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Author: penjejak_awan

[Jenayah] Sisters in Islam difatwakan SESAT- yahudi wannabe dan liberal tertekan!

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Post time 1-11-2014 07:28 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
alfida posted on 1-11-2014 07:25 PM
sesat dan menyesatkan

Quran turun ayat dan itu hukum dan kita kata tak adil...sapa kita tu, kita tu berhak kawal nyawa kem daripada tiada kepada ada , dari sebaik baik acuan , dan kejadian then kita kata kat sapa tu ...tegarnya kita dasar hsmba atau kuli ye. Saya hanya tersenyum.

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Post time 1-11-2014 07:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
alfida posted on 1-11-2014 07:25 PM
sesat dan menyesatkan

Apa benda yg boleh batal iman?

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Post time 1-11-2014 07:30 PM | Show all posts
truly posted on 1-11-2014 03:57 PM
Kalau tak BIG DEAL, kenapa tak bagi kat perempuan cik puan? Selepas tu musyuarah la ikhwah la berm ...

Hang ni percaya tuhan dak? kalau tak percaya selesailah.. tak payah masuk campur hal ehwal Islam

Kalau hang percaya Tuhan... siapa tuhan yg hang yakini tu? bagaimana hang yakini dia adalah tuhan?

cuba cerita mai sat.


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Post time 1-11-2014 07:34 PM | Show all posts
Changa posted on 1-11-2014 06:26 PM
Seperti tidak adil akak akui juga.  Contoh arwah datuk sudara akak meninggal harta beliau kena bag ...

kes i lg complicated. abah ai meninggal tp mak die aka nenek ai hidup lg. so nk ikutkan tanah weols tu, mmg ikut wasiat milik abah ai tp tak tukar nama lg la, tp abah ai dah siap buat rumah dah atas tapak die. atas security la kot, sbb at least ade rumah dan weols satu family pun mmg membesar kt situ so takdela org nk merebut, atas dasar segan.  imagine la kalau nenek ai dah meninggal, ai rs pun mcm tak mustahil la nnt adik beradik lelaki abah ai yg 4 org tu nak berebut, sbb rumah kami tu rumah kg sebelah je ngan nenek. so dpt rumah dptla lebihan baki tanah kebun tu skali. yg lg complicated plak, arwah mak ai pun ade tanah kebun kelapa sawit, takdela dpt byk mane pun tak smpi 5 ekar pun. tp sbb arwah mak meninggal dulu sblm abah, so ikut faraid tanah tu abah punye. and then abah ai plak meninggal, so ikut faraid pun nenek ai ade hak atas tanah arwah mak tu. dan automatik la jugak, mestilah anak2 nenek yg lain pun boleh tuntut tanah sekangkang kera tu pas nenek takde. so yg kami anak anak perempuan ni dpt ape???? nasib baikla jugak nenek ai tu agaknye die pun segan la kot sebab tanah arwah menantu pun takkan hadap jugak ke, so die siap2 dah lepaskan tanah tu n weols pun siap2 la tukar nama atas geran, ni pun belakang pengetahuan adik beradik arwah abah yg lain. ai pun taknak salahkan sistem faraid la.. tp bg ai la kan pakaila akal dan perikemanusian skit, ntah harta tu sendiri pun tak penah tgk tp main taram tuntut suka hati jah. pastu guna atas nama agama. sendiri cari harta malas

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Post time 1-11-2014 07:35 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hukum islam sudah cantik dan cukup sempurna...plg indah...tiada kata2 yg mampu menggambarkan...sungguhku bersyukur mnjadi seorang islam....

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Post time 1-11-2014 07:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
annehuda posted on 1-11-2014 07:34 PM
kes i lg complicated. abah ai meninggal tp mak die aka nenek ai hidup lg. so nk ikutkan tanah weol ...

Salah pemunya harta tak buat wasiat/hibah..salah disistem faraid atau salah yg menuntut?.

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Post time 1-11-2014 07:44 PM | Show all posts
patut la majlis fatwa kata SIS sesat...

ramai yg tak berakal berjaya disesatkan...


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Post time 1-11-2014 07:45 PM | Show all posts
annehuda posted on 1-11-2014 07:34 PM
kes i lg complicated. abah ai meninggal tp mak die aka nenek ai hidup lg. so nk ikutkan tanah weol ...

Nasib baik nenek ko tahu pikir. Tu yg tahu pikir klu jenis yg tak tahu pikir dah teraniaya korg adik beradik dek faraid punya pasal.

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Post time 1-11-2014 07:48 PM | Show all posts
Anak_Nogori posted on 1-11-2014 07:43 PM
Salah pemunya harta tak buat wasiat/hibah..salah disistem faraid atau salah yg menuntut?.

Tak payahlah duk belit, patutnya undang2 tu melindungi.

