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Something to share with those TTC

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Post time 14-7-2005 01:56 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Frequency of Sex for Conception

Women get pregnant when they have sex right after their menstrual periods. (True or False?)

Well, no, not really. First, it depends on whether the woman has what are considered "typically normal" menstrual cycles -- cycles that are 28 days in length, counted from the first day of menstruation (Cycle Day 1) to the last day before her next period. If she does (and many, many women do not, even those who consider themselves "regular"), then typically her most fertile time is around cycle days 12 through 16. So unless her menstrual period is around two weeks in length (which it probably is not), then the answer to the question is "FALSE".

Next question, please...

Once you know when the woman is most fertile, you have to have sex about twice a day to make sure you get enough sperm in there. (True or False?)

Hold on there, cowboy! While the "More is Better" frame of mind can take over easily here, that's not necessarily the case when it comes to sperm production. A man's body needs some time to refresh his sperm supply -- and semen without sperm in it is useless when it comes to reproduction. While some experts say once a day is just fine, still others recommend that a man ejaculate no more than every 36 hours when conception is the goal. Otherwise, you risk a lowered sperm count, and possibly, decreased fertility. The answer here is "FALSE".

Next question, please...

A man should hold off on ejaculating for the entire month until the woman's fertile period, so that he has a lot of sperm built up. (True or False?)

Well, that's a little drastic! In fact, if you wait for a week or longer before finally ejaculating, you may be delivering poor quality sperm. In a man with a fully-functioning reproductive system, new sperm are always being produced, and in general, his supply is completely refreshed anew in about three months. For the best efforts at conception, the newer the sperm, the better. The answer to this question is "FALSE

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 Author| Post time 14-7-2005 03:29 PM | Show all posts
Found this while browsing on the net looking for do's and don'ts thought of sharing it with all of u ttc -----> parent's comment how they on conceive

1. Rolling up on to your shoulders with your bum of the surface and your legs up in the air. Sounds funny but it worked for us.

2. Anyone who reads this may laugh at me but, this is true (at least proven according to my friends..). If you want a baby boy, try sleeping sideways to your right after intercourse. Whilst, for a baby girl, turn your left. It actually works!.. Good luck to all!.- IBU

3. The month we were trying to conceive we only made love about 4 times, however, the one thing I did do was to raise my hips afterwards (by placing a pillow under me) and also to lie still for about 20 mins afterwards. I believe this is why we conceived so quickly. Last time it took many months. It's certainly worth giving it a try don't you think?

4. I agree with the suggestion that after intercourse, putting your legs vertical helps.I laid with my legs upwards resting on the wall behind the headboard and it seemed to the trick. - Di Ward

5.   as far as SOMEONE saying that it does not matter when to have sex is also bull. I am a OB/GYN midwife who will tell everyone YES IT IS TRUE!!!!!!!!!! if you have intercourse 2-3 days prior to ovulation you have a 75% chance of having a girl rather than a boy and if you have intercourse the day of ovulation you are more likely to concieve a male. Also if you are having trouble getting pregnant and dont care about the sex of the baby dont try so hard. The harder you try the harder it is to become pregnant because the sperm is also trying too hard. Just relax and let nature take its
course. The pillow theory is also a good way to help get pregnant this works with gravity and works too. just have FUN and be nice!!!!!!!!!

6. My boyfriend and myself have found a position that has been successful for us. He kneels on the bed behind me and enters me from behind. I kneel on the edge of the bed and bend forwards resting my arms on the floor of the bedroom while he holds on to my hips. I have my bum up in the air, which makes it easy for him to thrust inside me, and also gives good deep penetration. I have what I consider to be a very big bum, so obviously I don抰 want to show my bum too much, but my boyfriend likes it, and what is a big bum between a man and a woman when I am now pregnant. We have a son already, but neither of us can remember which position we were in, but the one we are using now is one which we have had recommended to us and has been successful. I have just become pregnant and wanted to share this position with everyone else. I hope it is good for you as well. -Sophie   

p/s but most of all those who already successful their advise is to enjoy & have fun while being together :pompom: and not to be stressed out.

