Aku memang cukup menyampah bila buka file format PDF.Memang slow gila program Acrobat Reader ni.Dahlah tu,bila aje aku scroll document PDF,terus aje cpu notebook aku melambung.Program ni pun makan banyak memory.Aku pakai MS Word pun tak jadi mcm ni.
Dan berhati-hati jika buka file PDF melalui web links (dimana PDF tu akan display dalam IE browser).Kerana walaupun korang dah tekan back button dlm IE pun,program Acrobat Reader masih lagi running in background,consuming huge amount of memory.Korang kena kill program tu pakai task manager.
[ Last edited by trunks at 14-8-2007 01:00 PM ] |
aku pakai ok jer
mungkin corrupt kot cuba uninstall dan install semula. |
semua adobe software memang berat.
dari adobe reader, photoshop, imageready, etc... suma pun sama.
kalo ram kecik, elok beli insuran utk pc/laptop tuh... :lol |
aiyoo...512mb,Pentium M takkan tak cukup kut.Anyway file pdf tu convert dari slides powerpoint,mmg banyak grafik.Aku buka dlm acrobat reader slow,cpu boleh naik 100%,tapi bila aku buka pakai foxit (cadangan 0001),laju aje,takde masalah.
thanks. |
Reply #5 bzzts's post
skrg ni adobe bundle memacamlah dlm adobe acrobat reader.Lagi satu yang aku menyampah,asyik keluar dialog box suruh update.Bila aku cuba update,timeout atau keluar error pulak. |
Reply #7 ultra78's post
update tu aku malas sgt la, biasanya aku bukak properties atau setting utk disable update ni.
kalo ada version baru, donlod aje lah full version guna wayar limau.
tak pun kita pakat menurun (torrent) sama-sama... :lol |
Sumatra PDF - A PDF Viewer for Windows
sumatra ni aku guna versi yang portable..
ok la jugak |
Originally posted by ultra78 at 7/29/2006 11:43 ![](http://forum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Aku memang cukup menyampah bila buka file format PDF.Memang slow gila program Acrobat Reader ni.Dahlah tu,bila aje aku scroll document PDF,terus aje cpu notebook aku melambung.Program ni pun maka ...
Tipping the Microsoft Cash Cow Could Be Adobe's Next Move
By Michael Calore 08.14.07 | 2:00 AM
Whenconsidering what your spreadsheets and documents might look like on thealways-on desktop of the future, don't leave Adobe out of the picture.
The software maker famous for Flash and Photoshop is poised to takethe plunge into the lucrative world of office applications. It maysound far-fetched at first, but the stage is set for Adobe to flex itsmuscle in the office-app arena. The company already has a strongpresence in business software with its Acrobat suite of products andinterest in its new platform for web-enabled applications that run onthe desktop is rising quickly.
According to Adobe group manager for platform evangelism, MikeDowney, it wouldn't be outlandish to predict the company throws its hatinto the ring soon.
"Though we have not yet announced any intentions to move into theoffice-productivity software market," he says, "considering we havebuilt this platform that makes it easy to build rich applications thatrun on both the desktop and the browser, I certainly wouldn't ruleanything like that out."
Microsoft all but owns the space right now -- its Office suiteconsisting of Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook is the die-hard firstchoice of the corporate world -- but Redmond has been slow to react tothe growing popularity of web apps and alternatives to its stable ofdinosaurs.
Google has already built an entire browser-run office suite that is limited but shows promise. And others, like OpenOffice's free software suite and Apple's revamped iWork 08 bundle, continue to put pressure on Microsoft's desktop dominance.
Enter AIR, short for Adobe Integrated Runtime.AIR (formerly known as Apollo) gives developers a way to take codewritten for the web browser and repurpose it for the desktop. But thisis about more than building web apps -- applications created for AIRcan be run in a desktop environment whether the user is connected tothe internet or not, a valuable trait that web-based office apps likeGoogle Docs & Spreadsheets and Zoho Office currently lack.
By supplying that missing ingredient, AIR apps can trump the currentcrop of Ajax-powered word processors and PowerPoint wannabes. ButAdobe's platform also presents significant advantages over desktopoffice apps that could appeal to the younger, more web-savvy workforce.
