2003 01:21 PM:
ooh...gitu ker....mengenai watak pakwe leist tuh...aku tertinggal sesuatu lah...kenapa dia jadi begitu ? mengkhianati bangsa dan negara ?
pakwe Liesl khianati negara sebb dia marah kat bapak Liesl .. Captain Von Trapp ..
ingat tak masa Captain Von Trapp baru balik dr Vienna n jemput Baroness n then on the way tu Captain Von Trapp, Baroness n Uncle Max nampak budak2 panjat pokok ...
then masa Captain Von Trapp termenung jauh, tetiba Baroness kacau daun .. pastu Captain Von Trapp terdengar something n tgk .. ada budak lelaki dok balik batu kat tingkap ..
Captain Von Trapp nampak n tegur n say something yg agak hina la ... then pakwe Liesl, Rolf namanyer terus buat Hail Hitler, rupanyer Uncle Max nih cam ada kene mengena ngan Hitler ...
ingat tak? pas tu ler Rolf cam dah berubah n decide masuk askar German .. n masa Liesl jumpa Rolf kat satu dewan pas rehearsal ... Rolf cam layan tak layan jer Liesl .. Rolf dah join askar Germany .. |
Do a deer.....
teringat masa buat persembahan kat sekolah dulu
hehehehe |
Originally posted by AnBulisia at 29-12-2003 11:52 PM:
Do a deer.....
teringat masa buat persembahan kat sekolah dulu
cite nih takkan boring ..
tak lekang dek panas .. tak lapuk dek hujan ...
betul ker nih?? |
Originally posted by fly_in_d_sky at 29-12-2003 05:12 PM:
pakwe Liesl khianati negara sebb dia marah kat bapak Liesl .. Captain Von Trapp ..
ingat tak masa Captain Von Trapp baru balik dr Vienna n jemput Baroness n then on the way tu Captain Von Trapp, ...
rasanya pakwe dia memang sebangsa dengan hitler tu... dia bukan org austria. sebab tu lah captain tak berapa suka ngan dia.
saya cakap macam ni sebab masa mamat ni hantar surat kepada captain, dia macam ada exchange suspiscious glances dengan butler (yang rupa2nya spy nazi jerman).
correct me if i'm wrong. |
Originally posted by straycat at 30-12-2003 12:08 PM:
rasanya pakwe dia memang sebangsa dengan hitler tu... dia bukan org austria. sebab tu lah captain tak berapa suka ngan dia.
saya cakap macam ni sebab masa mamat ni hantar surat kepada captain, ...
tak tau ler .. tp Fly dah tgk movie dah lebih 20 kali .. 
trasa si Rolf .. pakwer Liesl cam mmg org Austria ..
yg dia tanya kat Butler tu sebb sajer nak tau perkembangan ... n samping tu tau ler aper Captain n anak2nyer buat per ...
prasan tak masa Liesl n Rolf berbual ttg Austria n Germany n pasal bapak Liesl ..
correct me if i'm wrong .. |
cerita feveret saya...dari kecik dulu sampai la sekarang nih.
berapa kali nengok pun tak ingat.!! |
dah berkali2 tengok .. tapi tetap menarik!
yg best tu ..lagu
goodbye tu! |
mifevalin This user has been deleted
betul tu...citer yg sejak kecik smpai ler aku besar yg aku tak boring nak tgk... best tul |
Originally posted by azaleena at 30-12-2003 08:55 PM:
dah berkali2 tengok .. tapi tetap menarik!
yg best tu ..lagu
goodbye tu!
suka part last biler Gretel tinggal sorang2 .. n duduk kat tannga n then buat2 cam tido ...
mmm .. sweet n comel tgk si Gretel .. n Liesl pi angkat bawak atas .. |
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