Clint Eastwood stars as Walt Kowalski, a widower who holds onto his prejudices despite
the changes in his Michigan neighborhood and the world around him. Kowalski is a grumpy,
tough-minded, unhappy old man, who can't get along with either his kids or his neighbors,
a Korean War veteran whose prize possession is a 1972 Gran Torino he keeps in mint condition.
When his neighbor Tao, a young Hmong teenager under pressure from his gang member cousin,
tries to steal his Gran Torino, Kowalski sets out to reform the youth. Drawn against his will into
the life of Tao's family, Kowalski is soon taking steps to protect them from the gangs that infest
their neighborhood.
ya allah.. saya memang dah lama sangat nak tengok gran torino ni -
memang suka sangat dengan eastwood - all time favourite actor
sama dengan bobby de niro -- lagi pula eastwood yang directed cerita ni -
mesti best.. dan memang best -
all his dirty harry movies memang saya tengok - dan lagi satu saya suka
the man with no name - best betul - cerita2 cowboy eastwood memang awesome -
sepatutnya release date world wide 9th January - tak ada pun..
bila ni.. saya nak tengok la sangat --
yang best anak dia pun berlakon juga -- (scott eastwood) -