
POPULARITI sekuel Bourne banyak dibayangi
oleh watak utama yang dipegang oleh Damon.
ahhhhhhhhhh bestnya -
nanti ada bourne 4 -
yang ketiga2 cerita bourne tu memang best
based on novel by robert ludlum (one of
the great authors) -
tapi yang #4 ni tak based on the book -
script - matt damon and george nolfi tulis nanti -
lagipun bourne's ludlum ada 3 aje
dan author pun dah meninggal 2001 dulu -
anyway - damon memang bagus in writing script
macam good will hunting yang lakonlayar dia
dengan ben affleck dulu tu --
saya rasa - bourne ni hero yang best - dapat saingi
bond -
a much awaiting sequel no doubt - just like kita semua
tengah tunggu november 6th --
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bourne dapat saingi BOND??siapalah BOND dibandingkan dgn BOURNE.....
wah, filem nih wajib layan nih.....Identity, Supremacy, n Ultimatum semua memang best so mesti yg ni pun akan meletup gak aaaa....
apsal Bourne yg keempat nih tak berdasarkan novel gak macam yg sebelumnya??kan ade Bourne Legacy n Betrayal sambungan dari Trilogi by Robert Ludlum.... |
aku paling suka bourne ultimatum.....harap yg 4 punya lagi meletup |
fuahhhhh cite bourne mmg besh giler siot
i ada koleksi bourne wpun dload dr torrent
mmg besh ... kalah james bond
sori2 .... james bond best tp gadget nyer
tp bourne nie ... bond versi us nyer maaa
hehehehe ....
kuar yg ke4 ... wajib tgk maaaa ...
Reply #1 dexa's post
bukan ke buku robert ludlum siri bourne ni disambung oleh orang lain..
disambung oleh eric van lustbader
so patutnya susunan bukunya ginie:
1. bourne identity
2. bourne supremacy
3. bourne ultimatm
4. bourne legacy
5. bourne betrayal
6. bourne sanction
buku 4-6 tu ditulis oleh eric nie
Ludlum wrote two sequel novels to The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy and The Bourne Ultimatum. In addition, after Ludlum's death, Eric Van Lustbader continued the story of Jason Bourne in The Bourne Legacy, The Bourne Betrayal and The Bourne Sanction. |
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the plot from 4th novel by eric van lustbader
The Bourne LegacyFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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The Bourne Legacy is a spy fiction thriller written by Eric Van Lustbader and based on the character of Jason Bourne created by author Robert Ludlum. The novel was published in 2004 and is a sequel to 1990's The Bourne Ultimatum. He has also written two more novels in the series, The Bourne Betrayal and The Bourne Sanction.
[edit] Plot summaryFor a more in-depth background of the character Bourne, see Jason Bourne. With the climactic events of The Bourne Ultimatum behind him, Jason Bourne is able to once again become David Webb, now professor of linguistics at Georgetown University. However, this serenity does not last for long and, when a silenced gunshot narrowly misses Webb's head, the Bourne Persona reawakens in him yet again.
Bourne's first objective is to get to his long time friend and handler at the CIA, Alex Conklin.
However, unbeknownst (as yet) to Bourne, a Hungarian by the name of Stepan Spalko has now drawn Jason into a web梠ne which he cannot escape as easily as his professorial fa鏰de.
Finding Alex dead along with Doctor Morris Panov, Bourne realizes the trap as soon as he hears the police arriving. With his car outside and his fingerprints in the house, he immediately understands that he has been framed.
So, with only Conklin's cell phone and a torn page from a notebook to go on, Jason Bourne sets off to find out who's trying to kill him and who killed his friends.
After warning Marie and his kids, Jamie and Alison, to proceed immediately towards their safe house, he slips through the CIA cordon and makes his way to an independent agent who was talking to Alex Conklin when he was killed. Having received travel plans to Hungary and a mission to meet Janos Vadas, Conklin's contact in Hungary, he proceeds to unravel the truth behind why Alex and Morris Panov were killed.
Meanwhile, a group of Chechen terrorists have been fighting a losing battle against Russian invaders when a man named Stephan Spalko appears to solve their problems. Spalko, we later discover, had Conklin and Panov killed and kidnapped a Doctor Felix Schiffer. Schiffer is an expert in bacteriological particulate behavior.
