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Sri Cempaka, Sri KL, Sri Garden, Sri KDU private schools

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Post time 23-1-2008 05:54 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Rock and family will be moving back to msia soon. Skg ni Rock tengah survey survey sekolah private ni utk anak Rock. Ada tak ibu-ibu yg htr anak kat sekolah di atas ? Rock nak tau from mummies yg htr to these schools or international school, not from integration islamic school.. Boleh bagi review whether ok ke tak? Semalam hubby balik cakap member dia cakap Sri KL ramai spoilt brat, although abang dia htr anak kat situ okay je.. now ni.. hubby macam dah tak sure takut anak we all terspoiil le pulak join dgn anak org kaya ni, but Rock macam dah lose faith dgn sekolah kerajaan.. All we want is a good school for our daughter... Thanks ye

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Post time 23-1-2008 07:15 PM | Show all posts
try la SSU - Sekolah Sri Utama...ada dua aliran satu aliran sekolah kebangsaan/sekolah menengah kebangsaan and satu lagi aliran international

my nephews skolah situ 3 orang...amik aliran international, aged 8-14...alhamdulillah setakat ni ok ....nak kata spoilt brat tu tak pong..still hormat orang tua...still cakap melayu .....w/p ayah diaorang (my BIL laa...) foreigner.....and boleh suaikan diri jer dgn sesapa di mana2....

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 Author| Post time 23-1-2008 07:55 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hairanaz at 23-1-2008 11:15 AM
try la SSU - Sekolah Sri Utama...ada dua aliran satu aliran sekolah kebangsaan/sekolah menengah kebangsaan and satu lagi aliran international

my nephews skolah situ 3 orang...amik aliran inte ...

hi hairanaz,

Thanks ye.. Tapi jauh sgt le .. Rumah we all kat Putra heights.. cam jauh le pulak nak pi setapak hari-hari ...So now ni tengah cari sekolah area Subang Jaya, Damansara and surrounding area..

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Post time 23-1-2008 10:19 PM | Show all posts
kalo kat subang jaya, APITT international school cam bagus fren lah yg beriya-iya ajak me hantar sana tapi jauh sgtlah dr rumah.. at last anak2 nie masuk sekolah depan rumah aje...

ada 2 aliran rasanya, dan semuanya guna smart card...swipe card here and there to make payment, parents cuma top up the card...canggih sungguh

setakat yg i tahu, semua SRI2 yg dah established nie ada exam .... passing mark boleh thn gaklah...

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Post time 24-1-2008 02:08 AM | Show all posts
adik saya pernah jd cikgu (bukan cikgu betul, just ganti2kan cikgu mana2 yg takde but on full time basis)..dia kata mmg la kaya2 budak situ. mostly chinese. u fr what race eh? i assume melayu...bukan apa..saja jek tanya. kalo melayu blh kira dgn jari sebelah tgn jek kot. yg bertudung adela 1 adik-beradik ni. anyway...budak2 sana mmg tak punya kesungguhan belajar. depa dtg sekolah dgn attitude sekadar nak isi masa lapang waktu remaja/terpaksa jek...ada yg mmg dah sah2 akan mewarisi family biz. pastu cikgu2 kat situ pun not so serious...depa takmo lebih2 sbb takmo kena sue dgn parents. so apa2 perangai buruk takdelah diorang tegur.lantak korang lee..ada plak cikgu2 setiap hari isnin mesti tak gi sekolah..adik aku pun tak tau kata kwn dia, malas nak pegi sbb byk subjek bayangkanlah..murid2 apelagi..sure blh plak result upsr/pmr/spm ok...kata adik aku, jns tak belajo tp pandai otak..takpun kat luar depa tiusyen lagi...frankly..pd yg buka thread..aku rasakan, kalo ko nak anak excellent mmglah sekolah biasa maybe tak sehebat drp segi facilities..tapi cikgu2nya well-trained..n sentiasa ada kursu bg menambah-baikkan pembelajaran. depa kena usaha sungguh2 sebab nak sekolah achieve target. aku tak tau cikgu lain, but those yg jd cikgu dlm family n klgn kawan2..sumenya mmg jenis kuat usaha n tak main2...even sekolah anak sy pun cikgu dia amik berat sampai ke hal2 tak bawak duit utk makan rehat sekalipun...jadinya...awak fikir2 sendirilah. ramai plak di kalangan cikgu sri kdu tu, bila dpt offer buat kpli, depa lari gi sekolah gomen. sbb kat situ tak menjanjikan masa depan yg cerah buat guru2nya...apa2pun, in term of facilities..mmglah tip-top..yelah..bayo ribu-riban dengo dia naikkan lagi yuran berkali2 ganda...tamak gak bos situ..nak untung lebey...ur money, ur kids, ur choice..harap membantu..don't sue me sri kdu....u know u r not that great!..heheh..