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Post time 14-7-2005 04:25 PM | Show all posts
kehkehkeh.. new position utk dicuba..
6. My boyfriend and myself have found a position that has been successful for us. He kneels on the bed behind me and enters me from behind. I kneel on the edge of the bed and bend forwards resting my arms on the floor of the bedroom while he holds on to my hips. I have my bum up in the air, which makes it easy for him to thrust inside me, and also gives good deep penetration. I have what I consider to be a very big bum, so obviously I don抰 want to show my bum too much, but my boyfriend likes it, and what is a big bum between a man and a woman when I am now pregnant
selamat mencuba.. dan semoga success :bgrin: :bgrin: :bgrin:

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 Author| Post time 15-7-2005 09:17 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mrsaafifi at 14-7-2005 04:25 PM:
kehkehkeh.. new position utk dicuba..  selamat mencuba.. dan semoga success :bgrin: :bgrin: :bgrin:

Si mana tau, kot2 menjadi :bgrin:

found this sapa yg pernah buat IVF kat klinik swasta. actually berapa kos sebenar :hmm:

Anak: HUKM tawar rawatan IVF termurah

KUALA LUMPUR 18 April - Pasangan suami isteri yang sukar mendapat anak kini boleh mendapatkan rawatan pada kos lebih murah menerusi kaedah permanian berhadas atau in-vitro fertilization (IVF) di Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (HUKM) di sini.

Pakar Obstetrik dan Ginekologi HUKM, Prof. Madya Dr. Zainul Rashid Mohd. Razi berkata, HUKM merupakan hospital kerajaan yang pertama menawarkan perkhidmatan tersebut di negara ini.

``Kita sediakan perkhidmatan IVF pada kos RM8,000 hingga RM10,000 sahaja iaitu sekali ganda lebih murah berbanding kos rawatan menerusi kaedah IVF di hospital swasta,'' katanya pada sidang akhbar di HUKM, hari ini.

Menurutnya, IVF adalah proses membabitkan pengambilan ubat-ubatan dan suntikan bagi merangsang perkembangan ovum (telur) pada ovari wanita yang tidak boleh hamil secara sendiri.

Beliau berkata, bayi pertama yang menggunakan kaedah tersebut telah selamat dilahirkan pada 11 April lalu di HUKM melalui pembedahan.

Katanya lagi, sebanyak 31 kes menggunakan kaedah IVF telah dikendalikan di HUKM sejak perkhidmatan tersebut dimulakan lebih setahun lalu dan ia menunjukkan perkembangan positif apabila satu lagi kes bayi IVF dijangka lahir tidak lama lagi.

Mengulas lanjut, katanya, melalui kaedah IVF, sperma dan ovum pasangan suami isteri terlebih dahulu dikeluarkan dan disenyawakan di luar.

Selepas dua atau tiga hari iaitu setelah embrio terbentuk, ia akan dimasukkan semula ke dalam rahim ibu untuk melalui kaedah kehamilan seperti biasa.

``Biasanya untuk mendapatkan embrio kita tidak menghadapi masalah cuma apabila ia diletakkan ke dalam rahim ibu, hanya 20 peratus berkemungkinan akan berjaya selebihnya akan keguguran,'' katanya.

Tambah beliau, bayi-bayi yang dilahirkan melalui kaedah tersebut tidak menghadapi apa-apa masalah kesihatan kerana hanya ovum dan sperma disenyawakan di luar tetapi proses pembesaran berjalan seperti biasa di dalam rahim ibunya.

Katanya, di samping kaedah IVF, HUKM juga menyediakan kaedah ifintracytoplasmic sperm injectionnf (ICSI) iaitu sperma suami diambil dan disuntik terus kepada ovum isteri sebelum di masukkan ke dalam rahim.

Dr. Zainul Rashid berkata, Alia dilahirkan di Kompleks Rawatan Khas iaitu perkhidmatan baru berkonsepkan wad kelas pertama yang disediakan oleh HUKM.

Sementara itu, Pengarah HUKM, Prof. Dr Zulkifli Ismail berkata, sejak tahun lalu pihaknya telah menyediakan perkhidmatan klinik dan wad khas untuk pesakit-pesakit yang mahu mendapatkan rawatan dengan lebih cepat dan diberi layanan istimewa.

Katanya, melalui perkhidmatan tersebut pesakit tidak perlu menunggu terlalu lama sebaliknya boleh mendapat rawatan secara terus daripada doktor mahupun pakar dalam bidang tertentu.

Perkhidmatan di Kompleks Rawatan Khas itu menurut beliau, mempunyai tiga wad dan 13 klinik, bagaimanapun pada masa ini hanya dua wad yang mengandungi 26 katil beroperasi.

