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Bourne - Identity, Supremacy + Ultimatum

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Post time 26-5-2004 01:24 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
okay thread ini saya buatkan khas untuk sesiapa yg sudi kongsi apa apa pun pasal citer film ni

sapa yg dah nonton?
apa pendapat?
apa yg menarik

apa yg saya menarik dgn cerita ini ialah

watak mmg based on the novel  and i have read those espionage thriller berkaitan ini. The supremacy, ultimatum.

tapi oleh kerana suasana dunia yg berlianan ketika novel ini dituls kita masih dlm Cold war samuel huntington belum tulis lagi buku dia.
maka bila difilemkan ia terpaksa melalui beberapa pengubahsuian - dlm filem pertama THE BOURNE IDENTITY - the late / mendiang R. Ludlum  jadi
sort of non-exec producer

dan menurut Doug Liman  yg juga pengarah satu filem ( yg saya dah tak ingat  pun)  kata ttg sequel The BOURNE IDENTITY ni
iaitu the BOURNE SUPREMACY - well teruk lah juga kalau nak based 100% or even 20 percent >> ini saya  punya ayatlah<<< dari novel asal.. dan sebelum ini beliau pernah dinasihatkan supaya tak buat citer Ludlums sbb it 's too complicated.
saya akur benar..
but imagination jugak kita sandarkan akhirnya.

lagi satu ttg pengarahnya Doug liman - sapa ayahnya dan mengapa  dia biat filem ttg risikan yg saya suka..sbb bapanya juga kasi sedikit feedback about the world of espionage ni..bapak dia somebody kat  congress US.

dan MAtt Damon sebagai Bourne he got the quality, wit and ..ntah it is just him

dan juga beberapa scenery yg saya suka  jln cerita well itu kena tengok preview lah sbbi am no expert  in this ..tapi ia dikritik hebat oleh para psychologist and neurologist  haha sbb deap kata it is impossible to be a multuliguist and able to converse well but forgot who  you are after being shot ...( ini babak pertama dlm filem tu)
the language yes..

and that  GERMAN LAss - run lola run ..pandai ..jiwai wataknya..

okay  the sequel akan datang  di odeon  ( ini US lah kot ) in summer ker  or Sep ...

so sesiapa nak kasi more info..

anada  dipersilakan....

[ Last edited by  fly_in_d_sky at 27-10-2007 02:56 PM ]

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Post time 26-5-2004 10:27 AM | Show all posts
tak tgk filem  ni ... kalau GAIA ada maybe dia leh bg pandangan bernas or maybe BJ ker ..

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Post time 26-5-2004 11:08 AM | Show all posts
kite dah tengok, dan kite suka citer ni...walaupun ini first time tengok Matt Damon dalam action movie, but he's pretty believable...

err, nanti kite komen lagi pasal citer ni...nak ingatkan dulu babak2 yg menarik...

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Post time 26-5-2004 06:15 PM | Show all posts
I enjoyed the first movie. Walaupun movie ni based on a novel, banyak benda yang ditukar. Understandable la. Carlos the Jackal waktu tu pun dah mati so cerita dia dah tak relevan. The movie still guna premis yg sama, iaitu pembunuh upahan yg hilang ingatan, tapi itu je laa..I enjoyed both of it. And Matt Damon is good. Ni la first time i tgk dia berlakon..Not bad. Action sequence pon best, especially scene kejar mengejar ngan polis kat Paris(?). Itu la untungnyer keta kecik. Senang mencelah.

Lepas tu I baca buku dia. Pada pandangan I la, sepatutnyer watak bourne tu patut nyer carik org yg lagi tua, sebab bourne ni memang assassin yg terhandal. Cam tak logik lak muda2 dah terror giloss. Tapi tu sumer small matter.

