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The House That Jack Build (Mat Dylon)
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Cerita ni tak brapa promote in Asia, cause of the violence contents & probably the morale of the storyline.
It's already release in prime video thou or available online.
Matt Dillion, lama betul tak berlakon movie. Last I watch Bruno Ganz as Hitler in 'Downfall'
Also if cerita direct/write by Lars Vons Tier, ai will think thrice to watch.
He is known for some weird & disturbing movies.
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Edited by manjalara_01 at 9-1-2019 06:24 PM
honestly i pun mula2 mmg x nk bukak thread i rs mcm well..most likely x dpt sambutan rsnye so i bukak la 
mmg uncensored version la movie mcm ni..that's why i x tepek trailer..the trailer was sick..only sickos enjoy watching that kind of thing
mmg elok la x beli filem2 mcm ni...x berbaloi for asian market....bad for the audience..cukup2 la tgk drama series..psl serial killers je..cukup
cume nak bg review skit..
i x pernah lg tgk versi serial killer plot yg mcm ni..
1- 100% of the story revolves around Jack...
i guess sbb die ni sorg narcissist yg extreme? so..every scene..mmg ade die dlm tu..skali pun xde tunjuk how the police investigate, no main police character..all is focus on him and him alone with his sick "artworks"...
2- Conversation of Jack and ???...
mula2 i ingatkan it was a conversation antara Jack with a Therapist ke Journalist ke..or maybe the Police..lepas die kena tangkap...rupe2nye nope...
and only at the end baru kite dpt tahu who he was talking with throughout the whole movie...I bet that old not even his father but maybe just a father figure of his own imagination.....??..
3- Extreme Introvert
Jack terpaksa berpura2 & berlakon bile bersama org u all know serial killers have no empathy..jiwa yg kosong xde sadis..Jadi Jack is not being his real self when with others. His has to hide his sadistic side only to himself..Jadi watak die ni mungkin dari luaran nampak mcm normal tp kat freaking intense, mad, sad, lonely all those toxic emotions semua terpendam..
4- Clueless about his background/upbringing..
Kecuali scene masa die kecik...kat ladang..ladang gandum ke ape..die sorg saje..xde kawan2...xde mak ke bapak ke..adik beradik..So manja pun x tahu nk kata..die ni asal dari mana? rumah anak yatim ke ape?...Cume manja confident his been alone all his life...tu yg sampai timbul imaginary friend yg kertu tu...i have no idea who that is..maybe somebody he use to know..but not close to him...X silap i mak die nak die jadi engineer tp die nak jadi arketik..something like sbb tu tajuk mcm tu.."The House that Jack Build" tp separuh je siap..
Manja rs die bunuh mmg dah mengarut la part ending tu...Imaginery father die gi teman die ke neraka...Masa ni mmg polis dah tahu die kat mana..& tengah cube bukak pintu besi peti sejuk tu...part mengarut ni so far tu je la yg manja paham..
manjalara_01 replied at 9-1-2019 06:21 PM
honestly i pun mula2 mmg x nk bukak thread i rs mcm well..most likely x dpt sambutan rsnye ...
Actually ai saw this poster film fm thru some video demand. Curious crita apa ada matt dillion.
Google baca sypnosis....gosh...sudahlah...dont think bole terlayan adegan ngeri dia.
For me pulak..i x pernah dengar psl Lars Von Tier ni..but since u mentioned psl fav genre die..ok now i know..
i tgk pun berteman bantal....and mute bile perlu...
Actually i dh lame x tgk genre2 serial killer mcm ni...last time tgk CSI pun...i dah x ingat bile..i stopped watching sbb ade 1 episode tu..was really disturbing, walaupun suke cast..cast terbaik!...
Movie Hannibal pun i x tgk...that was too much!..
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