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Penang, A Food Heaven!
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When I think about the best foods Malaysia has to offer, I usually look no further than the local offerings from Penang. Penang food is THE best in the world. You can feel free to disagree with me but I can assure you I have staunch supporters. Everytime I land on that beautiful island, my stomach just shifts gear into greedy mode and off I go stuffing my face. If I don抰 eat at least 5 times a day, it would抳e been a wasted trip. In times when I抦 with people who can抰 eat so often, I抣l just eat more!One thing for sure, I definitely cannot just sit there and have a serving of a single item. That is sacrilegious in food heaven.
I had the opportunity to travel back to foodland last month and boy, did I indulge! There isn抰 a particular stall to recommend, there are too many good ones, but in terms of food items, you must try the following (local lingo translated):
1. Char koay teow - check out this one cooked using the charcoal fire
2.Curry mee (curry laksa) - they make it with the white soup, i.e. santan (coconut milk) base and chili paste is then added on to taste
3. Chae Hu (pasembur) - unique to Penang, this is like their local rojak with jellyfish and a special sweet potato sauce
4. Sar Hor Fun (ying yong kungfu chow/cantonese fried) - here the koay teow is a thick sheet and they use the kuali (wok) to perfection, you can 搕aste the wok |
walaupun aku dok Penang, tp aku tetap x berselera nk merasa kesemua makanan kt sini atas sebab2 tertentu. well, .. Penang kannn! |
aku 10 thn duk penang.. baruakhir thn lepas aku balik KL
ekceli tempat2 makan yg best.. adelah kat celah bangunan... bawah pokok.. tepi longkang...
hehehhe..... |
aku pi penang suka makan char kuey teow kat bayan baru... |
Reply #4 ruzza's post
yg kat tepi longkang nak ke Sunshine tuh kan... org panggil Kuey Teow Ganja @ Kuey Teow Longkang..
sedappp gilerrr...  |
What's this fixation with food? Penang is filthy. They should really do something to clean it up. As for the food - is it really prepared hygenically?
For the life of me I wouldn't eat at the stalls.  |
:eek: ... honestly antara stall yg kotor ( real kotor ) ialah stall makanan cina kat Jalan Macalister... aiyooo do sumthing...
tp ramai giler org makan termasuklah foreign tourist ... |
Penang was chosen as having the best street food in Asia by TIMEasia magazine a couple of years back.
By Liam Fitzpatrick
Posted Monday, November 15, 2004; 21:00 HKT
Imagine a free-ranging buffet, several hundred square kilometers in area, through which to graze at will. This limitless cornucopia brings together some of the liveliest culinary traditions of Asia, and participation costs only a few dollars. That's the Malaysian state of Penang. Mere mention of its name will set mouths watering—not only among Malaysians, but anyone lucky enough to have encountered its exceptional street food. Got a thing for blistering sambals and sizzling noodles? Then make yourself at home. Generations of Chinese and Indian migrants certainly have—and it's their cuisines, when added to the indigenous style (which itself incorporates elements of Malay and Thai), that have helped make Penang the food-hawker capital of Asia. Try Gurney Drive for char kway teow (stir-fried rice noodles), Balik Pulau for "Penang-style" laksa (more sour than the norm), and King Street for roti panggang—flat bread with coconut jam, toasted on a charcoal grill. Only in Penang could food this good be this cheap. |
saya kalau p penang.. suka mkn char kway teow & pasembor kt padang kota..
pasembor kt gurney drive pn best gak..
nasi kandar setakat nie cuma penh mkn kt Kayu & Kassim Mustaffa jer.. nk g Tajuddin Hussin tu.. kebetulan tutup pulak..
TH tu famous kan?.. dh bnyk kali masuk TV..
mknn yg wajib saya mkn selain kt atas tu kalau dtg penang nie.. laksa, mee udang, bihun sup & sotong bakar.. huhuhu.. teringin lak nk mkn sotong bakar.. |
Reply #11 BaBY_GuRL's post
TH masuk tv ka? Sedap,makan nasi dengan rasam. Sambal nyoik lagi... |
errmmm nie yang buat teringin nak makan pulak...memang penang food is the best i was raised in penang....dalam banyak2 negeri kat malaysia penang food is the best, pasembur, rojak , nasi kandar, nasi padang , mee goreng mamak, char keow teow, mee udang ( prawn mee) popiah...ermm cendul, ais kacang! dulu masa ada food court kat komtar tu tingkat bawah hari2 makan kat komtar...lunch and dinner....oh dont forget the nasi ayam kat komtar ermm sedap gila....lai chee kang! sotong kangkong! kat gurney drive...and i can go on and on i think i better stop nanti i pulak kempunan! |
Reply #13 natashism's post
Tu la
awat lani dah takdak food court tu.
Dulu2 balik tusyen mesti singgah sana |
pergh... Penang, A Food Heaven!
100% agree
murah pun murah
aku selalu lunch kat Nasi Melayu,
Jln Macalister, dkat2 Pelita Nasi Kandar
- ikan jaket goreng sumbat sambal, sayur, nasi putih
RM5 je |
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Category: Negeri & Negara