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[informasi] Bagaimana nak tahu jika si kecil ada Covid19?
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nice info..tq fc sharing |
sesamer ... 
kalo ada perkongsian bersama camni... post lah yer 
kadang kita tak tau ... bila pengetahuan gni berguna kan...
FanTasyCreaTioN replied at 6-9-2021 10:53 PM
sesamer ...
kalo ada perkongsian bersama camni... post lah yer
baikk fc 
Tq for info
Risau pulak ada anak kecik..
Tq for info  |
kalo ada info ... share2 juga lah yer 
Edited by FanTasyCreaTioN at 22-9-2021 06:58 PM
How dangerous is Covid 19 to young childeren and teenagers...?
• Children may be at low risk, but they are not at zero risk!
• COVID19 could kill children and teenagers, particularly those have medical
conditions or are overweight.
• They may not recover from COVID19 fully, smoothly, and quickly.
• Like adults, they could get long COVID, with persistent sense of ill-health, get tired
easily and have difficulty in maintaining their focus and thinking.
• COVID19 is a new disease. It is less than 2 years old. We do not know how it may
affect our children and teenagers in a longer term.
• Do we have reasons to be worried? Yes! Based on our past experiences, viral
infections in early childhood or young age could lead to some life-threatening conditions in adulthood. Below are the examples:
Hepatitis B: liver cirrhosis and liver cancer (in adulthood)
Chickenpox: shingles (life-long risk)
Measles: a rare but fatal brain infection (in adulthood)
Several other viral infections: blood, lymph node and nose cancers (life-long risk)
Therefore, “Prevention is better than cure”, it is best for us to be cautious and protect our children from COVID19 to avoid all possible negative health impacts.
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Category: Negeri & Negara