Klinik khas yang mengenakan caj lebih murah berbanding hospital swasta lain itu turut menyediakan tempat letak kereta dan lif khas untuk para pesakitnya

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 Author| Post time 15-7-2005 09:19 AM | Show all posts
Pasangan catat sejarah
Oleh Diyana Rose Kamalludeen

Madeline Siow bersama Marcus yang dilahirkan melalui kaedah blastocyst beku di Kuala Lumpur, semalam.

KUALA LUMPUR 9 Julai - Pasangan Madeline Siow dan Billy Lee mencatat sejarah tersendiri dalam bidang perubatan negara apabila melahirkan bayi pertama di Malaysia melalui kaedah Blastocyst beku.

Madeline yang disahkan mempunyai tiub falopio lemah selepas menjalani pembedahan laparoskopi untuk membuang ketumbuhan pada ovari kiri tidak lama dahulu, hampir berputus asa untuk mendapatkan anak kedua, sehingga beliau menjalani rawatan pemindahan Blastocyst di Pusat Kesuburan Damansara (DFC).

Pesakit yang ingin membuat rawatan Blastocyst perlu melalui rawatan kesuburan in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) supaya embrio yang dihasilkan boleh dikultur kepada peringkat Blastocyst.

Blastocyst ialah embrio 64 sel yang lebih kuat dan sihat berbanding empat sel (dua hari) atau lapan sel (tiga hari) yang memasuki tiub falopio dan melekat pada dinding rahim.

Rawatan ini meningkatkan peluang untuk menjadi hamil dengan mengurangkan risiko kehamilan berganda pada masa yang sama.

Menurut Madeline, dia telah tiga kali gagal dalam rawatan permanian beradas (IUI) yang dijalankan di beberapa pusat kesuburan sebelum itu.

``Setiap pasangan yang ingin mendapatkan pertolongan untuk mendapatkan bayi hendaklah bertanya kepada mereka yang pakar tentang masalah ini.

``Rawatan untuk menyelesaikan masalah (mendapatkan anak) ini sangat mahal, jika gagal beberapa kali kita terpaksa menanggung kerugian yang besar,'' katanya pada sidang akhbar mengenai bayi pertama di Malaysia yang dilahirkan melalui kaedah blastocyst beku di DFC di sini hari ini.

Sementara itu Madeline berkata, beliau dan suaminya mendapat anak pertama pada tahun 1998.

Tetapi selepas gagal mendapatkan anak kedua, mereka mendapatkan rawatan di DFC melalui IVF.

Kata beliau, anaknya yang dinamakan Marcus itu dilahirkan dalam keadaan sempurna sama seperti bayi lain.

Menurut beliau, anak bongsunya itu tidak menunjukkan sebarang tanda-tanda kesan sampingan akibat kelahirannya yang `istimewa' itu.

``Marcus sangat aktif dan sentiasa sihat, dia juga bertambah kuat setiap hari,'' tambahnya lagi

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Post time 15-7-2005 09:25 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aylin at 15-7-2005 09:19 AM:
Pasangan catat sejarah
Oleh Diyana Rose Kamalludeen

Madeline Siow bersama Marcus yang dilahirkan melalui kaedah blastocyst beku di Kuala Lumpur, semalam.
-------------------------------- ...

brape puluh ribu agaknyerr dia spend kan? :hmm:  sbb D'sara Fertilicity Centre to mak oiii.... mahal dek non... :ah:

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Post time 15-7-2005 11:27 AM | Show all posts
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SAAT paling indah bagi wanita yang berkahwin ialah apabila diri disahkan mengandung. Bayangan menjadi ibu sering bermain di fikiran dan perasaan tidak sabar-sabar untuk menimang cahaya mata dirasakan setiap detik.

Sering juga bakal ibu membayangkan bagaimana rupa anak dalam kandungan dan kerenahnya sepanjang tumbesaran.

Setiap kehamilan melalui pengalaman berbeza dan istimewa kerana kehadiran si kecil membawa rahmat dan keceriaan dalam rumah tangga.

Apabila berhajat untuk mengandung, bersiap sedia kerana anda mungkin menerima kehadiran orang baru dalam tempoh 40 minggu akan datang.

Pastikan kesihatan yang baik, iaitu menjaga pemakanan dan mengamalkan gaya hidup sihat. Sebaik disahkan mengandung, jaga kandungan dan diri anda sebaik mungkin serta elakkan aktiviti yang boleh mendatangkan kemudaratan.

Pakar Obstetrik dan Ginekologi (O&G), Dr Nor Azlin Mohamed Ismail, ketika membentangkan perbincangan bertajuk 慞erjalanan Selamat dari Hamil hingga Melahirkan

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Post time 15-7-2005 02:09 PM | Show all posts
good info to share..thanks fwenz!:hug:

kalau ada aper2 interesting article kiter collect dekat sini eh...

