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English and Asia: First International Conference on Language and Linguistics 2008 Home | Find | Add a conference
24 to 27 November 2008
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Contact name: Normala Othman
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SECOND DEADLINE. The conference invites scholars to participate in the discussion on the roles of English in Asia, which have stayed, made impacts on society and continuously changed throughout the centuries.
Organized by: IIUM
Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 10 July 2008
Check the event website for latest details. |
January 2009
04 The 7th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education 2009 Honolulu Hawaii
06 UK Society for Behavioural Medicine - Incorporating the NPRI Annual Scientific Meeting Exeter United Kingdom
10 Pacific & Asian Communication Association (PACA) Conference Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Malaysia
22 Conference on Language and Technology 2009 (CLT09) lahore Pakistan
February 2009
07 Language for Specific Purposes (L.S.P.) Heraklion Greece
23 La comunicazione parlata 2009 / International Conference on Spoken Communication 2009 Naples Italy
March 2009
11 ICTR 2009 - Fourth International Conference on Translational Research in Radiation Oncology GENEVA Switzerland
14 International Conference on Multimedia, Signal Processing and Communication Technologies (IMPACT-2009) Aligarh India
16 7th Somerset Conference for Librarians and Teachers Gold Coast Australia
26 International Conference: LANGUAGES AND CULTURES IN CONTACT- THEN AND NOW Czestochowa Poland
May 2009
19 Applied Natural Language Processing Special Track at the 22nd International FLAIRS Conference Sanibel Island Florida
23 8th Annual JALT Pan-SIG Conference Chiba Japan
25 American Canadian Conference for Academic Disciplines Toronto Canada
27 Data Mining 2009 Royal Mare Village Greece
28 5th International Economic Conference on European Integration - New Challenges for the EU Economy Oradea Romania
28 Res per Nomen 2 Reims France
June 2009
11 International Society for Language Studies Orlando Florida
12 Power and History, 29th Irish Conference of Historians Limerick Ireland
July 2009
02 Fourth Conference on Translation, Interpreting and Comparative Legi-Linguistics Poznañ Poland
October 2009
06 International Seminar on Islamic Thought (ISoIT) Bangi Malaysia
08 Translation Studies: Retrospective and Prospective Views Galati Romania |
25, 26 & 27 Ogos 2008
Hotel Grand Blue Wave, Shah Alam, Selangor
Ajuran bersama:
Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia, Kementerian Perpaduan, Kebudayaan Kesenian dan Warisan
Alumni SITC
Utusan Malaysia
Seminar Kebangsaan Tulisan Jawi 2008 ini merupakan julung kali dianjurkan oleh Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) dengan kerjasama PNM, Kementerian Perpaduan, Kebudayaan Kesenian dan Warisan, JAKIM, KPM, KPTM dan Utusan Malaysia. Seminar ini bertujuan memuganrka kembali penggunaan Tulisan Jawi dan penataran dan perkembangan ilmu, khususnya dalam bahasa Melayu. Dengan itu, diharapkan Tulisan Jawi dapat dimartabatkan semula seperti pada zaman keagungan nasionalisme tiga suku abad yang lalu. Seminar ini juga meletakkan subtema terjemahan kerana ia berkait rapat dengan asal-usul Tulisan Jawi yang datang dari bahasa Arab, dan melihat bagaimana para penterjemah silam memindah ilmu-ilmu dari bahasa Arab ke bahasa Melayu dalam bentuk tulisan yang sama tetapi berbeza bahasanya.
- Perkembangan dan Sejarah Tulisan Jawi
- Teknologi dan Tulisan Jawi
- Kaedah Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Tulisan Jawi
- Terjemahan dan Peranan Tulisan Jawi Dalam Penyebaran Islam dan Perkembangan Bahasa Melayu
- Pendidikan Seni Khat
- Prospek Masa Hadapan Tulisan Jawi
Menteri Perpaduan, Kebudayaan, Kesenian dan Warisan Y.B. Datuk Hj. Mohd Shafie Bin Hj. Apdal
Ucap utama:
Profesor Dr. Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas
Tajuk: Perkembangan Islam Melalui Tulisan Jawi
Profesor Dr. Kang Kyoung Seok, Universiti Pusan, Korea Selatan.
Tajuk: Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Tulisan Jawi
Dr. Hj. Wan Ali Wan Mamat
Tajuk: Asal usul Tulisan Jawi dan Terjemahan
Pihak penganjur berbesar hati mengundang tokoh akademik, penyelidik, penulis dan sesiapa sahaja yang berkaitan menyumbang penemuan baharu pemikiran dan wacana dalam salah satu subtema di atas. Abstrak hendaklah dihantar sebelum atau pada 30 Jun 2008. Kertas kerja lengkap perlu dihantar sebelum 30 Julai 2008. Semua urusan penghantaran abstrak dan kertas kerja hendaklah melalui Prof. Dr. H M Bukhari Lubis:
[email protected] , [email protected]
Abstrak : 200 perkataan
Kertas Kerja : 2500 perkataan (15 m/surat)
Poin : 18 (Jawi), (12) rumi
Melayu (tulisan rumi atau jawi).
Sebarang PERTANYAAN boleh menghubungi terus atau e-mel kepada:
Setiausaha Seminar
En. Taj Rijal Muhd Romli
Fakulti Bahasa
Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Tel Bimbit: 019-9496070,
E-mel: [email protected] , [email protected] |
March 2011
24 Second International Conference on Interpreting Quality Almuñécar Spain
24 Precarious Spaces: (Dis-) Locating Gender. The 18th Annual Susan B. Anthony Institute for Gender/Women’s Studies Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference Rochester NY
24 Meaning, Context & Cognition Lodz Poland
24 Recognizing and Imagining the Slavic in Culture, Society and Language Montreal Canada
24 ThaiSim 2011 Ayutthaya, Ayudhya Thailand
25 Foreign Language Studies in the 21st century Tarnow Poland
31 SECCLL: SouthEast Coastal Conference on Languages and Literatures Statesboro Georgia
31 SECCLL: SouthEast Coastal Conference on Languages and Literatures Statesboro, Georgia
April 2011
01 7th International Conference on Professional Communication and Translation Studies Timisoara Romania
01 International Conference on Computer Supported Education & E-Learning Technology Kathmandu Nepal
01 Education Across the Americas New York New York
04 Dimensions of Goodness South Bend IN
05 Luspio Translation Automation Conference Rome Italy
07 III Congreso internacional de Lingüística de Corpus Valencia (Spain) Spain
07 TMS Inspiration Days Cracow Poland
07 JéTou 2011 Toulouse France
08 Feminism and Teaching Symposium Nottingham United Kingdom
10 European Conference for Academic Disciplines Gottenheim near Freiburg Germany
12 Inside the Saudi University Preparatory Year English Programme: The Future and Beyond Madinah Saudi Arabia
13 International ELT Conference 2011 (iELT-Con 2011) Georgetown Malaysia
13 6th International IDEA Conference: Studies in English Istanbul Turkey
13 Social Theory Forum Boston Massachusetts
15 Brown University Department of Slavic Languages Graduate Student Conference on Estrangement Providence Rhode Island
15 FIGSO 2011: French and Italian Graduate Student Conference “Contrasts: Cinematic, Literary and Linguistic Development through Difference” Austin Texas
15 2011 International Conference on Knowledge Discovery (ICKD 2011) Chengdu China
The ICKD 2011 conference papers will be publishedinto conference proceedings by IEEE, and will beincluded in the IEEE Xplore, and indexed by EiCompendex, Thomson ISI and INSPEC.
