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[2018] SERENITY (Matthew McConaughey & Anne Hathaway)

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Post time 8-6-2018 03:58 PM | Show all posts |Read mode

From the creative mind of Oscar nominee Steven Knight comes a daringly original, sexy, stylized thriller. Baker Dill (Academy Award winner Matthew McConaughey) is a fishing boat captain leading tours off a tranquil, tropical enclave called Plymouth Island. His quiet life is shattered, however, when his ex-wife Karen (Academy Award winner Anne Hathaway) tracks him down with a desperate plea for help. She begs Dill to save her – and their young son – from her new, violent husband (Jason Clarke) by taking him out to sea on a fishing excursion, only to throw him to the sharks and leave him for dead. Karen’s appearance thrusts Dill back into a life he’d tried to forget, and as he struggles between right and wrong, his world is plunged into a new reality that may not be all that it seems.

Starring: Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jason Clarke, Djimon Hounsou, Jeremy Strong, Diane Lane

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 Author| Post time 8-6-2018 03:58 PM | Show all posts

A Neo-noir thriller-drama film reunite with 2 great stars fm Interstellar

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Post time 8-6-2018 05:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
October will be a great month..two great movies!

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Post time 8-6-2018 06:11 PM | Show all posts
Can't wait!

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Post time 9-6-2018 01:30 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mamat ni kalau belakon memang wajib tengok. Performance dia dlm movie interstellar masih terbayang dimata melekat dihati umpama cinta pertama

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Post time 10-6-2018 01:27 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
X lawa Anne hathaway klu rambut blonde

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Post time 10-6-2018 08:55 PM | Show all posts
mcm menarik je...

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 Author| Post time 12-6-2018 08:48 PM | Show all posts
Victorioussss replied at 9-6-2018 01:30 AM
Mamat ni kalau belakon memang wajib tengok. Performance dia dlm movie interstellar masih terbayang d ...

yup ai terkesan too watak matthew in interstellar, so heroic saving the earth being a son & a father part sedih tuh sooo menyusuk kalbu

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 Author| Post time 23-2-2019 02:09 PM | Show all posts
Crita nih dah released online, banyak mixed reviews.

Nak rewatch again cause tak expected the plot twist

Matthew McConaughey  bnyk shirtless & bottomless scene....gosh

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Post time 1-3-2019 04:59 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dah tengok. tapi tak faham. si john tu dah mati ke sebenarnya. sebab perang kat Iraq kan?

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Post time 1-3-2019 08:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
baca review kat reddit.. very twisty, benda buka realiti?

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Post time 2-3-2019 12:08 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
tu lah. tak faham. si anne hathway dengan suami baru dia tu takde lah kawin pun. hubby baru kerja construction je. so siapa2 dah tgk boleh terangkan sikit

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Post time 3-3-2019 01:08 PM | Show all posts
SY_Mumi replied at 23-2-2019 02:09 PM
Crita nih dah released online, banyak mixed reviews.

Nak rewatch again cause tak expected the plo ...

tu kan aset2 MM..harusla dijadikan money shot filem ni

dh bleh tgk online u all...HD version...

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 Author| Post time 3-3-2019 09:28 PM | Show all posts
British Director  / Writer Steven Knight nih notable for the following;

Dirty Pretty Little Things (2002)
Redemption - Jason Statham (2013)
Locke - Tom Hardy (2013)
Allied - Brad Pitt (2016)

ScreenPlay ; Eastern Promises (2007), Pawn Sacrifice (2014), Burnt (2015)

Group of Creators for Taboo & Perky Blinders TV Series

So now Serenity with Matthew McConaughey

My usual drawn to watch a movie / story; firstly pelakon then who is the director

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Post time 3-3-2019 09:42 PM | Show all posts
hanakikan replied at 1-3-2019 04:59 AM
dah tengok. tapi tak faham. si john tu dah mati ke sebenarnya. sebab perang kat Iraq kan?

Yes...i was thinking the same too..

Actually movie ni menarik sgt pd manja...sbb ade twist tu la...ala2...Black Mirror/Twilight Zone vibes...ade jgk terasa mcm Truman Show..??

Mula2...mmg mcm thriller crime genre...dah separuh jalan...ttiber jadi Black Mirror...Wow!...mmg manja x expect..sbb dlm summary pun x sebut psl ni...rupenye genre Neo-noir... this approach mmg something refreshing..i like..

For me..Kisah John atas Plymouth an alternate reality aka versi game/alam maya..yg Patrick sendiri cipta sbb die ade talent dlm IT a game programmer..His like a young...genius..or something like that.. kata cikgu die kan?

Ini la cara Patrick facing his grief of losing his father in the Iraq war..& at the same time hadap mak & bapak tiri die..yg abusive tu..

The phrase alternate reality often serves as a synonym for a parallel universe. It may also refer to: Alternate universe (fan fiction), fiction by fan authors that deliberately alters facts of the canonical universe they are writing about.

U all pernah tgk filem / bc novel Secret Garden x?...Serupa kisah Burnette (author)..die mmg ade kehilangan anak die in real dlm kisah Secret Garden budak laki2 yg sakit itu akhirnye hidup..x for her it's fictional happy ending..Burnette jgk struggle dgn depression...

Dari aspek pscyhology mmg digalakkan utk kite meluahkan all of our pain, grief, anger, sadness dlm bentuk2 karya seni...mcm lagu, lukisan, a way of therapy when facing traumatic events in our lives..rather than pendam dlm hati..cause this will only create toxins in our body...

Anyway harap manja x melalut jauh..dari topik..

I give this movie a 7/10....


