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I am disappointed with your advertisement that I feel can be construed as an attempt to put off patients form seeking help from Physicians; I feel that your statements are misleading and even dangerous. As this is a formal forum, whereby actual people do take actual advice from what is forwarded, you should not propose any unregulated advice especially regarding medical conditions and treatment that is based on best practice. Dear forumers, for any poisoning cases, please go to the nearest emergency department.
You said 'Saya telah berkhidmat dalam ilmu perubatan selama 25 tahun..
Kes-kes keracunan secara amnya tidak dapat dipulihkan dengan perubatan modern
... Kebanyakan kes-kes tersebut telah di lepas tangan walaupun berbagai cara pemulihan telah dilakukan oleh pengamal perubatan... Ini bukan kerana kekurangan ilmu pakar perubatan atau pengamal tidak tahu mengubati keracunan tersebut..' I am disappointed that a Doctor actually said this.. you are a qualified doctor, aren't you? There are about 10 in this forum.
Dr AM Ipes, BMedSc (Hons) MB BCh BAO DipCVSMed MSc (Hons) MRCS AFRCS MRCP
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