Actually, sebelum ni dah ada movie Bourne Identity. Two part movie, heronyer Richard Chamberlain. This version memang follow very closely to the book. All together 3 jam, so banyak la cerita yang buleh disumbatkan. FOr more info click here

Sekarang tgh baca bourne supremacy. Not sure how much yg diaorg ikut dlm buku ni. Bukan ker Karl Urban (Eomer) pun berlakon sama ker. Jadi org jahat ler kot.

Can't wait for the next movie...WOOhoooo :clap: :clap:

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Post time 27-5-2004 01:56 AM | Show all posts
Yang pertama BEST! yang kedua (this summer) rasanya pun best. Kejar mengejar, tembak menembak dan pelakun yang sama

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 Author| Post time 27-5-2004 01:58 AM | Show all posts

salam and thanks

tq for your response..
yes as for Ludlums readers they were quite dissapointed since the storyline is not the same as in the novel..but i think if they were to go by the book it'll be too complicated..really..that's just in Bourne Identity about the other two sequels , right???

but heyy.. the name remember THREADSTONE 71 ..( yeah ring a bell right?/)

suppose Franka Potente is Marie St jaques?

like that scene in Bourne Apartments...why why that guy jump off the balcony - just look at the expression of fAnka potente..mArie real man..
and the puke - throw up - it 's actually the cornflakes + lot s and lots lots of sugar...ahhaah they actually behind the scene like those  meal..ahahahha..

p/s: i had watched for uh about 8 times in...

[ Last edited by mbhcsf on 27-5-2004 at 02:02 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 27-5-2004 03:38 AM | Show all posts

salam Okay Darsita..

boleh kasi feedback kat saner?? the reviews heard it is gonna be released on 24 July ...
i lurve thsi film i dunno why
the thrill may be and it deals with espionage niyg i seronok nih
you learnt alot about thsi world of espionage when reading  ludlums....

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Post time 27-5-2004 06:32 PM | Show all posts
lama sgt dah aku nengok cite nih kat cinema...
tak bape ingat tapi yg aku tau ok gak laa..cuma memula tuh cam kompius...
dan seingat aku dia nih sebeno nya ejen cia gaks kan?

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Post time 29-5-2004 06:41 PM | Show all posts
dah tengok jg....
tp belum baca buku nya....

film -- biasa jer kot... sbb masa tengok tu ...rasa cam dah tengok jer plot nin...

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 Author| Post time 29-5-2004 08:17 PM | Show all posts

okay thanks all..

any one..
apa yg saya masih remember ialah apabila the director himself Doug Lima cakap he actually recruited the cameramen from Europe not The Americans
kenapa ..ini ada saling kaitan dengan seni ?? teknik? sinematografi yg  beliau cakap yg saya tak faham apa satu pun...

oh ya ..

dlm filem sequelnya ini watak Nicky - Julia Sytles yg main? kenalkan julia Styles? O??/??? the 10 things i like about you..??

akan diberi watak yg lebih besar



hmm adakah bermakna she is alive at the last part of the film??

and did the hitman have got the wrong person ...ingat tak Concklin ditembak kan semasa dia berjalan di pavement....


" i want Bourne in the body bag by morning"...ahaksss....

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 Author| Post time 29-5-2004 08:21 PM | Show all posts

hm hai Gorgonz-----

Originally posted by gorgonz at 2004-5-29 18:41:
dah tengok jg....
tp belum baca buku nya....

film -- biasa jer kot... sbb masa tengok tu ...rasa cam dah tengok jer plot nin...

well filem ini mmg namapk " biasa" ..tapi kan thsi guy is smart....dia tak panic bila embassy tu kena havoc pasal dia..dia cool... dia ambil pelan exit  route and dia terus ke atas dia ambil alat komunikasi ? what's that call ?? and dia terus berjalan...

itulah yg menyebabakan Matt Damon ambil this i film..
and Matt damon ni dia memilih sikit filem nya ..antara  semua filem lakonannya apa yg dia kesalkan ialah filem  all the pretty horses and the ....bagger vance it..???
tolong semak..

dan jika if yo had time baca buku dia ..then you could perhaps somehow relate...and ..just enjoy the storyline...


bless you..