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 Author| Post time 3-3-2019 10:46 PM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 3-3-2019 09:42 PM
Yes...i was thinking the same too..

Actually movie ni menarik sgt pd manja...sbb ade twist tu l ...

yes girl u nailed it. ai pon pening nak tulis the summary.

but my understanding it's also abt a boy who suffered traumatic childhood as the mum new husband is an abuser.
his late father, the main protagonist died during Iraq war.

bila tengok semua character yg sama & tempat yg sama je dah rasa lain macam. and u wonder why Baker Dill kept being indecisive abt his fishing goals.
plus character salesman tuh is very weird.
end up it's a game creation by the boy.

very noir kind but not too dark. just Abit of deep thrilled for the mind.


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Post time 4-3-2019 12:00 PM | Show all posts
SY_Mumi replied at 3-3-2019 10:46 PM
yes girl u nailed it. ai pon pening nak tulis the summary.

but my understanding it's also abt  ...

kan u?..
i just x phm why ratings sgt rendah utk filem ni...bukan ke skrg is the IN thing..utk genre2 neo-noir ala2 black mirror lebih diterima penonton dari dekad 80an..dulu ??

i thought westerners la lagi open minded & minat with this kind of plot...but NO??...pelik

i rs i phm why ujung2 tu John makin tertekan nak bunuh ke x bunuh hubby Anne...sbb tu sebenarnye...Patrick...Patrick la yg tgh fight with his own self sama ada nak bunuh ke x bapak tiri psycho die tu..die cube nak restrain..his resentment..anger keep telling himself his a good person..aka John..

last2..x bleh tahan..and did the killing..cume i x phm..why just skali stab ke?? Slalunye dlm kes2 crime yg penuh dendam least 37 times..not just ONECE??...mungkin that was his first he was shocked nampak darah ape maybe thats' why kot..

u ade terasa mcm Westworld skit2 x?...menarik kan?...ttiber John..having a mental/emotional breakdown..paranoid...try to get answers from everyone tp org semua buat bodoh je...keep telling him he needs to see a Dr...Dr Bob..uhuhuhu..


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 Author| Post time 7-3-2019 09:35 PM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 4-3-2019 12:00 PM
kan u?..
i just x phm why ratings sgt rendah utk filem ni...bukan ke skrg is the IN thing..utk ge ...

actually kan what make fans or audience disappointed with this film is probably becoz of the genre classification. it seem all wrong.
the storyline & plots is there but comes to the twist ending, that is why most people get shocked.
it supposed to be film noir. but suddenly become sci-fi fiction?? like err

but for some audience who can accept something new, we will digest. tapi for films, critics maybe they are particular.
worse for people yg tak suka film yg bnyk fikir, trust won't like the movie at all.
see 'Arrival' (2016) mixed reviews. some praise, some criticize it.

hmm Black mirror or Westworld theme, i don't think the director / writer reached that field yet.

i put example crita 'BirdMan' (2014) or Abit of 'Truman Show' (1998)
real world but not seems so real, can't tell which one

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Post time 8-3-2019 10:18 AM | Show all posts
Edited by manjalara_01 at 9-3-2019 10:10 AM
SY_Mumi replied at 7-3-2019 09:35 PM
actually kan what make fans or audience disappointed with this film is probably becoz of the genre ...

i see ok that makes sense..
bukan org je yg gender pun dah jadi genre fluid jgk ..oh so disappointing for them..
tp for me the neo in neo-noir is the sci-fi means new kan?..

U dah tgk ke Arrival??..walaupun i minat jgk genre Arrival is not for me la...i just don't care about that movie..

yaa..Truman Show ade kan?..i like...Well for me it's not the main the main element..west world tu ade..dari 2 aspek
1- Kekeliruan watak John..serupe watak Delores...
2- The Fishing Game is a creation of Patrick...The West World Theme Park is a creation of Dr Robert (Anthony Hopkins)...bezanye 1 game dlm bentuk virtual reality..lg 1...3 D..(ok i might not be accurate about West World Theme Park ni harap u bleh can help me here..hehehe)

talking about games kan u dah habis tgk Bandersnatch x?..u phm x episode tu?..nnt bleh la kite bincang kat thread BM...

u all yg minat cite ni bleh la jenguk kat thread Black Mirror yea...all is welcome

Black Mirror


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 Author| Post time 9-3-2019 01:06 AM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 8-3-2019 10:18 AM
i see ok that makes sense..
bukan org je yg gender pun dah jadi genre fluid jgk :lo ...

What makes a movie neo noir?

It meant dark movie, indicating a sense of something sinister andshadowy, but also expressing a style of cinematography. The film noirgenre includes stylish Hollywood crime dramas, often with a twisted dark wit. Neo-noirhas a similar style but with updated themes, content, style, visual elements ormedia

Usually cerita yg ada storyline drama and with include of jenayah,pembunuhan.

Some films listing, might not be really accurate. Cause it depens onindividual who perceive and view it.

okla kita masing2 ada different views. but why ai tak linked withWestWorld, cause indeed WW is a series. But come to the next few episodes, thestoryline move on telling the audience there is 2 different world. The virtueplayer and the creator. So from there, viewers is like given a choice toget acquainted with the respective character.

Unlike movies, usually the plot is focus on character and audience havehard time guessing which one is real or not.

'Arrival' (2016) yup i watch this in cinema, i never read about that itis actually an adaptation from a book. So expectation is far beyond. Causefrankly memang tertido tengok.

Just to add 'Arrival' nih mungkin pat Asia kurang dapat sambutan, but inUS or other country, sci-fi film like this is a big hit. It is too intellectualmovie to discuss. I think we have this thread somewhere.


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