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US government admitted that marijuana kills cancer cells
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Edited by ipes2 at 23-10-2018 02:06 AM
..but not in the way that medically we would like it to be. I would like to remind you, that if take a handful of cancer cells and pour acid onto them, those cancer cells will die too . You will have to understand the usage of medicines and the meaning of research.
You will also understand i hope, that if you shoot (editted from 'should') the patient, then his cancer will die with him |
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kacau betul shalola nih.. |
ipes2 replied at 11-9-2016 11:21 PM
..but not in the way that medically we would like it to be. I would like to remind you, that if take ...
Should, or shoot? |
well-spotted AJ
it was meant to be shoot.
I will edit now
there are well-researched data out there
however, the well-establsihed effects of current conventional chemotherapeutic regimes far outweigh the still limited outcome of cannabis-based treatment
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Edited by ipes2 at 21-2-2021 08:40 PM
At the moment, there are already several drugs made on the basis of marijuana, the effectiveness of which has been proven. Previously, I also used this drug to treat pain from arthritis. Recently, I learned from a friend about kratom, which can better help me cope with pain. But I didn't know where the ----- ---- ----- was near home and I found out that you can just order it home. I am very happy with the results of using this natural supplement, which also helped to improve my immunity and performance. By the way, I would be interested to read about how kratom helped you.
your reply contained hidden link to an outlawed substance. i have disabled your account and have forwarded your email to the internet security watchdog that monitors illegal or illicit drugs activities online. you might be contacted by its operatives for further information on your link to this activities.
SMod for Health Board
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Edited by seribulan at 12-2-2021 02:29 AM
Does burnt food give you cancer?In 'Perspectives'
“If you’re offered a plate of blackened barbecue food this summer, you might think twice about eating it. It’s commonly thought that food that has been burnt could cause cancer.”
This is in part down to one particular molecule that forms when food is cooked at high temperatures, known as acrylamide. But while the chemical is a known potential toxin and carcinogen in its industrial form, the link between consuming it in food and developing cancer is much less clear. The reason we even know about acrylamide’s potential dangers are down to a railway tunnel. Nearly 20 years ago, workers were building a tunnel through the Hallandsås ridge on the Bjäre peninsula in southern Sweden. Cows nearby started to show strange symptoms, staggering around and in some cases collapsing and dying. This prompted an investigation that showed that they had been drinking contaminated stream water and that the contamination was from a toxic molecule, acrylamide. The construction workers had been using its polymer, polyacrylamide, as a crack sealant. This was, in itself, quite safe. But the polymer-forming reaction was incomplete, so some unreacted acrylamide was still present. The workers were tested to see if they also had unsafe levels of acrylamide in their blood, with a second “control” group of people who had no known exposure to industrial acrylamide used as a benchmark. However, it turned out that the control group also had surprisingly high amounts of acrylamide in their blood. At first it was thought that burgers might be the source. Then high levels of acrylamide were found in potato products such as fried potatoes, as well as in coffee. It then became clear that acrylamide formation was associated with carbohydrate-rich foods, rather than protein-rich ones, and with foods that had been heated above 120°C (250°F), that is food that has been fried, roasted or baked. This was a new discovery, but acrylamide must always have been formed in this style of cooking, ever since cooking was invented. Acrylamide is formed in reactions between the natural amino-acid asparagine and some (naturally-occurring) carbohydrates. You don’t find acrylamide in uncooked or boiled food. Dairy, meat or fish products are much less likely to contain acrylamide. It doesn’t matter whether the food is “organic” or not, it’s the type of food that counts. Acrylamide is also formed when smoking tobacco. A “golden rule” has been suggested: cook food until it goes yellow, not brown or black. This restricts acrylamide formation, though if you cook at too low a temperature you are less likely to kill off bacteria, so there is more risk of food poisoning. While scientists have identified the source of acrylamide, they haven’t established that it is definitely a carcinogen in humans when consumed at the levels typically found in cooked food. A 2015 review of available data concluded that “dietary acrylamide is not related to the risk of most common cancers”. Although, it added that a modest association for kidney cancer, and for endometrial and ovarian cancers in people who had never smoked, couldn’t be ruled out. Meaty concerns Going back to the barbecue, there are other chemicals in meat that could be a concern. These generally fall into two classes: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs – compounds with several hexagonal “benzene rings” fused together) such as naphthalene and benzopyrene; and heterocyclic amines (HCAs). The PAHs are formed from meat fat and juices dripping onto flames in cooking, and HCAs are generated, again in cooking, from reactions between molecules including amino-acids and sugars. Animal testing has shown exposure to high levels of chemicals such as these is linked with cancer, but these are levels of exposure much higher than humans would get from eating meat. Some studies do appear to have shown that meat that has been burned, fried or barbecued is associated with higher possibilities of certain cancers, but these links are hard to prove for certain. If you are really concerned, you could reduce exposure risks by cooking in a microwave rather than over naked flames, and turning meat regularly. You could also eat less meat or replace the meat with vegetables when grilling. Of course, your food may not be as tasty, since grilling, baking or toasting produce a lot of molecules that enhance flavour. But if you have a healthy diet with lots of fruit, vegetables and whole grain food, none of which contain acrylamide, things are easier. It is all a question of proportion.
