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Software untuk Non-Symbian Handphone...
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member ica kata member dia pakai HP SE.n dia ade software yg bleh detect lagu ape n penyanyi dia sape dengan hanya bagi hp dia dengar je pada lagu tu.betul ke? |
Traditional Calculator yang berkurun aku carik.. Baru semalam ku jumpa..
Penat tau google cari kalkulator ni..
Calligator is a simple calculating application. Rather than stuffing so many rarely used functions, the idea was to develop a simple & easy to use application. The result is Calligator with its eye catching graphics & traditional calculator digital style. Five way navigation keys correspond to the screen, which make it easy to complete the task quickly. Calligator has four working modes.
- Arithmatic- addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
- Algebra - square, cube, sq. root, factorial, reciprocal
- Trignometry - sin, cos, tan & inverses in both DEG/RAD
- Memory - saving, adding to, recalling & deleting memory
Calligator performs the operations in the order of their precedence i.e. 2+2X2 will give 6 not 8. Results from one mode can be transferred to other modes for further operations. A number can be stored in memory and can be recalled later. Closing the application will not erase the memory. Touch screen is not supported at the moment but will be available soon. Please choose the right application according to the screen resulotion of your device and leave your comments & suggestions.
This is an alternative to the popular calculator for Symbian phone.. Handy Calculator..

[ Last edited by freekey at 13-12-2007 11:16 PM ] |
minta tlg kawan2
aku pakai nokia 5220
aku jem coz os dia bukan syambian
dia pakai java
sape bole suggest kat aku
user lock untuk nokia 5220 ni
regards |
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