Dua ekor anak penguin menetas di Underwater World LangkawiLANGKAWI: Dua ekor anak penguin Rockhopper berjaya ditetaskan di Underwater World Langkawi (UWL), di sini pada Ahad dan Selasa lalu.
Kedua-dua penguin itu bersaiz kecil, berjambul dengan ketinggian 47 sentimeter dan berat tiga kilogram setiap ekor, berada dalam keadaan sihat, menurut kenyataan UWL hari ini.
Penguin Rockhopper membina sarangnya di tempat terbuka di UWL, tidak seperti penguin Afrika yang membina sarang dari himpunan ranting kayu dan serpihan batu karang.
Penguin Rockhopper berasal dari kepulauan Tristan de Cunha, Afrika Selatan dan tinggal di rangkaian pulau di kawasan perairan sub-Antartika yang dikelilingi benua Antartika. Ia bertelur sebanyak dua biji dalam satu musim setiap tahun.
Sebanyak 19 ekor penguin pertama diterbangkan ke Malaysia dari Johannesburg, Afrika Selatan, pada 15 Disember 2003 untuk dipelihara dan dibiak di UWL.
Penetasan dua ekor penguin Rockhopper itu dalam kurungan adalah kejayaan kedua UWL, selepas kali pertama berhasil membiak dan menetaskan 11 ekor penguin Afrika pada tahun lalu.
Kurator Kanan UWL, Tan Ean Kok berkata, lebih 7.2 juta pelancong berkunjung ke UWL sejak beroperasi pada Ogos 1995 dan kejayaan penetasan anak penguin itu dijangka menarik lebih ramai pelancong mengunjunginya.-Bernama. |
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comellnyerrr berjambul lak tuh...
neeway ader faedah lain ker bawak peguin bertelur kat mesai selain dari tarikan pelancing semata2.. ader proses saintifik yg leh dipejari ek....? |
Rockhoppers are part of a family of penguins called the crested penguins because of the brightly colored feathers on their heads. These bright feathers look like long eyebrows. Rockhoppers are the smallest of the crested penguins. They eat squid, krill , and other small fish.
Rockhoppers live on most of the islands in the Antarctic region. There are major colonies on the Falkland Islands. It is estimated that there are over 3 million breeding pairs. Rockhoppers are about 18 to 23 inches (45 to 58 centimeters) and can weigh about 5 to 8 pounds (2 to 3 kilograms). They get their name because they hop over rocks and crevices on the shores where they live.
Penguins make their nests by scraping a hole in the ground and lining it with dried grasses. Two eggs are usually laid. Often only one chick is survives. The first egg is smaller and often gets eaten by predators. The second egg is larger and the chick that hatches from this egg has a better chance of surviving. Rockhoppers are loud, noisy, and feisty birds. They are quick to attack anyone or anything that bothers them.
The male and female guard the eggs and keep them warm for 32 to 34 days. They take turns with each taking care of the eggs for 10 days at a time. When the chick is hatched the male broods and cares for the chick while the female fishes and brings home food. When the chick is about 4 weeks old they huddle with other chicks. These large groups are called "cr鑓hes". The chicks do this for warmth and protection. The chicks molt and leave for the open sea when they are 65 to 72 days old. |
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penguin dah ada kat mesia |
Reply #6 ena80's post
dah lama dah... dulu kan ada diorang ambik penguins, sekarang dok kat Duta Vista kat Jalan Duta tuh... diorang punya bilik siap ada air-con lagi, hehe... |
Reply #7 shahnazz's post
diaorg kena tempat sejuk2 kan..sakan siap air cond lagik |
Walking with penguins
Apart from the keepers, visitors are rarely allowed to enter the penguins |
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Milestone in penguin breeding There is great excitement as a Rockhopper Penguin egg is hatched here for the first time
AN important milestone was achieved on Sept 9, 2007, when the country抯 first Rockhopper Penguin chick was hatched at the Underwater World Langkawi.
Although it had successfully bred 11 African Penguin chicks since last year, its marketing and communications executive, Siti Raudhah Shaari, said the recent achievement is notable as the Rockhopper Penguin is more difficult to breed and successful breeding in captivity is rare.
Two days later, another egg hatched and at the time of writing, the Underwater World Langkawi boasts of two Rockhopper chicks, with more eggs due to hatch in the coming months. Resident veterinarian Dr Syahar Amir Abd Gani attributed the success to good penguin husbandry management practised there. 揥e have a very strong team that really cares for the penguins, |
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xpenah pi UWL lagi.. dah bertahun xpi langkawi tuh..
btw.. cane ek environment kat sane smpai penguin bleh bertelur+menetas??
sbb hewan nih xkan breeding kalu habitat dier xbetul |
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