15 Texas Foreign Language Education (TexFLEC) - South Central Association for Language Learning Technology (SoCALLT) Conference Austin TX
16 Crossing Borders: Traveling, Teaching, and Learning in a Global Age Nanjing China
18 Teaching Language to Learners of Different Age Groups Singapore Singapore
20 6th International Conference on Linguistics,Literature and Translation Irbid Jordan
21 Doing Research in Applied Linguistics Bangkok Thailand
22 International Language Conference (ILC) 2011 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
22 First International Student Conference on Modern Approaches in English Language and Literature Baku Azerbaijan
26 World Pharmacogenomics Summit Boston MA
27 5th Call Centre Week Canada Toronto Canada
27 April Conference 12. Languages, Literatures and Cultures in Contact: English and American Studies in the Age of Global Communication Krakow Poland
27 International Seminar on Business and Management 2011 Bandung Indonesia
28 It Gives Us the Other: Poetry and Translation Nottingham United Kingdom
28 Shakespeare’s Shipwrecks: Theatres of Maritime Adventure Weimar Germany
28 Language, Culture, and Identity Casablanca Morocco
29 BUILDING CULTURAL BRIDGES: Integrating Languages, Linguistics, Literature and Translation into Education Almaty Kazakhstan
29 International Conference on Developing Real-Life Learning Experiences: Innovation and Technology Education (DRLE2011) Bangkok Thailand
May 2011
04 The 4th International Conference on Health Care Amman Jordan
05 Prosodic and rhythmic aspects of L2 Italian Naples Italy
05 1st International Conference on Foreign Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina
05 1st International Symposium on Asian Languages and Literatures Kayseri Turkey
06 3rd National Conference on Signal Processing Communications and VLSI Design COIMBATORE India
06 Seventh Conference of the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies (NASS). Lund Sweden
06 Workshop on grammaticalisation in Semitic Salford United Kingdom
06 3rd International Symposium Language Education Today: Between Theory and Practice Timisoara Romania
07 Minority Identities: Rights and Representation Reading United Kingdom
07 Institute of Translation and Interpreting (ITI) Conference 2011 Birmingham United Kingdom
11 SOLLS Intec 2011 Bandar Baru Bangi Malaysia
11 Identity and Difference: Interdisciplinary Reflections Sherbrooke Canada
12 Westminster Legal Policy Forum Keynote Seminar: Libel law - the next steps London United Kingdom
12 Current Debates in English and American Studies Coimbra Portugal
13 OOTR the 7th Annual Conference - Future in Oncology: What's in it for us? Hong Kong China
13 Cultures in dialogue: relations between the French-speaking and English-speaking worlds in the area of languages and cultures London United Kingdom
13 79th ACFAS Annual Congress Lennoxville Canada
17 Biomarkers World Europe 2011 London United Kingdom
18 MYTHiCRAFT Fort Kent Other
19 BAS - British and American Studies Timisoara Romania
19 Expanding Our Horizons: Seventh International Conference on Language Teacher Education Minneapolis Minnesota
21 European Conference on Cognitive Science Sophia Bulgaria
21 The 5th International Conference of LKPA Vilnius Lithuania
23 Chinese Factors in Internet: The 9th Chinese Internet Research Conference Washington DC District of Columbia
23 American Canadian Conference for Academic Disciplines Toronto Canada
25 II International Conference on Intercultural Studies S. Mamede Infesta - Porto Portugal
25 eLearning Africa Dar es Salaam Tanzania
26 The Fourth International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF4) Hong Kong China
Plenary Speakers: Prof Henry Widdowson, ProfKingsley Bolton, Prof Fuad Abdul Hamied, ProfNobuyuki Honna, Prof Jennifer Jenkins, Prof AnnaMauranen, Prof Barbara Seidlhofer.
27 ACAH 2011 - The Asian Conference on Arts and Humanities 2011 Osaka Japan
2nd Annual Interdisciplinary Academic Conferenceheld in Osaka Japan organized by IAFOR and itsglobal partners. Conference themes: 'Ancient andModern' and 'Journeys of Discovery.' CFP DeadlineExtended to April 1
28 Translation and Prejudice £ód¼ Poland
28 Canadian Association of Slavists' Annual Conference Fredericton Canada
28 2011 International Conference on EFL Education: Tradition and Innovation Changhua Taiwan
28 FROM THEORY TO PRACTICE Practical Aspects of ELT Istanbul Turkey
29 Second International Conference for Academic Disciplines at Harvard Boston
30 Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2011 Singapore Singapore
30 International Koers Conference on Worldview and Education Johannesburg South Africa
30 Int'l End-of-Academic-Year Multidisciplinary Conference Bad Hofgastein (outside Salzburg) Austria
June 2011
02 ACSS 2011 - The Second Asian Conference on the Social Sciences Osaka Japan
ACSS 2011 - International InterdisciplinaryConference held in Osaka Japan by IAFOR inaffiliation with the UNWFP, Auburn University andother global partners. ConferenceTheme: 'Sustaining the Future'. Call for PapersDeadline Extended
02 Sabanci University, School of Languages, 2nd International Conference on Language Education, Eclipsing Expectations Istanbul Turkey
04 1st Conference on Applying (Putonghua / English) Language Arts (APELA) Hong Kong Hong Kong
04 2011 International Conference on Sociality and Economics Development - ICSEP 2011 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
The ICSEP 2011 will be published into conferenceproceedings and all the papers will be indexed byThomson ISI Proceedings.
08 International Conference on New Horizons in Education (INTE-2011) Guarda Portugal
08 Ninth International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities Granada Spain
09 2nd International PRISEAL Conference: Publishing and Presenting Research Internationally: Issues for Speakers of English as an Additional Language Sosnowiec / Katowice Poland
09 WWV 2011 Reykjavik Iceland
09 4th International Conference for Theory and Practice in Education. Society and Education Budapest Hungary
10 Thammasat ELT Conference Bangkok Thailand
10 The Asian Conference on Language Learning Osaka Japan
International Academic Conference on LanguageLearning and related fields of study. ConferenceTheme: Connecting Theory and PracticeConference Chair: Professor Steve Cornwell, OsakaJogakuin College
10 Language, Thought and Education Zielona Gora Poland
10 2011 International Conference on Knowledge and Education Technology (ICKET 2011) Chengdu China
All ICKET 2011 conference papers will be publishedin the IEEE ICCSIT proceedings, which will beincluded in the IEEE Xplore, and indexed by the EiCompendex, ISI Proceeding and other indexing services.