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Post time 24-1-2008 02:11 AM | Show all posts
alamak lupa nak mention..adik saya kat sri kdu..but now no longer there...dia bosan n rasa terhina keje situ sbb pengetua dia haprak...okay...

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Post time 24-1-2008 07:53 AM | Show all posts

Reply #5 nurkasih74's post

setuju dgn kasih dgn isu yg dibangkitkan...

kalo isunya facility memang takleh nak bandingkanlah....

anak my fren sekolah international school paid by the company....anak buat kesalahan, dia cakap dgn cikgu..."my parents pay ur salary every month...dun forget that"

nak pukul rata depa nie cerdik, rasanya patutlah kot...tuisyen lepas kelas kiri-kanan, kalo tak pandai gak...tak taulah

tapi i perasan isu yg tuan rumah bangkitkan adalah sebab dia tak percaya dgn sistem pendidikan kat negara nie...

memang dlm dilemma esp kita berpengalaman dgn sistem kat tempat lain, frankly i rasa tuan rumah kena carik private international school...kalo setakat private school saja, pendekatan cikgu2 mengajar lebih kurang sama cuma depa kurang pressure...if u opt for british system, ianya tak terlalu result-oriented cam sistem kita jadi pendekatan cikgu mengajar pun berbeza esp kalo dapat cikgu2 dr luar negara...

my kenalan baru bailk dr ovc gak, anak2 pun dlm 7-9 thn masuk sekolah sri aisyah (rasanya) kat bangi....memanglah bila sembang dgn pengetua, semuanya tip-top cam sekolah private lain...tapi masalahnya tenaga pengajar tu terdiri drp org2 tempatan yg tak pernah terdedah dgn sistem yg berlainan drp yg pernah mereka rasai....anak2 balik stress sebab kena buat hafalan , kalo tak buat...kena pukul dgn cikgu.....mak dia tgh stress dgn situasi nie sekarang, anak2 plak refuse to go to school....

jadi i rasalah kalo btol2 mampu....jgn setakat private saja, u terus pergi international dgn british system...just bare in mind, once u started with this system..u have to support ur kid all the way until they graduate....

or apa yg i buat ...i prepare my kid to experience everything in public school...bergaul dgn semua jenis manusia ...hingga ada yg berani PAU duit saku dia, cuma i ada kebebasan nak pilih dimana dia akan pergi selepas tamat persekolahan nanti....maksudnya, kami tak bergantung pd sistem merit yg digunakan dlm negara all means, we all akan support dia belajar kat mana2 saja selepas nie

sorry ekk, terpanjang plak

[ Last edited by  my-alja at 24-1-2008 09:49 AM ]

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Post time 24-1-2008 09:40 AM | Show all posts
my friend hantar anak dia kindie kat SRI KL , dia puji lak kata bagus segala..klu ada duit nak je dia continue primary kat situ. anak dia kindie masuk 3 yrs kat situ. dia kata cikgu bagus,caring,facilities bagus....Alice Smith tu bagus ke sekolah dia kat Serdang kan ???

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Post time 24-1-2008 11:25 AM | Show all posts
smlm ada buat posting tapi dah delete kot...

my friend dulu sekolah sri cempaka, dia ni very down to earth person. exam dpt A's aje tapi we all tak tau. ada sekali tu cerita tentang exam, dia ckp by BM A2 je, we all ckp not bad sebab he is chinese, dia ckp not a big deal sebab kat sekolah dia mostly students dpt A's dlm exam. Nak kata dia spoilt brat tak jugak walaupun memang family dia kaya, mungkin didikan makpak dia sebab dia beli kete, rumah pun kena pakai duit sendiri, walaupun makpak dia mampu belikan cash.

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Post time 24-1-2008 11:49 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1 rockabebe's post

just nak tau... y u loose faith dgn skolah kerajaan?

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Post time 24-1-2008 12:05 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by rockabebe at 23-1-2008 05:54 PM
Rock and family will be moving back to msia soon. Skg ni Rock tengah survey survey sekolah private ni utk anak Rock. Ada tak ibu-ibu yg htr anak kat sekolah di atas ? Rock nak tau from mummies yg ...

my friend was a teacher at SRi Cempaka. Dia kata kat sana ada 2 groups. Ada group yAng tak pandai and ada group yang brilliant. So terpulangla anak u interested nak masuk group mana. Budak2 ni, senang terpengaruh sebenarnya. Tapi dia puji habis the school system la.

She just left the school lasy yr sebab nak migrate.

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Post time 24-1-2008 12:12 PM | Show all posts

Reply #11 macademia's post

my niece goes to sri cempaka.

ayah dia kata, the school is very focused abt their academics & pushes the students very hard academically.