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Post time 15-7-2005 02:12 PM | Show all posts
here we go....The Very Ugly Things For Babies

Did you know that Aspartame (e.g. NutraSweet, Equal, etc.) and Neotame can cause BRAIN DAMAGE to an unborn fetus? This brain damage can be manifest as mental retardation, Cerebral Palsy, autism, ADD, ADHD, brain tumors, and a myriad of other brain related disorders!

"... aspartame disrupts fetal development by aborting it or inducing defects. And if a live child is born aspartame may have heinously damaged the DNA of the baby, cursing future generations."
James Bowen, MD
MSG, HVP, Cysteine
Did you know that MSG (monosodium glutamate) can also cause these SAME CONDITIONS because it has the same chemical properties (excitotoxins) as one of the chemicals in aspartame? It is particularly damaging when aspartame and MSG are consumed together!!

Did you know that hydrolyzed vegetable protein (HVP) and cysteine can also cause these SAME CONDITIONS because they are also excitotoxins?

In fact MSG is in ALMOST EVERY PROCESSED FOOD YOU BUY. MSG is ADDED to over 30 different substances, thus allowing the food vendor to HIDE the fact that MSG is their product. Food vendors ADD MSG on purpose to make the food more flavorable and to make the food more addictive. However, they HIDE the fact that MSG is in their products because if they admitted it, no one would buy their products.

Here is a PARTIAL list of foods that contain MSG that the food industry does not want you to know about. The list was compiled by Shoshanna Allison, M.T.P.:

Food Additives That ALWAYS Contain MSG

   Monosodium Glutamate [MSG]
   Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein [HVP]
   Hydrolyzed Protein; Hydrolyzed Plant Protein
   Plant Protein Extract
   Sodium Caseinate
   Calcium Caseinate
   Yeast Extract
   Textured Protein (Including TVP)
   Autolyzed Yeast
   Hydrolyzed Oat Flour
   Corn Oil

Food Additives That FREQUENTLY Contain MSG

   Malt Extract
   Malt Flavoring
   Natural Flavors/Flavoring
   Natural Beef or Chicken Flavoring

Food Additives That MAY Contain MSG Or Excitotoxins

   Soy Protein Concentrate
   Soy Protein Isolate
   Whey Protein Concentrate
   Also: Protease Enzymes of various sources can release excitotoxin amino acids from food proteins

For more information about MSG fraud, see:

Aspartame, MSG, etc. are unquestionably the main reason there has been an explosion in the number of miscarriages, premature births, and newborn children diagnosed with brain disorders.

Chemicals in Cosmetics and Toiletries
Numerous cosmetics and toiletries, such as perfumes, deoderants, hair spray, hair shampoo, toothpaste, etc. contains chemicals that are dangerous to a fetus and nursing infant.

"Phthalates are metabolized in humans once ingested or absorbed through the skin. In pregnant women, phthalates pass through the placenta to be absorbed by the fetus. In nursing women, phthalates are found in breast milk, which means infants are ingesting these chemicals as they develop. In male fetuses -- and infants especially -- the phthalates have been shown to cause testicular atrophy and a reduced sperm count, among other serious health problems."
http://www.healthy-communication ... cts_killingyou.html
Phthalates are just one of many chemicals found in everyday cosmetics and toiletries that is potentially very harmful to developing fetuses and infants.

Even the chemicals in toothpaste can be dangerous:

"Dr. Peter Vikesland of Virginia Polytechnic Institute found that the antibacterial chemical triclosan can react with the chlorine in water to produce chloroform gas. Researchers believe that over time, inhaled chloroform can result in depression, liver ailments, and even cancer. Said Dr. Vikesland, "The amount of gas formed is very low but I think the key thing is that we just don't know what the effects are. However, manufacturers do have to list triclosan on their ingredients, so if consumers are worried, the best advice is to avoid such products with the chemical."
Mark Prigg, Science Correspondent and Rebecca Lawrence, Evening Standard , "Toothpaste cancer alert," This is LONDON, Evening Standard, April 15, 2005.
Rather than try to list all of the known dangerous chemicals in skin products, etc., consider this quote:

"EVER SINCE 1938, when the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted self-regulation to the cosmetic industry, such products can be marketed without government approval of ingredients, regardless of what tests show. Most of the 25,000 chemicals used in our everyday skin products have not been tested for long-term effects. In a typical day, you might be exposed to more than 200 different chemicals-many of which are suspected of causing cancer or disrupting hormones."
Las Vegas

