
The story is about Bolt (John Travolta), a dog who has lived all his life
on the set of a TV show in which he portrays a superhero dog. As a result,
he thinks that his superpowers, and events on film, are real. When he is
accidentally shipped from his Hollywood soundstage to to New York City,
he embarks on a cross-country journey to reunite with his owner and co-star,
Penny (Miley Cyrus). Along the way, Bolt teams up with a jaded houscat named
Mittens (Susie Essman) and a TV-obsessed hamster named Rhino (Mark Walton),
and eventually he discovers that he doesn't need superpowers to be a hero.
Voice Cast:
John Travolta Bolt
Miley Cyrus Penny
Chlo |
tomeinyer... |
Reply #2 myralupilato's post
kadang2 bila tengok animation --
animals tu macam ada iras2 voice over yang
bawa character tu pula --
comel aje -- |
"Bolt" in 3-D
By Ezekiel Lee Zhiang Yang

A scene from "Bolt" | 14 Nov |
Originally posted by dexa at 3-11-2008 06:40 AM 
kadang2 bila tengok animation --
animals tu macam ada iras2 voice over yang
bawa character tu pula --
comel aje --
a'ah la.. mcm Melman, Madagascar tu..
voice david Schwimmer seakan watak Ross Gellar la c Melman tu. |
Get your 3-D glasses ready
By Lai Swee Wei
[table=200] | 
(left) Miley Cyrus is the voice of Bolt's owner, Penny, while John Travolta voices the role of super-dog Bolt | 19 Nov |
movie digital 3D format terkini setelah Journey 2 The Centre Of The Earth july lps.. kini Bolt pula.. adakah berbaloi..?
aku dah rasa time tgk Journey hr tu, rasanye kali ni just tgk format biasa je kut.. |
whatever it is, Disney's movie tak pernah mengecewakan... kalau bawak anak2,
memang Disney, Pixar animation nya production mesti gi tengok...
kalau tak sempat pun, tunggu cd ori keluar, mesti beli. rumah kita lebih byk movie
animation disney,pixar etc dari filem lain. |
masa tgk madagascar 2 dh ada preview Bolt ni..blh tahan gak
sure g tgk nnt hehe |
Originally posted by reddots at 15-11-2008 10:34 AM 
a'ah la.. mcm Melman, Madagascar tu..
voice david Schwimmer seakan watak Ross Gellar la c Melman tu.
travolta kalau buat voice over memang best ---
tak sabar nak dengar dia jadi bolt tu --
lagi satu yang best voice over - bruce willis
dalam look who's talking - memang hilarious juga -
memang bolt ni funny -- |
tayangan versi 3D bermula 27 November ni..
utk format 2D biasa, tayangan bermula 4 Disember, and ada sneak preview from 28-30 November..
so, wat say u..? 3D or 2D biasa? aku tgk 2D je kut.. kena tunggu 3D ni dah revolusionized (betul ke language ni) betul2 kat Malaysia barula aku prefer 3D.. lps ni bnyk movie2 susulan (most of it from Disney) yg nak wat versi 3D.. |
pdn la aku nk tgk bolt smlm kt alam, xde...rupnya utk 3d je ye 27 nov...huhuh |
Originally posted by dexa at 3-11-2008 06:40 AM 
kadang2 bila tengok animation --
animals tu macam ada iras2 voice over yang
bawa character tu pula --
comel aje --
Mcm Kung Fu Panda..aku rasa byk yg muka sama dengan v.o... Jack Black tu sah2 la kan...hehe
Tau2 je cuti sekolah...penat aku nak bwk adik aku tgk wyg je~ |
dah tengok last nite sneak preview -
memang kelakar la sangat -
suara john travolta best
aksi si bolt tu pun macam travolta gak
cara mulut dia mata semua
orang dalam panggung dok ketawa aje -
entertaining movie ni - kucing dan hamster
tu pun.. memang lawak sangat
expression kucing tu (mittens) kelakar -
rhino pun interesting character -
sesiapa yang tengok ni - mesti gelak punya -
recommended -
3.5/5 |
Originally posted by fa_stellar at 28-11-2008 08:54 AM 
Mcm Kung Fu Panda..aku rasa byk yg muka sama dengan v.o... Jack Black tu sah2 la kan...hehe
Tau2 je cuti sekolah...penat aku nak bwk adik aku tgk wyg je~
betul kata stella tu --
aksi dan rupa panda tu - macam jack black -
kalau stellar suka jack black - kena tengok tropic thunder -
kat filem tu - jack jadi blonde - tapi memang lawak sangat
a great movie |
cute gilerr citer neh...tgk ahad lepas dgn my nephews........kesian gak nengok kucing tu.....dah lerr kurus, asyik kena heret dgn bolt jerr.....bolt cute, mittens cute, rhino cute....
suka tgk time bolt nak cuba power super stare nyerr yg tak menjadik....hihihi....... |
salah satu mubi aku nak tgk ujung minggu ni...
aku nak ajak huby maraton tgk madagascar dulu..pastu bolt
penat sehhhh muntutttt 
[ Last edited by kumang at 3-12-2008 12:03 PM ] |
Reply #18 defeduck's post
sumerpun kiut dlm nih... release tensen kt kepale otak tgk kekiutan dorang...  |
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