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Post time 24-1-2008 12:46 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mclaren at 24-1-2008 12:12 PM
my niece goes to sri cempaka.

ayah dia kata, the school is very focused abt their academics & pushes the students very hard academically.


tats what my fren cakap pun......

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 Author| Post time 24-1-2008 06:00 PM | Show all posts
Thanks kepada kengkawan yg reply di atas Ni baru masuk office, London time.. so lambat sikit..

Salah satu sebab kenapa rock nak masukkan our daughter to private school is because of the English medium and the small class size. And alhamdullilah, we are in a position, where financially we can afford to send her to one.

The thing is this: Meisha was born and bred in the UK -  pernah balik Msia hanya 2 kali , itu pun paling lama 3 minggu..and she never really it in Msia for various reasons. When we told her that we are moving back to Msia, she was really upset. I can understand why. It is really hard for her as she has to adapt to so many things at the same time. The language (she only speaks a little malay), the food (although mak ayah hari hari makan nasi and sambal, she only eats English food, and everytime we went back to Msia, she lost like 1/3 of her bodyweight),  mosquitos, making new friends, new weather, new school, new everything. What we are trying to do is to make her transition to this "new world/new surroundings" as less stressful and less upsetting as possible.

As she will be spending most of her time at school, I think this is why we have to be careful when choosing her school. With english system, they are more relax, learning is supposed to be fun, tak byk latih tubi, it's more creative learning and thinking. And rock and hubby as parents, we don't believe in pushing our child too hard. We believe in encouraging her, and supporting her. Malaysian current system is more structured - I am not saying it is not good, it is because rock dulu pun dari sekolah kebangsaan. But for those children yg dah biasa di Malaysia, dari tadika ke sekolah rendah.. sudah dibiasakan dgn pelbagai latih tubi, belajar abc, tulis melayu, baca melayu, everyone around you is Malay, so the transition is easier.

Ok. jap lagi sambung balik , dah pjg dah ni

[ Last edited by  rockabebe at 24-1-2008 10:28 AM ]

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Post time 24-1-2008 06:18 PM | Show all posts

Reply #14 rockabebe's post

rock.. if that is what you seek, then best bet is international school. some private schools pun still push the students.

i think most of us here pun nak our kids to learn the fun way, not thru strenuous pressure to get strings of As for their exams.. tapi apakan daya, impian payah nak jadi kenyataan, everyone talks abt it everywhere for like years already, tapi so far, keadaan education system kita takat ni still macam tu.

asal keluar result national exams, penuh paper muka2 those yg dapat all As. jadi, nak tak nak, parents lain yang taknak pressure anak2 pun, terpaksa jugak follow the flow, make sure anak2 score in their exams.

sebab, the ultimate goal is for one to have an excellent career (kalau boleh, yg gah la), and in order to have that, we need to graduate from college, and in order to enter college right after one leaves school, one has to obtain very good results in either SPM or STPM.

katakan anak itu cerdik, kreatif, tapi bila exams tak menyerlah, ada kemungkinan jugak tak dapat masuk local public univ, & kalau dapat pun, tak boleh suka2 hati nak major in the field yg dia minat, atas alasan result SPM tak sesuai dgn jurusan yang dia nak ambil.

jadilah some of them, belajar atas kerana terpaksa, walaupun tak de minat, itu aje yang ditawarkan by the univ / kementerian.

so end up, memang macam tak boleh nak lari from this scenario.

nak tak nak, most parents terpaksa jugak push anak2 supaya cemerlang in exams, and at the same time make sure di luar sekolah bagi penambahan ilmu2 lain utk membentuk anak2 kreatif & inovatif & cemerlang dalam segala bidang.

fuhhh payah nye cabaran as parents these days kat negara ni.
tu belum nak tangani cabaral moral / rohaniah, or cabaran nak jaga jgn bagi anak hilang....

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 Author| Post time 24-1-2008 06:27 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by yen_mamayen at 24-1-2008 03:49 AM
just nak tau... y u loose faith dgn skolah kerajaan?

Hello mamayen,

Rock loose faith for varius reasons. Tapi rock nye main concerns are these:

1) class size - bagi rock size kelas di sekolah kebangsaan terlalu besar and too big for a teacher to handle.. Cikgu tak de masa utk kasi individual attention to students - this is yg rock worry. Ada kawan Rock cakap, anak dia punya sekolah, bilangan murid sampai 50 org satu kelas.. macam mana nak belajar ni? As meisha macam rock ckp in my previous post, tidak biasa dgn system di Msia, maybe memerlukan masa and lebih tenaga cikgu utk dia adjust to her new surroundings. Klu dia bernasib baik, mungkin boleh dpt cikgu yg baik and prihatin, tapi ye le kalau nasib baik..   Di sini, setiap kelas maksimum 28 org, and setiap kelas ada 1 cikgu, and 2 teaching assistants.. and rata-rata private school di Msia kelas size max is 30 org, and setiap student ada tutor mereka sendiri..