11 First ASSE International Conference on British and American Studies Only connect... Vlore Albania
14 INCoH International Conference on Humanities 2011 Penang Malaysia
17 NATSA 2011 - The Trajectory of Taiwan in a Global Context Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
18 Birmingham Cityscapes: An Urban Research Conference Birmingham United Kingdom
20 JAX Conf San Jose California
20 8th International Colloquium on Problems and Methods of the History of Language. Girona Spain
21 Euro-American Conference for Academic Disciplines Prague Czech Republic
21 First Internacional T3L Conference: Tradumatica, Translation Technologies, Translation & Localization Barcelona Spain
21 IALLT2011 Irvine California
22 The IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing and Applications ~SIPA 2011~ Crete Greece
22 ACSSSR2011 - ASEAN Conference on Scientific and Social Science Research 2011 Penang Malaysia
22 Language and Communication through Culture Ryazan Russian Federation
24 Tennessee Williams in Europe: A Centenary Celebration, 1911-2011 Nancy France
25 The 4th HAAL Conference hong kong Hong Kong
28 The Twenty-fourth International Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA/AIE 2011) Syracuse New York
28 Advancing the Social Science of Tourism Guildford United Kingdom
28 1st International Conference on Russian Studies Language, World View and Text, Granada Spain
29 SMi's Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology: Applications & Commercialisation London United Kingdom
July 2011
03 LGBT/Queer Studies:Toward Trans/national Scholarly and Activist Kinships Madrid Spain
04 4th Global Conference: Diasporas - Critical Issues Oxford United Kingdom
This project seeks to explore the contemporaryexperience of communities who conceive ofthemselves as a national, ethnic, linguistic orother cultural and political construction ofcollective membership living outside of their'homelands'.
04 Cultural Difference and Social Solidarity: Dividing and Uniting Communities Beyond Multiculturalism Guzelyurt/Morphou Cyprus
05 PALA Namibia Windhoek Namibia
06 The 2011 International Conference of Computer Science and Engineering London United Kingdom
06 18th biennial conference of the Australian Federation of Modern Language Teachers Associations Darwin Australia
07 The Twenty-Third International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2011) Miami FL
08 II Postgraduate Conference ESGHT 2011 Faro Portugal
11 Literature and Translation Melbourne Australia
11 The Sixth International Symposium on Politeness: Corpus Approaches Ankara Turkey
11 6th Singapore Graduate Forum on Southeast Asia Studies Singapore Singapore
12 9th International Workshop on Finite-State Methods and Natural Language Processing (FSMNLP) Blois France
14 Gossip, gospel, and governance: orality in Europe 1400-1700 London United Kingdom
14 Children's Play, Storytelling and Pretence (CPSP 2011) Melbourne Australia
14 Theorising the Popular Liverpool United Kingdom
14 Language and Communication: Barriers and Challenges Lucknow India
15 2011 International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (ICIKM 2011) Haikou China
All accepted papers of ICIKM 2011 will bepublished in the ICCEA 2011 conference proceedingby IEEE, and will be included in the IEEE Xplore,and indexed by INSPEC, Thomson ISI (ISTP) and EiCompendex.
16 Wittgenstein and the Swansea School Newtown (Gregynog Hall) United Kingdom
20 Patient Safety: From Product to Patient Care and Translational Research Ubon Ratchathani Thailand
21 Workshop on Typological Studies of Languages of China Hong Kong China
26 The 11th International Conference on Thai Studies: Visions of the Future Bangkok Thailand
August 2011
01 XIX World Congress -Bridging Cultures San Francisco California
02 III International Conference on Afro-Hispanic, Luso-Brazilian, and Latin American Studies (ICALLAS) Accra Ghana
04 The First Freedoms: Mihajlov's Quest for Democracy & Human Rights Pasadena California
18 34th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing, TSP 2011 Budapest Hungary
22 AsiaLex 7th International Conference Kyoto Japan
23 15th European Conference on Developmental Psychology Bergen Norway
26 Middle and Modern English Conference Linguistics 2011 Osaka Japan
27 Helsinki Poetics Conference Helsinki Finland
30 JACET Convention The 50th Commemorative International Conference Fukuoka Japan |
November 2011
02 National Seminar on Foreign Language Teaching: Towards a Multilingual Generation in a Globalised World Kedah Malaysia
03 2011 NTUTAPPLINGX Taipei Taiwan
03 14th Annual Colloquium on International Engineering Education Provo Utah
04 2nd Annual SUNY at Buffalo Romance Languages and Literatures Graduate Student Association Conference: Humanities at the Limit Buffalo NY
04 International Conference on Strategic Communication: Learning from Mistakes Dehradun India
04 2011 International Conference on Humanities, Society and Culture (ICHSC 2011) Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
All the registered papers will be included in theEngineering & Technology Digital Library andindexed by Thomson ISI. Selected papers with atleast 30% new content will be published in theInternational Journals.
05 Translation and Memory Workshop Conference Portsmouth United Kingdom
05 Arche'/CSMN graduate conference St. Andrews United Kingdom
08 Translation and Gender: a gap between theory and practice? Cosenza Italy
09 Future Issues in Higher Education Istanbul Turkey
09 INFuture2011 Zagreb Croatia (Hrvatska
09 The Fifth International Conference on Austroasiatic Linguistics (ICAAL5) Nakhon Pathom Thailand
10 The 4th Biennial International Conference on the Teaching & Learning of English in Asia (TLEiA4) Georgetown Malaysia
11 International Conference Nav-Mar-Edu 2011 Constanta Romania
11 TIFO 2011: Teaching Translation and Interpreting Skills in the 21st Century Olomouc Czech Republic
11 Advising for Language Learner Autonomy Chiba Japan
17 International Perspectives in Art & Design Leeds United Kingdom
17 Translating and the Computer 33 London United Kingdom
18 4th Biennial International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching Auckland New Zealand
18 The 10th International AsiaCALL Confernece Bangkok Thailand
18 The Future of Arts Research London United Kingdom
18 JALT2011: Teaching Learning Growing, 37th Annual International Conference on 
Language Teaching and Learning
 & Educational Materials Exhi Tokyo Japan
19 MESS10: Medieval English Studies Symposium Poznan Poland
21 The 5th International Seminar Teacher Educator in the Era of World Englishes Salatiga Indonesia
22 3rd International Conference on Language, Education and Diversity (LED 2011) Auckland New Zealand
24 Humanities and Social Sciences 2011 (HSS-2011) Lviv Ukraine
26 International Translation Symposium on Culture-bound Texts Depok Indonesia
27 European Conference for Academic Disciplines Gottenheim near Freiburg Germany
28 World Companion Diagnostics Summit Boston MA
28 The Limits of Thought-and Beyond Silchar India
30 International Conference on eLearning Futures Auckland New Zealand
30 The Effects of Global Learning: Teaching the World about the World Rome Italy
December 2011
01 Facing Present, Past and Future. Fourth International BAAHE Conference Brussels Belgium
02 Modern Languages Symposium 2011: Language, Migration and Diaspora Dublin Ireland
05 3rd Molecular Diagnostics for Cancer Drug Development Frankfurt Germany
05 3rd New Zealand Discourse Conference (NZDC3) Auckland New Zealand
07 The Second International Conference on Popular Culture and Education Hong Kong Hong Kong
07 11th Philippine Linguistics Congress Quezon City Philippines
08 Second International Conference on Intelligent Interactive Technologies and Multimedia (IITM 2011) ALLAHABAD India
10 TESL One Special Topic National Seminar - English Language Teacher Education Serdang Malaysia
14 Signal and Image Processing 2011 Dallas TX
15 French as lingua franca in the Low Countries during the long 19th century (1800-1914). Cases of histoire crois�e and transnational cultural transfer Brussels Belgium
15 The 3rd International Conference on Language and Communication Interdisciplinary Discourses in Language and Communication (ICLC 2011) Bangkok Thailand
17 International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT'2011) Pattaya Thailand
17 2nd International Congress of Bengal Studies Dhaka Bangladesh
28 2011 International Conference on Languages, Literature and Linguistics - ICLLL 2011 Dubai United Arab Emirates
The ICLLL 2011 papers will be published into proceedings and All the papers will be indexed by Thomson ISI Proceedings. About 10 papers selected from registered ones will be published in IJSSH, ISSN: 2010-3646 free of charge.