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there is a clear link of barbecued meat-based food ie charred meat consumption and the development of colorectal cancer. boleh makan berpada2 sahaja walaupun ianya sangat enak
thank you doc...and the thumb |
sesama dan terima kasih juga upload that piece pasal bbq dan meat and acrylamide tu
moga bermanafaat
ipes2 replied at 21-2-2021 08:42 PM
there is a clear link of barbecued meat-based food ie charred meat consumption and the development ...
definitely barbecued meat and potato pie is berbeza. Yup berpada pada makan burnt food ni esp meat.. plus pahit so xlah sedap. |
No aunt by marriage died of lung cancer...and someone dear got ovary & rahim cancer...thanks for thumbs
More on cancer
Bekas vokalis Samsons, Bams baru-baru ini mendedahkan dirinya didiagnosis dengan dua jenis kanser.
Malah, katanya kanser kulit dan otot yang dihidapinya sejak 2020 itu sangat jarang menyerang manusia.
Kredit foto: IG
"Saya disahkan kena kanser pada tahun 2020 dan saat itu pandemik Covid-19 sudah melanda dunia.
"Bayangkan, saat negara dilanda pandemik, saya kena dua jenis kanser yang menurut doktor sangat jarang menyerang manusia dan perlu menjalani pembedahan.
"Mental saya down sebab sehari dimasukkan ke hospital, saya dapat khabar perniagaan yang dijalankan kena tutup kerana tidak mampu bertahan dalam suasana pandemik," ujarnya.
Menurut Gempak yang memetik, Bams berkata demikian ketika menjadi tetamu Daniel Mananta di saluran YouTubenya pada Khamis.
Lebih mengejutkan apabila Bams mendedahkan salah satu punca diserang kanser itu kerana menjalani rutin hidup sihat termasuk terlalu memaksa diri bersenam.
"Dulu berat badan saya pernah mencapai 100 kilogram, pernah obes. Selain mengamalkan diet yang salah, saya push diri bersenam dan ia menyebabkan saya diserang kanser," katanya.
Kredit foto: IG
Dedahnya lagi, penyakit itu turut dirahsiakan daripada keluarga ketika mula-mula didiagnosis. Hanya isteri, Mikhavita Wijaya dan orang terdekat tmengetahuinya.
Bagaimanapun, Bams meminta orang ramai tidak merisaukan dirinya kerana kini keadaan kesihatannya jauh lebih baik ditambah pula dorongan dan semangat diberikan keluarganya selain menjalani beberapa siri perubatan
Thailand mahu promosi kegunaan ganja dalam makanan, kosmetik ... am-makanan-kosmetik
Artikel ini disiarkan pada : Isnin, 15 Mac 2021 @ 11:23 AM
Bangkok: Thailand berhasrat untuk mempromosikan penggunaan ganja dalam makanan dan kosmetik dalam usahanya untuk menarik pelancong asing.
Media sebelum ini melaporkan Kementerian Kesihatan dan Kementerian Pendidikan negara itu menandatangani perjanjian untuk memperkenal latihan dan kaedah untuk menghasilkan makanan dan produk daripada ganja.
Thailand menjadi antara negara pertama di Asia yang membenarkan penggunaan ganja perubatan pada 2019.