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 Author| Post time 15-7-2005 02:30 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by tina^^ at 15-7-2005 02:12 PM:
here we go....The Very Ugly Things For Babies

Did you know that Aspartame (e.g. NutraSweet, Equal, etc.) and Neotame can cause BRAIN DAMAGE to an unborn fetus? This brain damage can be ma ...

good info tina sebenaryer byk lagi articles klu kawan2 nak share kat sini blh lah. Its a good reading actually.:ah:

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Post time 15-7-2005 04:33 PM | Show all posts i got the i've tried to avoid aspartame..but i dunno the reason. i think jeruk2 tuh pun better to be avoided.ada saccharin...pemanis tiruan....

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Post time 15-7-2005 05:16 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aylin at 2005-7-15 02:30 PM:

good info tina sebenaryer byk lagi articles klu kawan2 nak share kat sini blh lah. Its a good reading actually.:ah:

betol tue aylin..nanti sesaper ader good info to share..paste dekat sini yer.....:hug:

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Post time 15-7-2005 05:19 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by honeybee1802 at 2005-7-15 04:33 PM: i got the i've tried to avoid aspartame..but i dunno the reason. i think jeruk2 tuh pun better to be avoided.ada saccharin...pemanis tiruan....


masa parenst selalu saiko kitorang adek badek..kalau makan jeruk cekedis ker aper jadah sumer tue...all junk foods tue akan putuskan urat otak kiter satu satu... imagine makan dah berribu ribu junk foods...oh goshh we will turn out brainless mann

sebab kena saiko camtue....sampai besar mmg tak biasa dgn all junk foods, jeruk and such....

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 Author| Post time 20-7-2005 11:07 AM | Show all posts
Mercury Levels in Fish We know that fish can be very nutritious and are packed with great nutrients such as omega-3抯, the B vitamins and lean protein. But, unfortunately fish can also be packed with some unhealthy contaminants. Mercury is a major contaminant that can affect brain development and the nervous system. Damage to these systems can lead to mental retardation, cerebral palsy, blindness and deafness.

The FDA has released guidelines for children, women who are pregnant and women who are trying to become pregnant. These guidelines state that no more than 12 oz of low mercury fish should be consumed weekly. Higher mercury fish should be avoided or kept to only 6 oz per week.The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) has released a list of fish and their mercury levels so that people can be informed on what they are consuming. If you want to get more detailed information about mercury levels and how much you personally are consuming, you can also use the mercury thermometer to calculate your totals.

Rated 揌ighest and High

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Post time 26-7-2005 02:18 PM | Show all posts
also check this wesite

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Post time 26-7-2005 02:26 PM | Show all posts
Why is Folic Acid important when trying to get pregnant?

When you are trying to get pregnant, Folic acid should figure on top of your health checklist. Folic acid, also called folate or folacin, is one of the B vitamins, also known as B9. It is a vital raw material for production of red blood cells, as well as norepinephrine and serotonin (chemical components of the nervous system). Folic acid also helps to synthesize genetic material in every cell of the body and normalize brain function. Taking folic acid before conception reduces the risk of neural-tube defects such as spina bifida.

Why do I need folic acid?

Folic acid is one of the few nutrients known to prevent neural tube birth defects, such as spina bifida, which affects one in every 1,000 babies born in the United States. The Centers for Disease Control report that women who take the recommended daily dosage of folic acid reduce their baby's risk of some types of birth defects by 50 percent. Women who don't get enough may increase their chance of miscarriage or still births. Folate-deficiency anemia and iron-deficiency anemia can have the same symptoms of fatigue and weakness. A mild folate deficiency can also leave you grumpy or edgy.

How much Folic acid do I need?

The recommended daily intake of folic acid for all women of childbearing age is at least 400 micrograms (mcg), or 0.4 milligrams (mg). During pregnancy, the recommended dose jumps up to 600 - 800 mcg, or 0.6 - 0.8 mg, a day. If you have a family history of neural-tube defects, you should probably get 4,000 mcg (or 4 mg) of folic acid a day. Most prenatal vitamins contain the appropriate dosage of folic acid along with other vitamins that will help you stay healthy.

Women who have had their first child with a neural tube defect have a higher risk of having a second with the same defect. Healthcare providers now advise these women to take at least 4 milligrams (mg) starting one month before conception, if possible, and continuing through the first three months of pregnancy.

