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Australia ~ 25 December 2008
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A romantic action-adventure set in northern Australia prior to World War II, AUSTRALIA centers on an English aristocrat (Kidman) who inherits a ranch the size of Maryland. When English cattle barons plot to take her land, she reluctantly joins forces with a rough-hewn cattle driver (Jackman) to drive 2000 head of cattle across hundreds of miles of the country抯 most unforgiving land, only to still face the bombing of Darwin, Australia by the Japanese forces that had attacked Pearl Harbor only months earlier. With his new film, Luhrmann is painting on a vast canvas, creating a cinematic experience that brings together romance, drama, adventure and spectacle.
(Source: 20th Century Fox (M) Sdn. Bhd.)
Release Date: 25 December 2008
Language: English
Classification: N/A
Running Time: N/A
Director: Baz Luhrmann
Cast: Nicole Kidman, Hugh Jackman, David Wenham, Jack Thompson, Bryan Brown.

Sumber amik daripada website Golden Screen Cinemas..
[ Last edited by laislabonita at 18-11-2008 04:16 PM ] |
tayangan krismas tahun ni (subejct to change)..
kat US tayang 14 November 2008..
eh, Baz Luhrmann ni director Moulin Rouge tu kan..? |
Macam best. Looking forward to watch the movie. Calon favourite Oscar tahun ni for Best Picture & Best Actress (Nicole Kidman).  |
Australia - 2008
Malaysia -
A romantic action-adventure set in northern Australia prior to World War II, Australia centres on an English aristocrat (Nicole Kidman) who inherits a ranch the size of Maryland. When English cattle barons plot to take her land, she reluctantly joins forces with a rough-hewn cattle driver (Hugh Jackman) to drive 2000 head of cattle across hundreds of miles of the country抯 most unforgiving land, only to still face the bombing of Darwin, Australia by the Japanese forces that had attacked Pearl Harbor only months earlier. With his new film, Luhrmann is painting on a vast canvas, creating a cinematic experience that brings together romance, drama, adventure and spectacle.
Australia is an upcoming period epic film directed by Baz Luhrmann and starring Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman. The screenplay was written by Luhrmann and screenwriter Stuart Beattie, with Ronald Harwood also later credited. The story takes place during the bombing of Darwin in Australia during World War II. Production took place in Sydney, Darwin, Kununurra, and Bowen. The movie was to be released on 13 November 2008 in Australia[2] and 16 November 2008 in the United States;[3] however, Fox announced that it had pushed back the release dates in both Australia and the United States to 26 November 2008,[1] with subsequent worldwide release dates throughout late December and January 2009.
Cast :
Nicole Kidman as Lady Sarah Ashley, an English aristocrat who inherits the cattle station Faraway Downs in Australia.
Hugh Jackman as an (unnamed) Australian drover who helps Lady Sarah Ashley move the cattle across the property.
David Wenham as Neil Fletcher, a station manager who plans to take Faraway Downs from Lady Sarah Ashley.
Jack Thompson as Kipling Flynn, an alcoholic accountant who enjoys a luxurious lifestyle.
Bryan Brown as King Carney, a cattle baron who owns much of the land in northern Australia.
Brandon Walters as the drover's assistant Nullah, a young boy who helps drive the cattle for Lady Sarah Ashley.
David Gulpilil as King George, a magic tribal elder.
Essie Davis as Cath Carney.
Wah Yuen as Sing Song.
Ben Mendelsohn as Captain Dutton.
Bill Hunter as Sloop Skipper.
Barry Otto as Administrator Allsop.
David Ngoombujarra as Magarri.
Bruce Spence as Dr. Barker.
John Jarratt as Sergeant.
[ Last edited by izhar1000 at 18-11-2008 03:23 PM ] |
[size=-1]Setelah aku belek2, rasanya takde sape lg yg bukak thread psl filem ni padahal ia antara lem yg ditunggu2 sepanjang thn 2008,malah filem ni jugak feveret utk oscar thn depan..Oleh itu, dipersembahkan AUSTRALIA
Sinopsis filem ni :-
In Australia, on the brink of World War II, an English aristocrattravels to the faraway continent, where she meets a rough-hewn localand reluctantly agrees to join forces with him to save the land sheinherited. Together, they embark upon a transforming journey acrosshundreds of miles of the world's most beautiful yet unforgivingterrain, only to still face the bombing of the city of Darwin by theJapanese forces that attacked Pearl Harbor.
Starring : Nicole Kidman, Hugh Jackman, David Wenham, Joel Edgerton, Bryan Brown
Directed by : Baz Luhrmann
Produced by : Baz Luhrmann, Catherine Knapman, Catherine Martin[size=-1]

[size=-1]Production Status : In Production/Awaiting Release
Logline : An Australian outback epic that takes place from themid-1930s leading up to the Japanese bombing of the tropical northerncity of Darwin in World War Two.