Ia sekali gus melonggarkan peraturan bagi membenarkan penggunaannya dalam tekstil, produk kosmetik herba dan produk makanan.
Bangkok Post sebelum ini melaporkan pihak yang mahu mengeluarkan, menjual atau memiliki ganja di Thailand boleh mendaftar untuk berbuat demikian mulai 29 Januari lalu.
Selain itu, pihak berkuasa berhasrat untuk mengeluarkan ganja daripada senarai bahan terlarang.
Pentadbiran Makanan dan Ubat-ubatan (FDA) Thailand sebelum ini menyatakan bahawa daun, akar dan batang tumbuhan itu, antara yang akan dikeluarkan dari senarai bahan terlarang Jenis 5.
Bagaimanapun, kelonggaran itu tidak akan terpakai pada biji benih dan bunga tumbuhan itu yang mempunyai kandungan dadah yang tinggi.
Selain itu, individu tidak dibenarkan untuk menanam ganja.
Mulai 29 Januari, individu, entiti dibenarkan, pejabat kerajaan dan syarikat komuniti dibenarkan untuk mendaftar penggunaan bahagian ganja yang dibenarkan untuk digunakan dalam perubatan, tekstil, farmaseutikal dan industri kosmetik.
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Best Ultrasound Scan Centre in KL & Malaysia
Thanks to the founder, Dato Vanessa, who was embarking on trips with her best friend who was expecting at the time, realized that ultrasound centres had facilities and waiting times that were far too long and strenuous.
She soon realised that many others shared similar sentiments as her. The market, especially where parents-to-be, did not address their concerns therefore, they were hoping for a smoother experience in hospitals as part of their pregnancy journey.
Determined to “do something for moms-to-be”, Dato Vanessa wanted to change the perception that ultrasound centers are cumbersome and while also working to improve the overall experience for ultrasound patients.
Having identified this market opportunity, she went on a conquest to transform the ultrasound experience by establishing the brand armed with goodwill and passion— building the largest premium ultrasound centre in Malaysia (6,000 square feet). which is also the first comprehensive ultrasound centre (pre- & post-natal) of its kind in Malaysia.
To innovate the ultrasound industry by creating a top-class healthcare experience.
This includes but is not limited to advanced medical technology for sonography, nutritious lounge bar setup and photography services for conceiving mothers.
To be the leading healthcare service provider that specialises in offering innovative ultrasound/diagnostic imaging solutions, through a personalised experience.
Core Values
● Pledge to Our Customers.
● Respect.
● Compassion.
● Innovation.
● Integrity.
Thus, Blessono was born.
The name “Blessono” stems from the word “bless” that connotes “life” in general which comes as a blessing and coupled with the word “sonno” for “sonography”— reaffirming Blessono as one of the most sought-after ultrasound centres in the country with unrivalled and unique experiences
2D Growth Scan: This is the conventional and most traditional form of scan during pregnancy.
During the growth scan we will take measurements of your baby’s head, tummy and leg.
From this we can determine an approximate weight of your baby and compare measurements
with gestational averages to give you a clear indication of your baby’s progress.
2D detail Scan
2D DETAIL SCAN : This is the most common and traditional type of scan during pregnancy
This produces a black and white image that shows your baby's skeletal make-up and internal organs
3D/4D Scan
3D/4D Scan is a sophisticated method that captures a true, three-dimensional image of your baby,
allowing you to see specific facial features and well-defined formation. Baby will be yellow/tan in colour.
5D Scan
5D Scan is an exciting new technology that allows you to see your baby in a realistic view,
also known as the flesh tone look. This will display the baby in a reddish/pinkish colour,
as if you were viewing the baby inside the womb.
6D Scan
6D Scan uses a virtual light source, a digital flashlight, to highlight the reflection in order
to create a deeper and more refined image; however, it does not emit actual light.
Our Website:
Blessono Premium Ultrasound Centre
Wholly Owned by Medi Safetest Sdn Bhd (1371037-P)
Level 3, 122 Jalan Maarof, Bangsar,
59000 Kuala Lumpur
+603-2201 5956
#2D Growth Scan, 2D detail Scan, 3D/4D Scan, 5D Scan, 6D Scan, VR Scan
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