Talk to your doctor about how much you need before and after you conceive. Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin, so your body will flush out the excess if you consume too much. For some women, there's an exception to this rule: Getting too much folate may hide a B-12 deficiency, sometimes a problem for vegetarians. Ask your doctor or midwife if you think you may be at risk.

Would a supplement be required?

A supplement will be a bonus. And eating plenty of folate-rich foods won't hurt either, especially if you can't stomach your prenatal vitamin early on in your pregnancy due to morning sickness.

Which foods contain Folic acid?

Leafy green vegetables are a good source of folate. And manufacturers are now required by the FDA to add folic acid to enriched cereal grain products such as flour, pasta, and rice. So replace the regular cereals with these and add a bowl of fresh salad to your daily diet. Other sources of Folic acid include, chicken liver, beef liver, lentils, wheat germ, spears, asparagus, papaya, broccoli, cantaloupe, eggs, canned salmon.

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Post time 27-7-2005 01:54 PM | Show all posts
nak share some info. kat cini. peringatan tuk diri sendri gak nie...

Getting Pregnant : By Ann Douglas
Hoping to get pregnancy soon? You've come to the right place! Here's everything you need to know to maximize your chances of conceiving quickly and to get your pregnancy off to the healthiest possible start. All of the tips that you will find below are drawn from, The Unofficial Guide to Having A Baby.

1. Start taking folic acid now. You reduce your chances of giving birth to a baby with a neural tube defect (for example, anencephaly or spina bifida) by 50% to 70% if you start taking at least 0.4 mg of folic acid each day two to three months before you start trying to conceive.

2. Try to keep sex fun when you're trying to conceive. Use rooms other than the bedroom or schedule your babymaking rendezvous for an odd time of day.

3. Don't hop up and run to the bathroom right after you make love. Lying down for at least five minutes after intercourse increases the odds that the sperm will be able to keep their date with the awaiting egg and that you'll win at baby roulette.

4. Make love often during your fertile period (the five days leading up to ovulation). If you've got the stamina to make love at least every 48 hours, you will ensure that there's a fresh shipment of sperm waiting in the fallopian tube at any given time.

5.  Keep in mind that babymaking is a numbers game. Even if you do everything "right," you still have only a 25% to 30% chance of conceiving in any given cycle.

6. If you haven't already stopped smoking, do it now. Studies have shown that smoking just 10 cigarettes a day reduces a woman's chances of conceiving by 50%.

7. Here's a bit of sex-related trivia, just in case you and your partner are looking for a little inspiration. There are over 114 million sex acts performed around the world, according to a recent article on the Thrive@passion web site.

8. Are you a coffee drinker? Time to give it up or switch to decaf! Caffeine is thought to restrict the growth of a developing baby by constricting blood vessels and reducing blood flow to the uterus. What's more, a few studies have indicated that excessive consumption of caffeine (that is, more than three cups of drip coffee per day) may contribute to fertility problems. The jury is still out on this last point, however.

9. Are you or your partner regularly exposed to hazardous substances in the workplace? You may need to consider a job change or job modification before you start your family. Certain substances can affect both the quality of sperm and the development of the embryo.

10. Have you had your preconception checkup yet? Set up an appointment with your doctor to review your medical history and to talk about your plans to start trying to conceive.

11. Are you currently taking any prescription or over-the-counter drugs? Be sure to ask your doctor if it's safe for you to continue taking them once you start trying to conceive.

12. Are you diabetic? It's important to get your blood sugar levels under control before you conceive. Studies have shown that women with poorly controlled insulin-dependent diabetes are four to six times more likely to give birth to babies with birth defects than non-diabetic women.

13. If you aren't already doing so, start keeping a menstrual calendar. Note the date when your period starts, the number of days it lasts, and anything else your doctor might want to know about. This information could prove helpful if you experience problems in conceiving. It can also prove invaluable in pinpointing the date of conception--and consequently your due date.

14. Try to book the last appointment of the day for your preconception checkup. That's when your doctor or midwife is most likely to be able to take the time to answer your questions and address your concerns without feeling rushed to go on to the next patient.

15. Looking for a delicious way to sneak some more folic acid into your diet? Start your day with a tall glass of orange juice or a fresh, juicy orange. Both are excellent sources of folic acid--an important nutrient for any woman who's hoping to conceive.