AIR apps are built primarily using Flash and Flex, two of Adobe'sweb-presentation technologies that afford a visually rich userexperience, complete with animated menus and actions more akin to gamesand web-based tools than staid productivity apps. Enhanced webconnectivity allows for more sharing -- docs and spreadsheets can beinstantly embedded in blogs, and users can easily add photos fromFlickr or videos from YouTube to their presentations or documents.
Perhaps even more important is that AIR applications areplatform-agnostic. They operate almost exactly the same on both Windowsand Mac platforms with only small differences, keyboard shortcuts beingthe most obvious. Adobe expects a Linux version of the AIR runtime tobe completed in the coming months.
It's this set of advantages that Adobe hopes to parlay into aposition as both platform creator and application provider in the nearfuture.
"We want to build a platform that lets any corporation buildapplications in the browser and on the desktop," says Downey. "And justlike any of our customers, Adobe is planning to take this platform anduse it to build applications as well."
AIR is still a young technology -- it's currently in the public betaphase. However, a few third-party applications currently in developmentpoint to the platform's promise.
One is Buzzword, arobust word processor made by Massachusetts-based Virtual Ubiquity.Buzzword can import and export Microsoft Word documents, it boastsbuilt-in sharing and collaboration features, and it has a rich,animated user interface featuring text-formatting palettes that slideinto view only when needed. (Read our full review.)Adobe was so impressed by Buzzword, it awarded the company anundisclosed amount of cash from a special investment fund set up topromote AIR projects.
Another app with a strong future is SlideRocket,a presentation tool similar to Microsoft PowerPoint built in Flex andFlash. It has rich drawing tools for tables and charts, 3-D animatedtransitions between slides and the ability to play back video and audiofiles within presentations.
SlideRocket co-founder Mitch Grasso says Adobe's platform enabledhim to create an application that outperforms desktop apps and thepurely web-based slideshow builders like Google's.
"We really wanted to create a true office application," he says, "not an 'office lite' app."
Grasso says AIR's ability to add weblike functionality to the desktop experience was a key part of his company's thinking.
"Our idea was to start where the offline tools ended," he says. "Wefirst reproduced most of the features available in PowerPoint and(Apple's slideshow creator) Keynote, then thought about what we can addfor the web." Grasso points to his app's online asset-management andslide-sharing features, as well as the ease with which videos andimages can be imported from web-sharing services as unique additions.
So AIR apps may look slicker and behave better than both theirdesktop and web-based counterparts. But is that enough to win adoptionfrom Fortune 500 companies, Microsoft's key customer base?
Adobe has a powerful enough presence in the corporate sales channelto reach potential office-software customers. Plus, given thepopularity of its Portable Document Format (the Acrobat collaborationplatform in the business market), there would likely be great interestin any new tools Adobe brings to the table. That interest would only becompounded by the growing need for greater access to data in anincreasingly mobile workplace.
But while Adobe may be able to win access to the corporate piggybank with practical solutions to pressing problems, winning the heartsand minds of users is the bigger challenge.
"It's not a technical question, it's a cultural question," says RedMonk software-industry analyst Michael Cot |
Salam, forumer sekalian.
Nak tanyer la...aku ade cuba buka satu file PDF dari internet, tp x leh buka la...
nak mintak tolong korang...ape aku perlu buat?
aku amat-amat berharap dapat buka file tu...
ke computer aku jer yg x boleh bukak..
ni link file tu, harap ade yg sudi tolong checkkan...
dah bnyk kali cuba tetap x boleh...hrp ade yg sudi tolong..![](static/image/smiley/default/cry.gif) |
Reply #13 epal59's post
file corrupt ![](static/image/smiley/default/sweat.gif) |
Balas #14 RedMage\ catat
Mekasih...konfem la fail tu x boleh bukak ghupenyer...mekasih...x de rezeki..![](static/image/smiley/default/shocked.gif) |
maaf, bump, tapi nak share juga.
semalam aku download Foxit versi 4.3.1, portable. (http://www.foxitsoftware.com/pdf/reader/)
pada aku tersangatlah mantap, antaranya:
- boleh tambah text. i.e. boleh la isi borang pdf, dan cetak.
- boleh taruk komen.
- fungsi carian ke serata pdf files.
cuma, ada sikit berat berbanding foxit lama, tapi lebih laju dari Adobe.
maka, kalau anda pengguna Foxit, eloklah update ke versi lebih baru. |
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