January 2012
04 International Conference on Narrativizing the Margins: Northeast India and Beyond Diphu India
04 Global conference on disorders in auditory processing, literacy, language and related sciences Hong Kong Hong Kong
05 2012 International Conference on Government, Law and Culture - ICGLC 2012 Hong Kong China
The ICGLC 2012 papers will be published into proceedings and All the papers will be indexed by Thomson ISI Proceedings. About 10 papers selected from registered ones will be published in IJEEEE, ISSN: 2010-3654 free of charge.
05 2012 2nd International Conference on Life Science and Technology (ICLST 2012) Hong Kong China
ICLST 2012 will be listed in the Science & Technology Digital Library, and indexed by the Thomson ISI.About 10 selected papers will be published in IJBBB, ISSN: 2010-3638 free of charge.
07 International Conference on Intelligent Computational Systems (ICICS'2012) Dubai United Arab Emirates
10 Keystone Symposia: Nucleic Acid Therapeutics: From Base Pairs to Bedsides Santa Fe New Mexico
16 Biomarkers Summit London United Kingdom
22 Keystone Symposia: Cardiovascular Development and Regeneration Taos New Mexico
26 3rd International Conference on the Development and Assessment of Intercultural Competence Tucson AZ
27 32nd Annual Thailand TESOL International Conference Teacher Collaboration: Shaping the Classroom of the Future Bangkok Thailand
30 2012 International Conference on Emergent Issues in Humanities in Africa in the Third Millennium and Chinua Achebe Annual Lectures Nsukka Nigeria
February 2012
01 “African Literatures, Wole Soyinka and the Politics of the Nobel Prize” Pretoria South Africa
07 Keystone Symposia: Gene Silencing by Small RNAs Vancouver Canada
15 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ARABIC STUDIES (ICAS 2012) Bandar Seri Begawan Brunei Darussalam
19 Mediterranean Conference for Academic Disciplines Gozo Malta
22 OSCAT2012: 2nd International conference on open source for computer-aided Translational medicine Chandigarh India
23 First international workshop on segregation and integration in music and language Tübingen Germany
25 8th Annual CamTESOL Conference on English Language Teaching Phnom Penh Cambodia
25 ICT and Languages Conference ililc12 Southampton United Kingdom
March 2012
01 The Once and Future World: Making and Breaking History Montreal Canada
04 Keystone Symposia: Protein-RNA Interactions in Biology and Disease Santa Fe New Mexico
09 Positioning Interdisciplinarity Nancy France
09 Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum (CLAC) Conference Minneapolis Minnesota
09 2012 International Conference and Workshop on TEFL and Applied Linguistics Taoyuan Taiwan
This is the 14th International Conference and Workshop on TEFL & Applied Linguistics in Taiwan. The conference themes are of a broad scope including ESP, language learning and teaching, teacher education, corpus application, etc.
12 2nd Annual International Conference on Information Theory and Applications(ITA 2012) Bangkok Thailand
13 International Conference for Academic Disciplines Las Vegas Nevada
15 Italian Narratives on the Net: Between Private, Public and Social Communication (Roundtable) Rochester, NY NY
20 Gathering Our Voices 2012 Aboriginal Youth Conference Nanaimo Canada
21 The Young Child with Special Needs Las Vegas NV
22 The 4th Language in the Realm of Social Dynamics International Conference: The Multi-dimensions in an Era of Language and Teaching bangkok Thailand
23 International Conference on Human & Social Sciences Tirana Albania
23 2nd International Conference on Human and Social Sciences, ICHSS 2012 Tirana Albania
25 Keystone Symposia: Advances in Islet Biology Monterey California
29 Still Architecture: Photography, Vision and Cultural Transmission Cambridge United Kingdom
29 Sustaining a Global Society: Languages of the Wider World London United Kingdom
29 Learning through Sharing: Open Resources, Open Practices, Open Communication - EUROCALL CMC & Teacher Education joint SIGs event Bologna Italy
31 Keystone Symposia: Non-Coding RNAs Snowbird Utah
31 Keystone Symposia: Eukaryotic Transcription Snowbird Utah
April 2012
02 Paranoia and Pain: Embodied in Psychology, Literature, and Bioscience Liverpool United Kingdom
03 Un-Babel-ing Language: Engendering Global Understandings Mandeville Jamaica
04 Association for Low Countries Studies Biennial Conference: Low Countries, Big Cities Sheffield United Kingdom
06 ACAH 2012 - The Third Annual Asian Conference on Arts and Humanities 2012 Osaka Japan
3rd Annual Interdisciplinary Academic Conferenceheld in Osaka Japan organized by IAFOR and itsglobal partners. Conference theme: 'Exchanges andEncounters. CFP Deadline December 1 2011
08 European Conference for Academic Disciplines Gottenheim near Freiburg Germany
18 Fifth National Biennial Conference on Adolescents and Adults with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder - It's A Matter of Justice! Vancouver Canada
19 ISVS-6 International Seminar on Vernacular Settlements Famagusta Cyprus
26 The Second Annual Asian Conference on Language Learning Osaka Japan
The International Academic Conference on LanguageLearning and related fields of study. ConferenceTheme: Globalization, Culture and Society: Whatrole does language play?Conference Chair: Professor Steve Cornwell, OsakaJogakuin College
May 2012
03 II. International Symposium on Asian Languages and Literatures Kayseri Turkey
07 7th Biennial World Congress Mahe Seychelles
10 Canada: Landscapes and Landmarks Dublin Ireland
11 Trends in American Culture in the Post-1960s Period Eger Hungary
16 Education and research in a changing and challenging world Phuket Thailand
16 International Conference: Innovative research in a changing and challenging world Phuket Thailand
An interdisciplinary research ConferencePapers will be published in one of the followingcategories: Conference Proceedings,refereedresearch journal, research book with aninternational publisher
17 British and American Studies Timisoara Romania
18 The Third Tamkang International Conference on Second Language Writing New Taipei City Taiwan
19 Task-Based Language Teaching in Asia: Challenges and Opportunities Osaka Japan
20 Keystone Symposia: The Role of Inflammation during Carcinogenesis Dublin Ireland
21 American Canadian Conference for Academic Disciplines Toronto Canada
24 The Fifth International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF5) Istanbul Turkey
25 The 15th International CALL Research Conference Taichung Taiwan
Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) is anintercontinental andinterdisciplinary journal (SSCI) which leads thefield in its dedication to allmatters associated with the use of computers inlanguage (L1 and L2) learning,teaching, an
27 Third International Conference for Academic Disciplines at Harvard Boston
31 PUBLISHING AND TRANSLATION Tomsk Russian Federation
June 2012
09 Applied Linguistics and L2 Materials Development Limerick Ireland
Experts in applied linguistics and L2 materials development discuss and demonstrate ways of applying theory to practice. Speakers include Michael Byram, Kathleen Bailey, Ann Burns, Andrew Cohen, Chris Kennedy, Alan Maley and Brian Tomlinson
15 Taking Liberties: Sex, Pleasure, Coercion (1748-1928) Newcastle upon Tyne United Kingdom
18 Euro-American Conference for Academic Disciplines Bad Hofgastein Austria
18 Canada International Conference on Education (CICE-2012) Guelph Canada
19 International Conference for Academic Disciplines Florence Italy
26 Square of Opposition - III World Conference Beirut Lebanon
26 Word Congress on the Square of Opposition III Beirut Lebanon
28 Towards a European Society? Transgressing Disciplinary Boundaries in European Studies Research Portsmouth United Kingdom
29 5th Global Conference: Diasporas: Exploring Critical Issues (July 2012, Oxford: United Kingdom) Oxford United Kingdom
This project promotes novel way in which to lookat the theme of diasporas.