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Post time 27-7-2005 01:57 PM | Show all posts
16. Make your vaginal environment as sperm-friendly as possible. Avoid vaginal sprays and scented tampons (which can cause a pH imbalance in your vagina); artificial lubricants, vegetable oils, and glycerin (because they can kill off sperm); saliva (because saliva can also kill sperm); and douching (because it alters the normal acidity of the vagina; can cause vaginal infections and/or pelvic inflammatory disease; and may wash away the cervical mucus that is needed to transport the sperm).

17. If you're monitoring your cervical mucus in an attempt to predict your most fertile days, do your checks before you shower, bathe, or swim. These activities can all affect the quantity and quality of your cervical mucus.

18. Does your partner like to spend hours on the exercise bike at the gym? Tell him to hop on the treadmill instead. A study at the University of California School of Medicine revealed that men who cycle more than 100 km per week put their fertility at risk. The repeated banging of the groin against the bicycle seat can damage critical arteries and nerves.

19. You can have too much of a good thing--at least when it comes to exercise. Excessive amounts of exercise can lead to such fertility problems as irregular periods, anovulatory cycles (cycles in which ovulation does not occur), and luteal phase deficiencies (a problem that occurs when the second half of your cycle isn't long enough to allow for the proper implantation of the fertilized egg). The moral of the story? Stay active, but don't overdo it.

20. Don't go on a crash diet if you're hoping to try for that baby. Starvation diets, purging, bingeing, and yo-yo dieting affect ovulation and consequently your fertility.

21. Are you taking any vitamins? Large doses of certain types of vitamins can be harmful to your developing baby. Switch to a prenatal vitamin before you conceive.

22. Unhappy with your HMO? The time to switch companies is now. If you wait until after you conceive, your pregnancy could be classified as a "pre-existing condition," something that could make it difficult for you to obtain coverage through a different HMO.

23. Don't make sex into a chore. Consider these words of wisdom from one of the parents interviewed in The Unofficial Guide to Having A Baby: "Do not have sex every day. If you're trying to maximize your chances of conceiving, it's better to go every other day around the time you are ovulating. You are also more fresh, and therefore can put your heart into making sex as pleasurable and romantic as possible."

24. Don't hop out of bed right after you finish making love. While you don't have to stand on your head to give the sperm a chance to make their way through the cervix--they are, after all, programmed to know the way!--you don't want to put gravity to work against them.

25. Worried that you're less likely to be able to conceive because you've only got one functioning ovary? Here are some encouraging words. Ovulation is a random event each month, with both ovaries vying for the honor on a first-come, first-served basis. If you only have one ovary, it wins the draw by default.

26. Make sure that you've been properly screened for STDs. More than one million North American women are affected by pelvic inflammatory disease each year. The number-one cause is an untreated sexually transmitted disease.

27. Wondering if you should pull out the thermometer and the temperature chart? Some couples like to try to predict their fertile days by watching for the temperature shift that typically accompanies ovulation; others prefer to let nature take its course. If you're having intercourse two to three times per week anyway, you're already doing everything possible to try to conceive, so taking your temperature could be a bit of overkill. If, on the other hand, you find it reassuring to know that you're "doing everything right," then put that thermometer to good use.

28. if you decide to take your basal body temperature (BBT) to track your most fertile days, pick up a digital thermometer rather than relying on the old-style mercury thermometer. It's easier to read, it requires no shaking (which can cause your body temp to go up for no good reason), and it even beeps to remind you to record your reading if you accidentally go back to sleep.

29. Don't eat, drink, or get out of bed before you take your temperature. Each of these activities can affect the accuracy of your reading.

30. If your partner's sperm count is low or marginal, you may be advised to have intercourse every other day to allow his sperm count to build up. Your doctor may even recommend that your partner refrain from ejaculating during the days leading up to your most fertile period.

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Post time 27-7-2005 02:00 PM | Show all posts
31. Here's a clear case of use it or lose it. Studies have shown that abstaining from sex for more than seven days can decrease the male partner's fertility. Any gain in sperm counts from lack of use is more than offset by the increased number of aged sperm cells with lower fertilization potential.

32. Did you get a bad night's sleep last night? Make a note on your temperature chart. Getting less than three consecutive hours of sleep can make your BBT reading unreliable.

33. Don't notice any sort of temperature shift on your BBT chart? Don't panic. Some women who are ovulating normally don't experience the classic temperature rise upon ovulation. Instead, their BBT remains constant throughout their menstrual cycle.

34. Are you already physically active? Terrific! If you're not, you might want to think about getting the jump on a prenatal fitness program. Walking at a reasonably fast pace for 20 to 30 minutes three or more times each week will help you to develop good strength, stamina, and cardiovascular health. Before you start any exercise program, however, you should get your doctor's go-ahead.