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Post time 1-11-2014 07:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lavalife posted on 1-11-2014 07:44 PM
patut la majlis fatwa kata SIS sesat...

ramai yg tak berakal berjaya disesatkan...

yep...patutnya dari dulu dah difatwakan sesat

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Post time 1-11-2014 07:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Orange1 posted on 1-11-2014 07:48 PM
Tak payahlah duk belit, patutnya undang2 tu melindungi.

Belit tang mana?...ITU soalan..

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Post time 1-11-2014 07:52 PM | Show all posts
Anak_Nogori posted on 1-11-2014 07:43 PM
Salah pemunya harta tak buat wasiat/hibah..salah disistem faraid atau salah yg menuntut?.

ginilah ye pakcik AN. patutnye sistem wasiat/hibah ni dipromote besar-besaran oleh mana2 badan agama rasmi kt malaysia ni. bkn dok promote kempen kutip zakat kutip zakat je. oh bab duit org agama ni cepat je tp bab2 mcm wasiat/hibah ni semua buat tak tau. alasan boleh belajar sendiri la konon. masih ramai lg la pakcik an kt malaysia ni yg tak tau nk cari sape nk buat wasiat or hibah ni. padahal benda ni lg penting kalau nk dibandingkan keje skodeng kapel bermaksiat. ai pun tak blame sistem faraid ni, sbb kalau dah mmg org lelaki melayu malaysia ni tamak dan pemalas cari harta what to do kan? ntah tanah sape2 pun ko nak kaut

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Post time 1-11-2014 07:54 PM | Show all posts
Orange1 posted on 1-11-2014 07:45 PM
Nasib baik nenek ko tahu pikir. Tu yg tahu pikir klu jenis yg tak tahu pikir dah teraniaya korg ad ...

sbb nenek aku tu perempuan. cubalah kalau yg hidup tu lelaki aku rasa die pun tak kisah kot tu tanah sape, tau ke tak mane lokasi die. asalkan ade geran udah.   FYI lelaki melayu malaysia ni mcm takde dignity, bab kawen sunat dan harta pusaka barulah nk tunjuk die pandai agama. time lain tak kisah pun

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Post time 1-11-2014 08:03 PM | Show all posts
Berhati2lah dgn golongan puak pelampau agama yg ala2 taliban n ISIS. Semoga kita semua tak terpedaya dgn kesesatan yg mereka bawa sehingga menghancurkan negara kita.

Ini press statement SIS tentang isu sesat.
Sumber: Website SIS
ess Statement

Sisters in Islam Challenges Fatwa on Liberalism and Pluralism
31 October 2014

Sisters in Islam (SIS) has filed a judicial review on a gazetted fatwa in Selangor declaring SIS as subscribing to “religious liberalism and pluralism”, and therefore deviating from the teachings of Islam. The fatwa allows for any publications deemed “liberal and plural” to be banned and seized. In addition, it calls for any form of social media that go against the “ajaran Islam dan hukum Syarak” to be blocked by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commissions (MCMC).

We view with grave concern the allegations made against us and question the basis for this fatwa.  Since 2003, SIS has served close to 10,000 Muslim women who turned to us for legal help to seek redress to their marital problems.  We have trained over 4,000 women on their legal rights through our popular legal literacy workshops. More than 90% of them stated that the knowledge provided by SIS has empowered them to know their rights in Islam. We teach women how to access the justice system for themselves and for their children, accompany them to court, and recommend lawyers to represent them. These thousands of women we have helped and trained have gone on to help others in their families and communities.

How could such activities that reflect the compassion and kindness of Islam and raise women’s awareness that there can be justice in Islam be pronounced “sesat and menyeleweng”.

In 2002, the former Director General of JAKIM, the late Tuan Haji Shahir Abdullah, asserted that SIS work was in fact a form of “ dakwah”.  The impact of SIS work has strengthened the faith of many Muslim women whose experience with their husbands and the religious authorities had led them to believe that Islam was unjust and discriminatory towards women.

It is disturbing that SIS was not informed nor were we called in to explain our work before the fatwa committee pronounced SIS as deviant. Neither does the fatwa contain any justification for its pronouncement. Nor does it explain what the terms “liberalism”, “pluralism” mean and what constitutes going against the “teachings of Islam and hukum Syarak”.

We came across the fatwa by chance while surfing JAKIM’s e-fatwa website on 20 October 2014.

We are challenging the fatwa on several constitutional grounds.

·       It clearly violates our fundamental right to freedom of expression, association and religion, as guaranteed by the Federal Constitution.

·       It trespasses federal powers as only Parliament  has the legislative authority to make laws restricting fundamental liberties.

·       It has no authority to direct  federal institutions like the Ministry of Home Affairs to ban and seize books and MCMC to block social media sites.