July 2012
02 The Ethical Challenge of Multidisciplinarity: Reconciling ‘The Three Narratives’—Art, Science, and Philosophy Nicosia Cyprus
03 2012 35th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP) Prague Czech Republic
04 ICAMM3 International Conference on Academic Mobility and Migration Serdang Malaysia
06 Language Endangerment: Methodologies and New Challenges Cambridge United Kingdom
08 Conference of the Association for Language Awareness 2012 Montreal Canada
08 ISSBD 2012 Edmonton Canada
09 Annual International Conference on Language, Literature and Linguistics (L3 2012) Singapore Singapore
10 4th UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference (UK-CLC4) London United Kingdom
10 7th Malaysia International Conference on Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (MICOLLAC) Malaysia
11 Jelinek in the Arena: Sport, Cultural Understanding and Translation to Page and Stage Lancaster United Kingdom
11 TaLC10 -- Teaching and Language Corpora Warsaw Poland
August 2012
17 Capturing Witches: Histories, Stories, Images. 400 years after the Lancashire Witches. Lancaster United Kingdom
22 World Research Festival 2012 cebu city Philippines
This is a multidisciplinary conference forprofessionals and students. We publish acceptedpapers in international, refereed, online andindexed journals to insure researchers will beread and cited.
September 2012
09 2012 SALT International Conference Arau Malaysia
27 The 8th international conference Research in Education and Rehabilitation Sciences Zagreb Croatia (Hrvatska
October 2012
04 CLESOL 2012 Conference Palmerston North New Zealand
25 2012 Asian Congress for Media and Communication Thailand Bangkok Thailand
November 2012
01 Translation in Contexts of Official Multilingualism Moncton Canada |
Language conferences worldwide
Listing 95 events (go back)
1 All
October 2013
Rex Nettleford Arts Conference 1 Arthur Wint Drive Kingston 5, Jamaica
2013 3rd International Conference on Humanities, Society and Culture - ICHSC 2013 Jeju, Korea (south)
International Conference on Languages, Linguistics, and Society 2013 Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
International Conference for Academic Disciplines (Rome 2013) Rome, Italy
CULTHIST '13: CULTURAL HISTORY CONFERENCE / on Symbols in the History of Culture Istanbul, Turkey
ACE 2013 - The Fifth Asian Conference on Education Osaka, Japan
ACSET 2013 - The Asian Conference on Society, Education and Technology Osaka, Japan
METM13: Language, Culture and Identity Poblet, Spain
39th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Exhibition Kobe, Japan
November 2013
Anglo-American Conference for Academic Disciplines at the University of London London, United Kingdom
2013 International Symposium on Language, Linguistics, Literature and Education Osaka, Japan
2nd International Conference on Language Learning and Teaching (CoLT 2013) Park Royal Hotel Batu Feringghi, Malaysia
2nd Global Conference: The Citizen in the 21st Century Athens, Greece
Awe, Wonder and Passion: Music and the Creation of Meaning, 2nd International Symposium Mexico City, Mexico
3rd Global Conference: Writing Athens, Greece
Fifth International Language Learning Conference Georgetown, Malaysia
Canadian International Conference of Social Science and Education Toronto, Canada
International Conference ICT for Language Learning - Extended Deadline for Abstracts Submission 18 July 2013 Florence, Italy
Linguistics Beyond And Within — International Linguistics Conference in Lublin Lublin, Poland
The 9th International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences Khon Kaen , Thailand
International Conference on Languages 2013 (ICL2013) Phuket, Thailand
LIT CRI '13: Literature and Urban Space Istanbul, Turkey
2013 2nd International Conference on History and Society Development - ICHSD 2013 London, United Kingdom
2013 2nd International Conference on Ethics in Human Research - ICEHR2013 London, United Kingdom
International Congress of Bengal Studies, 2013 Kolkata, India
LIT FICTION '13: LITERARY FICTION CONFERENCE on Innovation, Difference, Irregularity Istanbul, Turkey
4th International Academic Conference of Young Scientists "Humanities and Social Sciences 2013" (HSS-2013) Lviv, Ukraine
27th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information, and Computation Taipei, Taiwan
Asian Conference on Multidisciplinary Research in Higher Education (ACMRHE 2013) Pasay, Philippines
International Language And Education Conference (iLEC 2013) Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
HISTART '13 HISTORY OF ART CONFERENCE on Politics, Ideology, Identity Istanbul, Turkey
Word in the Cultures of the East: Sound - Language - Book Krakow, Poland
December 2013
Fourth New Zealand Discourse Conference (NZDC4) Auckland, New Zealand
International Conference on Language, Literature & Linguistics 2013 ( LLL 2013) Colombo, Sri Lanka
European Conference for Academic Disciplines: Academia's Largest Christmas Conference Spanning Over 3 Countries Freiburg, Germany
ARCHTHEO '13: Theory of Architecture Conference III on Creativity, Autonomy, Function Istanbul, Turkey
2013 3rd International Conference on Languages, Literature and Linguistics - ICLLL 2013 Sydney, Australia
2013 2nd International Conference on Sociality and Humanities - ICOSH 2013 Sydney, Australia
International Conference on Literature, Language and Communication: An Essential Trident Lucknow, India
The 5th International Conference on Language and Communication: Innovative Inquiries and Emerging Paradigms in Language, Media and Communication Bangkok, Thailand
The 9th METU International Postgraduate Conference on Linguistics & Language Teaching (PGCLLT) Ankara, Turkey
The International Symposium on Social Sciences (TISSS 2013) Hong Kong, China
2013 3rd Journal Conference on Social Science and Humanity (JCSSH 2013 3rd) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2013 2nd International Conference on Humanity, Culture and Society - ICHCS 2013 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
January 2014
2014 Asia-Pacific Social Science Conference Seoul, Korea (south)
WEI International Eurasian Academic Conference Antalya, Turkey
Games of Late Modernity: Homo Ludens 75 Years Later Leusden, Netherlands
Fourth International Conference on the Development and Assessment of Intercultural Competence Tucson, United States of America
e-learning symposium 2014 Southampton, United Kingdom
2014 International Conference on Advances in History of Sciences - ICAHS 2014 Macau, Macau
2014 International Conference on Culture, Knowledge and Society - ICCKS 2014 Macau, Macau
February 2014
ICT and Languages Conference Southampton, United Kingdom
2014 International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Arts - ICLLA2014 Hong Kong, China
Gujarat Studies Association Conference Ahmedabad, India
Confluence: The Vth Annual International Conference on Teaching and Learning English as a Second/Foreign Language Nagpur, India
2014 1st Journal Conference on Social Science and Humanity (JCSSH 2014 1st) Barcelona, Spain
March 2014
Mediterranean Conference for Academic Disciplines Valletta, Malta
2014 International Conference on World Islamic Studies - ICWIS2014 Penang, Malaysia
2014 3rd International Conference on Humanity, History and Society - ICHHS 2014 Penang, Malaysia
2nd Global Conference: (Re)Production: Origins, Transitions, Futures Prague, Czech Republic
The 2nd Biennial Conference on Anthropology and Sustainability in Asia Hiroshima, Japan
AIATSIS National Indigenous Studies Conference - 50 years on: Breaking Barriers in Indigenous Research and Thinking Canberra, Australia
April 2014
ARCHHIST '14: IV. History of Architecture Conference on Periods, Movements, Outsiders Istanbul, Turkey
ACAH2014 - The Asian Conference on Arts and Humanities Osaka, Japan
LibrAsia - The Asian Conference on Literature and Librarianship Osaka, Japan