2) Guru yg sambil lewa and tak prihatin - again, mungkin sebab size kelas yg besar.. macam rock baca kat dlm thread ni.. ada ibu yg complain tentang anak yg diejek guru because of little things and many more. Maybe ini bukan problem kalau di sekolah yg bagus..tapi berapa ramai bertuah and ada choice utk dpt masukkan anak ke sekolah yg bagus? In the end, ramai parents yg terpaksa resort utk htr anak ke tuisyen utk catch up dgn pelajaran. We are totally against tuisyen at early years, as we believe children should be children. Let them learn, but at the same time, let them be children.

3) Syllabus - di UK, children starts their schooling at 3 yrs (9-11.30 am) , at 4 yrs utk reception (dari 9 am -3.30 pm) and Year 1 (darjah 1) (dari 9 am -3.30 pm). So in a way, Meisha in many ways dah advance in her lessons. As she is an exceptionally bright child (1 of 5 students in her year to be in  the Exceptional group based on all year assessment), Rock takut dia akan bosan di sekolah yg tak challenging.. Skg ni pun, kami and cikgu dia ada masalah nak entertain her needs in her class sebab dia lebih advance dari class mates dia.. We did not teach  her extra lessons at home (we tried, tapi dia malas) , but she just picks up from books, tv and her teachers.. Mungkin kalau di sekolah private, she will be more challenged when surrounded by cikgu yg dpt attention and her focus and with more challenging activities and lessons to feed her mind.

More than anything, I want her to have a good experience at school on top of her moving exprience to Malaysia.. I want her to like school because she likes school and likes knowledge, not because she had to go to school for the sake of it and becasue we the parents told her so.. Because she will learn more and enjoy her lesson more if she herself yg minat and willing..

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 Author| Post time 24-1-2008 06:39 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mclaren at 24-1-2008 10:18 AM
rock.. if that is what you seek, then best bet is international school. some private schools pun still push the students.

i think most of us here pun nak our kids to learn the fun way, not th ...

Mclaren.. international school is okay.. but mostly streamline their syllabus to say British or Japanese, Australian or Germans.. As much as we like her to not be too stressful or too pushy in learning.. but we also like her to be a bit more competitive.. That's the reason why we are moving back to Malaysia.. sekolah di UK bagus..tetapi terlalu relaks and tak competitive.. we don't want our child to just be average.. at the same time we don't want her and us to be too stressful about school... jadi rasanye private school is a better compromise... competitiveness in an environment yg partly dia dah accustomed to (english emedium) .  

And we are open minded about her career choice..skg ni nampak macam she is into creative things.. suka design baju.. gunting baju sana sini.. sarung baju A campur dgn baju B.. so if she wants to be a fashion designer.. then we will support her.. tak payah le jadi professonal ke apa ke, as long as dia buat something yg dia minat and boleh berjaya in her own right, we are ok Walau pun both of us are professionals, daddy dia chartered accountant, and I am finishing my PhD... so I guess we ourselves know it felt like to have to study hard and do well in exams (although to be honest, our parents never pushed us)

I guess parents skg ni ada byk pressure utk anak mereka jadi cemerlang..because of scholarships and opportunity.. and byk pressure dari outside utk anak jadi excellent... entah le ... susah nak carik the right balance..

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Post time 25-1-2008 07:24 AM | Show all posts

Reply #17 rockabebe's post


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Post time 25-1-2008 08:59 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by rockabebe at 24-1-2008 06:39 PM

Mclaren.. international school is okay.. but mostly streamline their syllabus to say British or Japanese, Australian or Germans.. As much as we like her to not be too stressful or too pushy i ...

yup, mac tekankan cemerlang all rounder (academic, koko, kepimpinan  n sahsiah) for my kids just so that they can get scholarships and grab the jurusan that they desire after SPM. Although savings for this ada, but still...... I want them to have wide options.

FYI sekolah my son hanya ada 30 in a class. Not all sek keb school cramp students in class. Having said tat, kat sek my girls pulak, my std 6 girl punya class ada 44 students, my std 3 - 36 students. So, depends on the schools jugak.

But for yr Meisha.... you r doing the right thing. Sek Keb is not for her. I would do the same thing.

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Post time 25-1-2008 09:31 AM | Show all posts

Reply #14 rockabebe's post

i'm totally agreed with you against the way of the childs learning environemnt kat Malaysia ni...
Masa sekolah dulu, i really stressed with the homework & kerja kursus & everything...
What i want is...cara menagajr yang akan menjadikan seseorang itu berfikiran kreatif & boleh memberi pendapat yang bernas.

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