35. Studies have shown that the most fertile period in a woman's cycle are the five days leading up to ovulation. If you expect to ovulate soon, this is peak babymaking season.

36. As ovulation approaches, your cervix tends to rise up in your vagina, soften, and open slightly. Although it feels firm like the tip of your nose at the start of your menstrual cycle, by the time you're ready to ovulate, it feels soft and fleshy like your lips. You can monitor this particular fertility sign yourself.

37. Is your menstrual cycle longer or shorter than 28 days? Chances are, you won't ovulate on Day 14. Ovulation typically occurs 14 days before the start of the next menstrual cycle--not 14 days after the end of the last one.

38. Who would you like to have present at your baby's birth? Even though you haven't actually managed to conceive yet, it's never to early to start thinking about your choice of caregiver. Ask friends to pass along the names of doctors and midwives who provided them with excellent care during their own pregnancies.

39. Looking for a natural way to relax when you're trying to conceive? An orgasm could be just what the doctor ordered! Studies have shown that an orgasm is 22 times as relaxing as the average tranquilizer.

40. This could be the big night! If you're taking your BBT to try to pinpoint your most fertile days, don't wait until your temperature starts shooting upward before you start trying to conceive. By that time, ovulation will have already occurred and you will have missed your babymaking opportunity.

41. Once ovulation has occurred, the waiting game begins. There won't be enough human chorionic gonadotropin in your urine for a pregnancy test to pick up until at least 12 days after ovulation--perhaps even longer.

42. Are you tracking your basal body temperatures? If you are, you might be able to save yourself the cost of a home pregnancy test. If your period ends up being late, you will simply need to note whether your luteal phase--the number of days since you ovulated--is longer than normal. If you end up with18 consecutive elevated temperatures or your temperature remains elevated for at least three days longer than your longest luteal phase to date, you'll be able to conclude that you're pregnant.

43. Here's some pregnancy-related trivia. Question: Who said, "Death and taxes and childbirth. There's never any convenient time for any of them?" Answer: Scarlett O'Hara!

44. Tempted to lit up a cigarette or have a glass of wine? You should assume that you're pregnant until you know for sure that you're not. One of the most critical periods in embryonic development happens before a woman even knows that she's pregnant.

45. More pregnancy trivia to help pass the time! Back in the 17th century, it was believed that a woman could tell whether or not she was pregnant by looking at her boiled urine. If she could see her reflection, she was pregnant! (Note: Don't try this at home.)

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Post time 27-7-2005 02:02 PM | Show all posts
46. Your body begins to produce hCG about a week after conception. The production of hCG combined with rising progesterone levels causes blood flow to the pelvic area to increase--something that could have you running to the bathroom at frequent intervals as your pregnancy progresses.

47. Don't panic if you experience a small amount of spotting. Some women experience implantation bleeding about a week after conception--the point in pregnancy when the fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterine wall. Many women mistake this light amount of bleeding for a menstrual period--something that can wreak havoc on their ability to calculate their due dates.

48. It's no wonder that most women use home pregnancy tests to confirm their pregnancies. The tests are 97% accurate--at least as accurate as any urine test that you can take at the doctor's or midwife's office.

49. Over $206 million dollars worth of pregnancy tests are sold in the U.S. each year.

50. Although pregnancy is the most common explanation for missing a period, you can miss a period for many other reasons: jet lag, severe illness, surgery, shock, bereavement, or other causes of stress. And as if that weren't enough to muddy the waters, some women continue to have menstrual-like bleeding throughout at least part of their pregnancies.

51. If you purchase a pregnancy test that requires that you collect a urine sample rarther than testing your urine while you urinate, make sure that you have a clean, soap-free container on hand. Soap residue can affect the accuracy of the test.

52. Contrary to popular belief, taking contraceptive pills, antibiotics, and analgesics such as acetaminophen should not affect the accuracy of your pregnancy test.

53. Planning to use a home pregnancy test tomorrow? Check to make sure that the test hasn't passed its expiration date and read the test instructions so you'll know what you're doing when it's time to do the test.

54. Two weeks have passed since you ovulated. If your period hasn't show up yet, you should be able to get a reliable result on a home pregnancy test starting today. (If you test too soon, there won't be enough hCG in your urine to make the test show a positive.) If you get a positive test result, you're probably pregnant. When errors occur during testing, they are most likely to result in false negatives.

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