International Conference for Academic Disciplines (Vienna) Vienna, Austria
CONTEMP ART '14: Contemporary Art Conference on New Approaches, New Techniques, New Materials Istanbul, Turkey
WEI Vienna International Academic Conference Vienna, Austria
ACLL2014 - The Asian Conference on Language Learning Osaka, Japan
CONTEMPHOTO '14: Contemporary Photography Conference on "Imagination versus Reality" Istanbul, Turkey
May 2014
National Adult Language, Literacy and Numeracy Assessment Conference 2014 Melbourne, Australia
International Conference on Translation Studies ICTS Bangkok, Thailand
4th International Conference on Foreign Language and Applied Linguistics Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
5th Global Conference: Storytelling: Global Reflections on Narrative Lisbon, Portugal
WEI International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference in Bali Bali, Indonesia
American Canadian Conference for Academic Disciplines Toronto, Canada
June 2014
TOURAVEL '14 / Tourism, Travel and Leisure Conference Istanbul, Turkey
International Language Conference (ILC) 2014 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
LIT FICTION '14: Literary Fiction Conference on Innovation, Difference, Irregularity Istanbul, Turkey
Twelfth International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities Madrid, Spain
LI LA '14 / Linguistics and Language Conference on Languages in the Contemporary World Istanbul, Turkey
LOCAD '14 / Local Administration and Urban Planning Conference Istanbul, Turkey
Language, Culture and Mind VI Lublin, Poland
September 2014
The 4th Congress of the International Society for Cultural and Activity Research Sydney, Australia
October 2014
Seventh International Conference on e-Learning and Innovative Pedagogies Portland, United States of America
November 2014
Japan Association for Language Teaching 40th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Exhibition Tsukuba, Japan
November 2015
3rd Multidisciplinary Conference at the University of London London, United Kingdom
3rd 1ST INHAD INTERNATIONAL Muzakarah & Mu’tamar On Hadith (iMaM) 2015. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
4th International Conference on Arts, Social Science, Economics and Education Toronto, Canada
4th English Education International Conference (EDUTICON) 2015 Jambi, Indonesia
4th Innovations and Breakthroughs in English Language Teaching Cancun, Mexico
5th The Uncanny in Language, Literature and Culture Warsaw, Poland
7th 13th Asia Pacific Conference (APC2015) Beppu, Japan
12th ICT for Language Learning 8th Edition Florence, Italy
12th 2015 International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Applications (ICKEA 2015) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
13th International Conference on Language Learning and Teaching 2015 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
14th 10th International Conference on Advances in Social Sciences (ICASS), 14-15, November, 2015, Singapore Singapore, Singapore
14th 5th Discourse and Society International Conference 2015 (UMDS 2015): Discourse and Identity in Asia Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
14th 2015 2nd International Conference on Identity, Culture and Communication - ICICC 2015 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
15th 6th International Conference on Teaching, Education and Learning (ICTEL), 15-16, November, 2015, Singapore Singapore, Singapore
16th 2nd International Conference on MANAGEMENT and MUAMALAH 2015 ( ICoMM 2015) Bangi, Malaysia
17th Bridges and not walls - Philological Seminar Pila, Poland
17th The 13th International TELLSI Conference (TELLSI13) Khorramabad, Iran
19th Narratives of Displacement Warsaw, Poland
20th Focus on the Learner: 41st Annual JALT International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning and Educational Materials Exhibition Shizuoka, Japan
20th ICELL - 1st International Conference on English Language and Literature Tirana, Albania
25th 2015 3rd Journal Conference on Social Science and Humanity (JCSSH 2015 3rd) Hong Kong, Hong Kong
25th 2015 International Conference on Culture and History - ICCH 2015 Hong Kong, China
25th International Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS-2015) Nov. 25-26, 2015 Paris (France) Paris, France
26th In the beginning was the word … and then … technology Tirana, Albania
27th 2nd International Conference on Language, Innovation, Culture and Education (ICLICE) 2015 Singapore, Singapore
28th 18th International Research Conference on Business, Economics and Social Sciences, IRC-2015 Shanghai, China
December 2015
1st The 2015 International Conference Sustainable Development Social Sciences & Humanities in Paris Paris, France
1st First International Conference on Hermeneutics of Symbol, Myth and “Modernity of antiquity” in Italian literature and the Arts from the Renaissance up to the present day Milan, Italy
2nd 5th Malaysia International Conference on Foreign Languages (MICFL 2015) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
3rd Excellence in Language Instruction: Supporting Classroom Teaching & Learning Singapore, Singapore
7th The 5th New Zealand Discourse Conference Auckland, New Zealand
7th The 2015 International Advance Innovation Humanities & Social Sciences Research Conference in London London, United Kingdom
8th International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences New York, United States of America
12th 4th International Congress of Bengal Studies Tokyo, Japan
12th 3rd International Conference on Language, Education and Innovation (ICLEI) 2015 Bali, Indonesia
14th 2015 4th International Conference on Humanity, Culture and Society-ICHCS 2015 New York, United States of America
16th International Conference on Malay Heritage and Civilisation 2015 (ICOMHAC 2015) Langkawi, Malaysia
18th 13th International Conference on Social Science Research (ICSSR), December 18-19, 2015, Bangkok Bangkok, Thailand
19th 9th International Conference on Teaching, Education and Learning (ICTEL), 19-20 December, Thailand Bangkok, Thailand
20th The Second Asian Symposium on Education, Equity and Social Justice - EQUIS 2015 Hiroshima, Japan
28th 12th International Conference on Advances in Social Sciences (ICASS), 28-29, December 2015, Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
29th 2nd International Conference on Language, Education, Humanities and Innovation (ICLEHI) 2015 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
30th 2015 5th International Conference on Languages, Literature and Linguistics - ICLLL 2015 Tokyo, Japan
30th 2015 4th International Conference on Sociality and Humanities - ICOSH 2015 Tokyo, Japan
January 2016
2nd International Conference on Humanities, Literature and Education Bangkok, Thailand
4th 2016 2nd International Conference on Knowledge Engineering (ICKE 2016) Los Angeles, United States of America
7th International Conference on English Literature and Humanities (ELH-2016) Jan. 7-8, 2016 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
8th IICLL2016 - Hawaii: The IAFOR International Conference on Language Learning Honolulu, United States of America
8th IICE2016 - Hawaii: The IAFOR International Conference on Education Honolulu, United States of America
8th IICTC2016 - Hawaii: The IAFOR International Conference on Technology in the Classroom Honolulu, United States of America
11th 3rd International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Science Studies Oxford, United Kingdom
14th 2nd SPUP International Research Conference: Towards an Integrated ASEAN Community Tuguegarao, Philippines
18th Third International Conference on Languages, Literature and Society (LLS2016) Bangkok, Thailand
21st Intercultural Competence: Traditions & Transitions, 5th International Conference on the Development and Assessment of Intercultural Competence Tucson, United States of America