[ Last edited by mbhcsf on 29-5-2004 at 08:22 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 29-5-2004 08:24 PM | Show all posts

and one more thing..

Originally posted by animagusblack at 2004-5-26 18:15:
I enjoyed the first movie. Walaupun movie ni based on a novel, banyak benda yang ditukar. Understandable la. Carlos the Jackal waktu tu pun dah mati so cerita dia dah tak relevan. The movie still g ...

di you notice that Ludlums actually wrote something about The SUltan Of Kedah as one of the lecture topic given by Jason Bourne - aka David Webb?? ..does this ring a bell....somehow?

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Post time 1-6-2004 12:13 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 29-5-2004 20:24:

di you notice that Ludlums actually wrote something about The SUltan Of Kedah as one of the lecture topic given by Jason Bourne - aka David Webb?? ..does this ring a bell....somehow?

Really? Then I must reread the book. The book is so detailed, sometimes it's hard to remember all of them. Tapi make sense la..sebab Bourne ni pernah bertugas kat South East Asia.


watak Nicky - Julia Sytles

So hidup lagi ker perempuan ni. Sabar je la..ingatkan dah kojol dibunuh dek bos dia


and did the hitman have got the wrong person ...ingat tak Concklin ditembak kan semasa dia berjalan di pavement

I think memang diaorg nak bunuh Concklin la..Sebab order ni dtgnyer dari some big politician people yg ambil alih fail Threadstone nih. Kiranye Concklin ni gagal dalam mission dia la..he failed to kill Bourne, so he's out.

mbhcsf, do you have the DVD? Lucky you!!!

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Post time 2-6-2004 10:03 AM | Show all posts
aku dah tgk citer ni. tapi dah lupa la  plk macama mana jalan citernya. apapun tak sabar nak tunggu bourne supremacy.nak tgk sambungannya.

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 Author| Post time 4-6-2004 02:21 AM | Show all posts


no i did have the pirated VCD...
masa i balik Uk tak sempat nak beli dvd dierr..

yes ..


" you asked me a direct question?'

" you never asked this question i before"

you never did a mistake before......

David webb

a Siamese wife ???hmm....hehheehe

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 Author| Post time 4-6-2004 02:22 AM | Show all posts


just call be need those letter s lah mbhcsf..hhehehcian..

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aida_ikmal This user has been deleted
Post time 4-6-2004 02:36 AM | Show all posts
there is gonna be a sambungan for this movie rite.. the bourne..? entah lah..

[ Last edited by aida_ikmal on 4-6-2004 at 02:37 AM ]

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Post time 4-6-2004 01:05 PM | Show all posts
a Siamese wife ???hmm....hehheehe

Siamese? Bukan Vietnamese kaaa...confiusss...:lol

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 Author| Post time 5-6-2004 03:52 PM | Show all posts


opps whoopsy daisy

eh dengar kata the shooting untuk the bourne supremacy ni kat India..kat maner lagi yer...???

tapikan kalau ikut buku
haiyaa mampus lorr
semua hong kong...

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 Author| Post time 5-6-2004 03:55 PM | Show all posts


Originally posted by aida_ikmal at 2004-6-4 02:36:
there is gonna be a sambungan for this movie rite.. the bourne..? entah lah..

[ Last edited by aida_ikmal on 4-6-2004 at 02:37 AM ]

yep entitled Bourne Supremacy
dan with different team of pengarah

kenapa agaknya different pengarah
adakah ini  untuk quality ? atau untuk menghasilkan filem yg lebih baik dari the Identity sbb saya rasa new team ofdirectors ni will surely have freash new outlook ideas and touch
but the main question is will they ever  get the " feel' of the actual pengarah  yg mengarah yg mengarahkan the BOURNE IDENTITY??/??

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