Genres: Romance and War
Release Date : November 26th, 2008 (wide)
Distributors : 20th Century Fox Distribution
Production Co. : Bazmark Films
Studios : 20th Century Fox
Filming Locations : Australia
Produced in : Australia
Reply #1 izhar1000's post
mcm ner leh tersama bukak thread aku check takde lak  |
Reply #3 Rhyno's post
yup.. tapi Nicole Kidman kena berentap dgn Angelina Jolie (The Changeling) & Kate Winslet (The Reader tp filem ni nicole yg sepatutnya berlakon tp terpaksa tarik diri coz tgh pregnant masa tu) |
Originally posted by cyclops_psycho at 18-11-2008 03:28 PM 
mcm ner leh tersama bukak thread aku check takde lak
itula, tersama laks......
psl nicole kidman or, baz luhrman...
hehehehehe |
lame lg die dh lame kuar kt gsc |
ble plak nk ade citer MALAYSIA?:victory: |
masuk list wajib tgk..combination meletopp..hugh jackman and nicole kidman |
kena bebeno dgn tajoknya. serba serbi ostrolia |
Reply #12 bedah_kg_pisang's post
betul tu..dari director,pelakon n tmpt shooting serba serbi australia.. |
Australia tengah tayang kat Australia  |
nak pegi australia malam ni - sneak preview midnite -
memang minat dengan lakonan hugh jackman...
suka accent aussie dia tu -
cerita ni romance2 sikit.. saya tak into cerita romance sangat
tapi sebab cerita ni berlaku kat zaman wwii - so rasanya mesti
interesting -
will do the review tomolo after watching tonite -
cheh - sampai 3 movies this week - tu pun this weekend
dah book satu lagi - IP Man.. sebab minat cerita2 china
kung fu ni - mesti best fighting scenes tu -
not sure wing chun style so nak tengok la nanti -
teringat masa sekolah.. sanggup ponteng kelas
sebab nak tengok kung fu movies - macam2 hal -
harap australia ni tak mengecewakan.. sebab nicole boleh
challenge angelina jolie in the changeling dengarnya
dengan australia - as well as kate winslet in revolutionary road - |
aku x minat NICOLE KIDMAN...tak suka sejak dia menang BEST ACTRESS OSCAR melalui THE HOURS sebab yang layak masa itu JULIANNE MOORE melalui FAR FROM HEAVEN |
tak minat Baz Luhrman (director)
Moulin Rouge to ntah apa apa ntah
tribute to Bollywood konon
Bollywood pon ntah apa apa ntah!
Romeo and Juliet pon tak best
tapi the idea is quite creative tats why i admire it... |
baru balik dari australia....
memang BEST.... best and best....
harap2 dapat jadi contender untuk best picture nanti -
nicole kidman... just superb
memang layak pegang oscar best actress -
the face expression just... awesome
quite few funny scenes.. buat kita ketawa...
and scenes yang buat kita nangis...
buat kita geram... - ishhhh memang interesting..
beautiful scenery - outback - spiritual...
hugh jackman.. hensem betul... rough, nice accent..
good acting.. and great in this movie -
memang sesuai dengan watak yang dibawa -
and the best of all is brandon walters as nullah -
budak ni.. memang best... and he should be
in more movies.. pandai berlakon untuk watak
half aborigines and half white ni -- nyanyi pun okay juga -
ada harapan juga nak menang oscar --
david wenhem (neil fletcher) memang bagus betul jadi villain
benci... betul dengan dia dalam film ni and he just
so good in his character -
-- wenham ni yang jadi faramir dalam LOTR : return of the king -
*hugh will host the academy award next march i heard
he actually has a great sense of humor too -
HIGHLY recommended -
and i really hope to see it competes with
revolutionary road and the changeling -
i give full rating because anything less
won't be fair for this fantastic movie -
5/5 |
Reply #16 mat_arof's post
susah nak cakap juga -
sebab memang close encounters (of the third kind)
antara julianne and nicole masa tu -
anyway -- dalam film ni - nicole memang best
as good as or even better than
when she was in cold mountain (with jude law)
- renee zellweger menang best supporting
though i feel nicole pun favourite untuk best actress
masa tu (kalah dengan charlize in monster kalau
tak silap) - |
kalau p tgk cite ni pon sbb nak tgk...
HUGH "slurppppppppppppppppppppp" JACKMAN
he's a funny guy la...
ada tgk interview with jimmy kimmel.... 't was hilarious |
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