21st International Language and Tourism Conference 2016 (ILTC 2016) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
21st E-learning symposium Southampton, United Kingdom
23rd International Young Scholar Conference 2016 (IYSC 2016) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
26th 2016 3rd International Conference on History and Culture ICHC Pattaya, Thailand
30th Fourth International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture and Education 2016 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
30th The Cultures of New India Brighton, United Kingdom
February 2016
1st 2nd sLTC Symposium on Language, Culture and Technology in a Connected World Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia
2nd International Conference on Social Sciences, Humanities and Sports Science (SSHSS'16) Bali, Indonesia
3rd International conference on literature and cinema Tehran, Iran
17th The 2016 European Sustainable Development on Tourism Hospitality Research Conference in London London, United Kingdom
19th Second International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities Colombo, Sri Lanka
22nd 14th International Conference on Humanities and Social Science (HUSOC), 22-23 February 2016, Dubai Dubai, United Arab Emirates
23rd 10th International Conference on Teaching, Education and Learning (ICTEL), Dubai, 23-24 February, 2016 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
24th International Conference on Education, Language and Psychology (ELAP), 24-25 February 2016, Dubai Dubai, United Arab Emirates
26th 2016 3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Arts - ICLLA Taichung, Taiwan
27th IICAH2016 - Dubai: The IAFOR International Conference on Arts and Humanities Dubai, United Arab Emirates
March 2016
1st International Conference on Social Science, Language and Education San Francisco, United States of America
2nd IICLL2016 - Dubai: The IAFOR International Conference on Language Learning Dubai, United Arab Emirates
2nd IICE2016 - Dubai: The IAFOR International Conference on Education Dubai, United Arab Emirates
3rd 3rd Languaging Diversity international conference Macerata, Italy
3rd International Conference on Women Studies & Social Sciences - 2016 Goa, India
5th EDC 2016 - 11th Annual Education and Development Conference Bangkok, Thailand
9th International Research Conference on Culture, Literature, Education and Languages Paris, France
14th International Conference on Social Science, Literature and Education New York, United States of America
14th 3rd International Conference On ARABIC AND ISLAMIC STUDIES 2016 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
14th 51st RELC International Conference (Teaching Literacies - Emerging Pathways and Possibilities in Language Education, 14 - 16 March 2016) Singapore, Singapore
14th 4th Global Summit on Education (GSE 2016) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
17th 2016 2nd International Conference on Knowledge - ICK Paris, France
18th International Conference on Social Science, Literature and Education Dubai, United Arab Emirates
31st ACP2016 - The Sixth Asian Conference on Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences Kobe, Japan
April 2016
2nd International Conference on Social Science, Literature and Education Bangkok, Thailand
2nd IWAHS-2016, 2nd International Workshop on Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Istanbul, Turkey
5th International Conference on Social Science, Literature and Education Bali, Indonesia
7th ExRe(y). Spaces of Expression and Repression in Post-Millennial North-American Literature and Visual Culture Lublin, Poland
11th International Conference on Social Science, Literature and Education Boston, United States of America
13th 15th International Conference on Humanities and Social Science (HUSOC), April 13-14, 2016, Istanbul, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey
14th 11th International Conference on Teaching, Education and Learning (ICTEL), 14-15 April, 2016, Istanbul, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey
14th GlobELT 2016: An International Conference on Teaching and Learning English as an Additional Language conference Antalya, Turkey
15th 2nd International Conference on Education, Language and Psychology (ELAP), 15-16 April, 2016, Istanbul, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey
20th 2016 International Conference on Education, Psychology, and Liberal Arts (ICEPL) Taipei, Taiwan
23rd 9th International Spring Forum of ELSJ Kobe, Japan
28th ACLL2016 - The Asian Conference on Language Learning 2016 Kobe, Japan
28th Çukurova International ELT Teachers (CUELT) Conferences (2nd) Adana, Turkey
28th ACTC2016 - The Asian Conference on Technology in the Classroom 2016 Kobe, Japan
30th 2016 Hwa Kang International Conference on English Language & Literature Taipei, Taiwan
May 2016
11th II. International Literature and Cultural Studies Conference Izmir, Turkey
Language conferences worldwide
Listing 151 events (go back)
1 2 All
January 2017
8th International Conference on Arts, English, Literature and Religious Studies (AELRS-2017) Jan. 8-9, 2017 Bali (Indonesia) Bali, Indonesia
8th The Second IAFOR International Conference on Language Learning – Hawaii 2017 (IICLLHawaii2017) Honolulu, United States of America
13th Revisiting Shakespeare 400 Years After Thane, India
16th 2017 International Conference on Humanities, Social Sciences and Education (ICHSSE-17) Jan. 16-17, 2017 Pattaya (Thailand) Pattaya, Thailand
16th Fourth International Conference on Languages, Literature and Society 2017 Singapore, Singapore
18th 9th Social Media in the Pharmaceutical Industry London, United Kingdom
20th ICSS XI-11th International Conference on Social Sciences 2017 Helsinki, Finland
21st 5th International Conference on Language, Education, Humanities and Innovation 2017 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
26th 2017 CEBU International Conference on Studies in Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (SASSH-17) Jan. 26-27, 2017 Cebu - Philippines Cebu, Philippines
February 2017
2nd International Conference on English Studies, Education & Women Empowerment - 2017 Goa, India
3rd International Conference on Language, Literature and Culture Pune, India
6th Call for Papers: INTCESS 2017- 4th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences Istanbul, Turkey
9th 3RD International Conference on Economics, Management, Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
10th International Conference on Social Science, Art, Business and Education Dubai, United Arab Emirates
18th The Cultures of New India Lucknow, India
18th 10th International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 18-19 Feb 2017, Dubai Dubai, United Arab Emirates
18th 6th International Conference on Language, Innovation, Culture and Education 2017 Bangkok, Thailand
19th 10th International Conference on Learning, Education and Pedagogy (LEAP), 19-20 Feb 2017, Dubai Dubai, United Arab Emirates
20th 10th International Conference on Psychology, Language and Teaching (ICPLT), 20-21 Feb 2017, Dubai Dubai, United Arab Emirates
21st International Literature & Languages Meet Delhi, India
22nd The 2017 ICBTS International Education Social Sciences and Humanities Research Conference In Madrid Madrid, Spain
22nd 2017 4th International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Arts (ICLLA 2017) Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
24th ARWA Conference 2017 Hong Kong, Hong Kong
24th Asian Social Sciences Conference Osaka, Japan
26th The IAFOR International Conference on Language Learning - Dubai 2017 (IICLLDubai2017) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
March 2017
3rd LITERATURE, ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN SPACE '17 / International Conference on Literature, Architecture and Urban Space Istanbul, Turkey
4th The INTESDA 3rd Asian Conference on Education for Sustainability - ACES 2017 Nagoya, Japan