Malaysia is the only Muslim country that enables a fatwa to have the force of law through a mere gazetting process and then criminalises any violations of the fatwa. According to section 13 of the Syariah Criminal Offences (Selangor) Enactment 1995, any person who gives, propagates or disseminates any opinion concerning any issue, Islamic teachings or Islamic Law contrary to any fatwa for the time being in force can be fined up to RM3,000, or jailed for up to 2 years, or both. Any document or other medium [sic] may be seized and destroyed even without any conviction.

These excessive powers exercised by the religious authorities of Malaysia, with the complicity of the executive and legislative bodies are dragging the country down the road to theocratic dictatorship.The criminalisation of non-compliance to a fatwa deviates from Islamic legal theory and practice. A fatwa is merely an advisory opinion to guide Muslims to lead a life according to the teachings of Islam. It is not legally binding and it is optional for the individual to follow it, or seek another fatwa.

A salient principle of governance according to the Qur'an is shura, which requires those in authority to govern through consultations with the community. In Surah al-lmran, 3:159, Allah commanded Prophet Muhammad (saw) to consult the ummah on “all matters of public concern”. This was to a Prophet, so what more to subsequent generations of Muslims.

In Hadith literature, it has been reported that the Prophet (saw), in the context of both private and public affairs, solicited counsel from the Companions and at times gave them preference over his own views.

In Surah Mujadila (58:1) on disputation, the the right of an individual, a woman in this case, to argue her problem with the Prophet (saw) was recognised. If the ummah has the right to engage in debate with the Prophet, what more our right today to have differences of opinion and to raise our issues of concern.

A hadith quoted the Prophet (saw) as saying that "differences of opinion in my community are a blessing". It is only through such differences  and debate that one can strive to find the best opinion and the best solution to meet the public needs.

Sisters in Islam restates its position that if Islam is used as a source of law and public policy, then everyone has a right to engage in a debate on these matters.  Public law and policy must be open to public debate.  The objective of Islamic law is to ensure that justice is done and the public interest is served, and this can only be achieved through consultations and taking into consideration different points of view.

Sisters in Islam
31 October 2014


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Post time 1-11-2014 08:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
annehuda posted on 1-11-2014 07:52 PM
ginilah ye pakcik AN. patutnye sistem wasiat/hibah ni dipromote besar-besaran oleh mana2 badan aga ...

Jadi salah jabatan agamalah ye..

Saya ada 3 Anak perempuan sahaja..tidak ada anak lelaki...kami tak tahu pun pasal wasiat..hibah ni.

Tapi kami suami isteri amik tahu..kami pergi ke pejabat amanah rays utk mendapatkan maklumat..amanah raya ckp...Anak saya hanya dijamin 1/4 bgh saja..tapi baki 3/4 bgh lagi tu Anak saya akan DPT bgh mereka juga berdasarkan faraid...saya tak amik dulu.

Saya pergi jumpa peguam...peguam nilah beritahu pasal hibah serah harta semasa hidup...tapi yg terima hibah akan DPT 100% bgh selepas pewasiat ambil hibah ini utk menjamin Anak perempuan kami dapat semua bgh harta kami...tanpa faraid..

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Post time 1-11-2014 08:07 PM | Show all posts
Anak_Nogori posted on 1-11-2014 07:52 PM
Belit tang mana?...ITU soalan..

Belit tang mana? Soalan tu sendiri dah nak belit salahkan si mati pulak utk tutup kelemahan faraid. Kalau dah katanya lengkap n adil bagai klu ada mana2 si mati tak buat wasiat pun semua pihak patutnya otomatik terbela dgn hukum yg adil sgt tu.

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Post time 1-11-2014 08:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Anak_Nogori posted on 1-11-2014 08:05 PM
Jadi salah jabatan agamalah ye..

Saya ada 3 Anak perempuan sahaja..tidak ada anak lelaki...kami ...

Yup, amanah raya is one of the agency...i ingat semua dah maklum untuk khidmat nasihat.

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Post time 1-11-2014 08:11 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf posted on 1-11-2014 08:08 PM
Yup, amanah raya is one of the agency...i ingat semua dah maklum untuk khidmat nasihat.

Bab lain semua tahu..tapi bab amanah raya tak tahu...lepas tu salahkan agama..

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Post time 1-11-2014 08:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Hehe i nak tergelak baca pernyataan SIS tu , u all dah baca?

So, yup again ...sama taktik dan pendekatan, ambik petikan quran dan hadith dan interpret loosely  haha...

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Post time 1-11-2014 08:19 PM | Show all posts
Anak_Nogori posted on 1-11-2014 08:05 PM
Jadi salah jabatan agamalah ye..

Saya ada 3 Anak perempuan sahaja..tidak ada anak lelaki...kami ...

sebelum hibah menghibah....sila pastikan...pesan kat sutun pink tu..

segala hutang termasuk hutang p1wimax lunas...


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