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Pilihanraya Cartoon di Kuantan

21-5-2013 04:44 PM| Diterbitkan: admin6| Dilihat: 5572| Komen: 24

Description: Kuantan youth claims EC let him through to vote twice A 23-year-old youth from Kuantan has claimed that he was allowed to vote twice on polling day after he managed to wash off ...

Kuantan youth claims EC let him through to vote twice

A 23-year-old youth from Kuantan has claimed that he was allowed to vote twice on polling day after he managed to wash off the indelible ink on his index finger.

After obtaining the second ballot paper, however, Mohd Fadhli Khaharruddin decided not to cast the vote and instead lodged a police report over his successful attempt to breach the voting process.

Sinar Harian reported today that he had cast his vote about 10.30am at Sekolah Kebangsaan Sungai Isap on May 5.

"I went back to the same location about 1.15pm after washing off the ink. The (successful) attempt to vote twice proves that the polling system can still be manipulated although indelible ink was used (to identify those who had already voted)," he said.

"I used bleach and then soap to wash off the indelible ink, which came off easily, and went (to the polling station) again."

He said that he went through the same procedures up to the time he received the second set of ballot papers, but did not mark them.

According to the Sin Chew Daily version of this account, Mohd Fadhli walked out of the classroom with the ballot papers and complained to the police and the Election Commission (EC) officers on duty who then confiscated the ballot papers.

“Initially I wanted to keep the ballot papers to prove that there is a weakness in the election system. I then lodged a police report at 4.15pm,” he was quoted as saying.

He said the police have called him twice to record his statement.

Mohd Fadhli was speaking at a press conference along with Kuantan MP Fuziah Salleh (left), Tanjung Lumpur assemblyperson Rosli Abdul Jabbar, and PAS Legal and Human Rights Department legal adviser Mohd Aznel Azhar.

Fuziah - who is also a PKR vice-president - said such incidents may have occurred in other places as well.

"It would be better for the EC to hold the general election once more," she reportedly said.

‘Sounds like a cartoon show’

EC deputy chief Wan Omar Wan Ahmad however said the claim was illogical and that it sounds like a “cartoon show”.

He questioned the silence of all polling agents from different political parties when Mohd Fadhli attempted to vote the second time.

Mohd Fadhli can be arrested as his action has violated the law, he told Sin Chew Daily.

A Pakatan Rakyat polling agent named only as Norhani explained that she realised that Mohd Fadhli had already voted because his name had been cancelled on the electoral roll.

But she had remained silent as other polling agents and the EC officers did not react.

“I was afraid that I heard it wrong,” she explained.







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Quote kecimpret 21-5-2013 04:36 PM
masih tak percaya gak tak tau laaaaaaaaa

Quote perang_saudara 21-5-2013 04:36 PM
tu Ibrahim Ali pakai tudung ka?
Quote ifanonline 21-5-2013 04:38 PM
kecimpret posted on 21-5-2013 04:36 PM
masih tak percaya gak tak tau laaaaaaaaa
Mohd Fadhli can be arrested as his action has violated the law, he told Sin Chew Daily.
siap SPR ugut lagi tu...

Quote lizaliza 21-5-2013 04:41 PM
sapa yang karton la ni?
Quote DTECCONAN 21-5-2013 05:11 PM
SPR ni memang BANGANG la, isu dakwat kekal tu mati2 tak mengaku
Quote azharuchan 21-5-2013 05:24 PM
berani sungguh mamat itu...
Quote GalileO 21-5-2013 05:26 PM
...nama dah kena potong oleh ejen setiap wakil dan spr dalam list mengundi...boleh undi lagi ke???.....
Quote NAGAmerah 21-5-2013 05:28 PM
sgt x logik. tapi kalau betul pun nk tunjuk semua pihak bodo. dari SPR sampai la ke parti politik (x kira BN or PR). So macai PR lihatlah kebodohan Polling agent anda. sudah pasti polling agent tu di kalangan jentera sendiri.
Quote patt_sue 21-5-2013 05:28 PM
GalileO posted on 21-5-2013 05:26 PM
...nama dah kena potong oleh ejen setiap wakil dan spr dalam list mengundi...boleh undi lagi ke???.. ...

sebab PACA dia diam jaaa...

A Pakatan Rakyat polling agent named only as Norhani explained that she realised that Mohd Fadhli had already voted because his name had been cancelled on the electoral roll.

But she had remained silent as other polling agents and the EC officers did not react.

“I was afraid that I heard it wrong,” she explained.

Quote BlueHand 21-5-2013 05:31 PM
nampak sangat polling agent bodoh tak reti buat keje.. kayu betul
Quote amal12bh 21-5-2013 05:32 PM
da ada 3 saksi pun masih ragu2 lagi..nampak sgt bersubahat...
Quote tebuanharimau 21-5-2013 05:35 PM
SPR mana nak ngaku salah
Quote petola 21-5-2013 05:38 PM
isunya juga kenapa spr bagi lagi kertas undi...
sebab jari dia bersih?
Quote rosemiy 22-5-2013 01:15 PM
untung la PR sah2 org dia ni yg vote 2x wonder la menang majoriti dasat...kartoon sangat...gila bosan..balik modal sama je PR ni...haih..
Quote Bell 22-5-2013 01:32 PM
Nampak sgt tak logik.

1) Agen parti-aprti politik jadi tunggul kayu.
2) Pengundi tak masukkan kertas undi ke dlm kotak selepas pergi ke cubicle tempat memangkah. Dia simply berjalan ke luar selepas pergi ke cubicle???

BTW, Kuantan PKR - Fuziah Saleh menang. So no issue for PR.
Quote batmana 22-5-2013 01:37 PM
dia nk jadi hacker ke?
cari vulnerability sistem...
Quote green_life26 22-5-2013 01:46 PM
SPR de best!!!
Quote PerKasa 22-5-2013 01:58 PM
GalileO posted on 21-5-2013 05:26 PM
...nama dah kena potong oleh ejen setiap wakil dan spr dalam list mengundi...boleh undi lagi ke???.. ...

memang dah potong tapi dia padamkan dengan tiolet tissue
saja je mamat di telah di byar nasi sebungkus oleh Dapig

Quote dysyah 22-5-2013 04:09 PM
adakah SPR dikuasai...sume boleh asalkan menang

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