5th EDC 2017 - 12th Annual Education and Development Conference Bangkok, Thailand
10th COMPARATIVE LITERATURE STUDIES '17 / Interdisciplinary Conference on Comparative Literature Istanbul, Turkey
10th International Conference on Language Teaching and Religious Studies 2017 Singapore, Singapore
10th COMPARATIVE LITERATURE STUDIES '17 / Interdisciplinary Conference on Comparative Literature Istanbul, Turkey
10th 2017 6th International Conference on Humanity, History and Society (ICHHS 2017) Paris, France
13th International Conference for Academic Disciplines (UNLV Campus, Las Vegas 2017) Las Vegas, United States of America
13th 52ND RELC INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 2017, SINGAPORE Dimensions of Language Education: Policy, Perspectives, Practice, 13 – 15 March 2017 Singapore, Singapore
13th 3rd International Conference on Humanities, Social Sciences and Education (ICHSSE-17) SCOPUS Journals March 13-14, 2017 Dubai (UAE) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
15th International Conference on Social Science, Arts, Business and Education Paris, France
15th International Conference on Education, Humanities and Management (ICEHM-17) SCOPUS Journals March 15-16, 2017 Abu Dhabi (UAE) Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
17th International Conference on Social Science, Literature, Business and Education Vienna, Austria
19th International Conference on Social Science, Arts, Business and Education Madrid, Spain
22nd Language and the space of ethnocultural dialogue Sant-Petersburg, Russian Federation
23rd International Conference on Humanities and Educational Research Houston, United States of America
24th "Art of Communication" International Conference Warsaw, Poland
24th 7th International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture and Education 2017 Hanoi, Vietnam
25th 2017 6th International Conference on Language, Medias and Culture (ICLMC 2017) Kyoto, Japan
25th 2017 6th International Conference on Social Science and Humanity (ICSSH 2017) Kyoto, Japan
27th 5th Global Summit on Education (GSE 2017) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
31st MEDIA AND COMMUNICATION '17 / International Conference on Media and Communication Studies Istanbul, Turkey
31st MARKETING '17 / International Conference on Marketing Studies Istanbul, Turkey
April 2017
1st International Conference on Social Science, Art, Business and Education Sharm El-Shiekh, Egypt
5th The 2017 International Education Social Sciences & Humanities Research Conference In London London, United Kingdom
5th International Conference on Social Science, Arts, Business and Education New York, United States of America
7th International Conference on Social Science, Literature, Economic and Education San Francisco, United States of America
8th International Conference on Social Science, Arts, Economics and Education Santa Barbara, United States of America
9th International Conference on Social Science, Literature, Economic and Education Dubai, United Arab Emirates
10th Euro-American Conference for Academic Disciplines (Paris 2017) Paris, France
10th International Conference on Social Science, Arts, Business and Education, University of California Riverside Riverside, United States of America
11th International Conference on Humanities, Literature, Business and Education Bangkok, Thailand
14th DERRIDA STUDIES '17 / International Conference on Jacques Derrida and Derrida Studies Istanbul, Turkey
14th Bogazici University School of Foreign Languages THE (Towards Higher Education) ELT Conference Istanbul, Turkey
14th PHILHIST '17 / IV. International Conference on History of Philosophy Istanbul, Turkey
20th CUELT 2017 - Cukurova International ELT Teachers Conference (3rd) Adana, Turkey
21st EDUCATION STUDIES '17 / International Conference on Education and Learning Istanbul, Turkey
22nd 6th International Conference on Language, Education, Humanities and Innovation 2017 Singapore, Singapore
24th The WEI International Academic Conference on Education and Humanities in Vienna Vienna, Austria
28th 03rd International Conference on Education and Distance Learning Colombo, Sri Lanka
28th OTTOMAN STUDIES '17 / International Conference on Ottoman Empire and Ottoman Studies Istanbul, Turkey
May 2017
1st International Conference on Social Science, Literature, Economics and Education,University of Toronto Toronto, Canada
6th 2017 4th International Conference on Society, Education and Psychology (ICSEP 2017) Macau, China
6th 2017 4th International Conference on Humanity and Social Sciences (ICHSS 2017) Macau, China
9th DLSU International Conference on Philippine Studies Kalibo, Philippines
11th The Asian Conference on Language Learning 2017 (ACLL2017) Kobe, Japan
12th Personal Identity through a Language Lens (PILL4) Lodz, Poland
16th The International Conference on Teaching Languages to Young Learners Ephesus, Turkey
18th GlobELT 2017: The Third International Conference on Teaching and Learning English as an Additional Language Izmir, Turkey
18th The Fifth International SEARCH Conference 2017 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
19th 6th International Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture “Traces of Multiculturalism” Kaunas/Lithuania Kaunas, Lithuania
20th 7th International Conference on Language, Education and Innovation 2017 Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
22nd 13th International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 22-23 May 2017, Lisbon Lisbon, Portugal
23rd 14th International Conference on Teaching, Education and Learning (ICTEL), 23-24 May 2017, Lisbon Lisbon, Portugal
24th 13th International Conference on Linguistics and Language Research (ICLLR), 24-25 May 2017, Lisbon Lisbon, Portugal
29th International Conference for Academic Disciplines (Sicily 2017) Catania, Italy
30th American Canadian Conference for Academic Disciplines (Montreal & Toronto 2017) Montreal, Canada
June 2017
2nd INDIAN STUDIES '17 / International Multidisciplinary Conference on India and Indian Studies Istanbul, Turkey
2nd IRANIAN STUDIES '17 / International Multidisciplinary Conference on Iran and Iranian Studies Istanbul, Turkey
2nd ALGERIAN STUDIES '17 / International Multidisciplinary Conference on Algeria and Algerian Studies Istanbul, Turkey
5th American Canadian Conference for Academic Disciplines (Toronto & Montreal 2017) Toronto, Canada
6th 18th International Conference on Social Science & Humanities (ICSSH), 06-07 June 2017, Rome, Italy Rome, Italy
7th 19th International Conference on Teaching, Education & Learning (ICTEL), 07-08 June 2017, Rome, Italy Rome, Italy
8th 18th International Conference on Linguistics & Language Research (ICLLR), 08-09 June 2017, Rome, Italy Rome, Italy
8th The Future of Education, 7th edition Florence, Italy
10th Meaning-Focused Materials Development for Language Learning Tilsburg, Netherlands
13th 14th International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 13-14 June 2017, Singapore Singapore, Singapore
14th 15th International Conference on Teaching, Education and Learning (ICTEL), 14-15 June 2017, Singapore Singapore, Singapore
15th 14th International Conference on Linguistics and Language Research (ICLLR), 15-16 June 2017, Singapore Singapore, Singapore
17th ICAS2017- Fifth International Conference on Asian Studies 2017 Ottawa, Canada
17th 2017 World Conference on e-Education, e-Business and e-Commerce (WCEEE 2017)--EI Compendex, Scopus, and ISI CPCS Phuket, Thailand
20th 15th International Conference on Social Science & Humanities (ICSSH), 20-21 June 2017, Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
21st 16th International Conference on Teaching, Education & Learning (ICTEL), 21-22 June 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
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Category: Belia & Informasi