Spalko intends to release a bacteriological weapon during peace negotiations between many World Leaders to be held at the Oskjuhlid Hotel in Reykjav韐, Iceland, using the terrorists he is cultivating as a diversion. The book charts Bourne's course from the United States, to France and then to Budapest in Hungary where he learns the final thing he needs to do梩o stop Spalko's attack in Iceland.
This of course, has to be done with a CIA sanction out for him to be immediately terminated, as he is believed responsible for the deaths of Conklin and Panov.
There is also the matter of Spalko's hired assassin, Khan, who is preternaturally able to track Bourne where everyone else cannot. Khan is revealed to be the Bourne Legacy; he is Joshua, David's son from his first marriage, who believes erroneously that he was left for dead by his father in Vietnam. Bourne, however, refuses to believe that Khan is Joshua, convinced that Joshua was killed decades ago, and continually tries to avoid him and the truth.
Though Khan is at first working for Spalko, he eventually realizes that he has been used as a pawn in Spalko's personal game. After revealing later on to Bourne that Annaka Vadas, the daughter of Janos Vadas, is a traitor, he begins to feel that Bourne is not the hateful father that he had imagined.
Unfortunately, Bourne is still unable to believe Khan is Joshua梪ntil he hacks into the CIA database and discovers that Joshua's body had never been found. In a fit of rage, he attacks Khan, first believing that it is a conspiracy to hurt him, but is later captured by Spalko.
After rescuing Bourne from Spalko, Khan makes an uneasy peace with his father. While on the plane to Iceland, however, Khan reveals a piece of information that finally convinces Bourne that Khan is his son. When Bourne subsequently reveals that he lost his memory while undercover as Cain, Khan begins to rethink his views regarding his father.
After completing the operation and stopping Spalko, Khan桱oshua梞akes up with his father and realizes that his hatred was always a reflection of his personal struggles and that, in truth, he truly loved Bourne. He requests Bourne, however, not to reveal his identity to Marie, in whose life he feels he has no place. At the end of the novel, Joshua reminds Bourne with a simple gift that as long as David Webb is Jason Bourne, he (Joshua) will always be there. |
Ooh banyak lagi sequel si bourne nihh... |
Reply #8 mat_arof's post
bagi aku bourne lagi best dpd james bond yg over tuh |
yup...bourne lebih realistik dan lebih aksi human being compare Bon yg lebih aksi super power ngan gadget yg ntah pape.......
bourne lebih kepada ketangkasan, kemahiran dan nasib
bond plak lebih kepada gadget, teknologi yg melampau dan seks ngan setiap pelakon pompuan yg didampingi...hehehehehe |
Balas #11 mat_arof\ catat
dh tgk bourne ke belum ni??
tengok and ko nilai kan sendiri mn yg best ? bourne or bond...
aku dulu x minat sgt bond.. tp sejak Daniel Craig jd hero ni mcm best pulak..
yg citer bourne pulak .. matt damon mmg cool and the last one 'ultimatum' mmg superb!!
bg aku.. (personally) bourne is much better than bond..
~~ klu ada sequel ke 4.. cm ne la agaknye eh?? |
Balas #5 limau_nipis\ catat
ohhwww.. Ludlum dh noktah rupenye... patutla sequel org lain |
kesimpulannya kena laa layan dulu Bourne baru leh compare ngan Bond.....bagi aku yg layan dedue Bourne n Bond aku kate Bourne memang superb n Bond memang kene tinggal jauh aaa dari segi plot n jalan citer....cume Bond menang dari segi daya tarikan Bond Girl n aksi panas shj (aku tak kate Bond tak best cume Bourne is much better)..... |
Reply #16 axl_bach's post
ku setujuk ngan axl.. citer bourne much more realistic, tak payah gadget canggih pun nak ablekan mission bourne.. tak silap aku, masa first film ke.. dia pakai handphone nokia 3310 ker gitu, tapi tepon tu dia ubah suai untuk buat dual sim ke.. nak track no tepon org yang dia follow |
Originally posted by limau_nipis at 22-10-2008 12:10 PM 
ku setujuk ngan axl.. citer bourne much more realistic, tak payah gadget canggih pun nak ablekan mission bourne.. tak silap aku, masa first film ke.. dia pakai handphone nokia 3310 ker gitu, tapi ...
dan jgn lupa gak penggunaan Google oleh Bourne utk燾ari maklumat berkenaan target die.... |
Balas #18 axl_bach\ catat
bourne mamat IT .. DIY..x mcm bond kn?  |
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