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software to recover file yang delete
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guna sofware "zilla data nuker"
dload and install dalam pc..
lepas tu connect HP ke PC..
browse gambar atau video yg u nak delete (semestinya yg xxx) ..
so delete guna that software via PC.
software ni akan delete mengikut standard military germany and US Navy..
betul2 follow SOPP military |
Reply #2 sylkronz's post
oohh hehehe thank taw sylkronz's..
eh yang software to recover balik data tuh ape ye? |
huh...tuan khemh...hohohoho....pasal software tuh ea..
aku tau....biase aku gune software getdataback....
ko boleh dapat software tu kat
then ko search getdataback....klu ko nak gune 100%...ko kene beli software tuh...
aku da try lain2 software recovery...tpi...die mnjahanamkan notebook aku... |
Reply #2 sylkronz's post
aku baca kat software ni byk spam..
tak berani lak aku nak huna.. |
guna undelete plus pun bleh... ok je |
Reply #2 sylkronz's post
zila data nuker camne dia berfungsi?aku selalu erase file guna command...control+delete...tak gi delete masuk untuk kes sebegini macam mana zila data nuker berfungsi? |
Originally posted by sylkronz at 15-11-2008 08:24 PM 
guna sofware "zilla data nuker"
dload and install dalam pc..
lepas tu connect HP ke PC..
browse gambar atau video yg u nak delete (semestinya yg xxx) ..
so delete guna that software via PC. ... yg hebat....bagus gak software nie..delete ikut stndt navy US....
so..sume di hapuskan tnpa meningalkan kesan...
waahhh..bagus2:victory::victory::victory: |
nak delete elok guna kad reader. hp yg ada fungsi mass data connectivity ok la. Tp klu stkat guna pcsuite atau yg seangkatan dgnnya jgn hrp la.
[ Last edited by musang_pulut at 16-11-2008 10:33 PM ] |
Balas #11 musang_pulut\ catat
kalau guna mass data connection tu camne?
isk bute IT sungguh aku nie |
hi all, aku ada donlod recover software nie "Recuva" tak silap dpt dari slah satu thread kat sini..tapi kan bila dah dpt gambar dlm format jpg..bila recover..tak bole buka plak file tu kenapa ek? dia kuar message ni
"Photo Gallery can't open this picture or video. This file format is not supported, or you dont have the latest updates to Photogallery.." bila aku check file tu size nya mmg full reso tapi tak leh buka ada sesape bole bagi solution...? tolong ek |
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