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Tom and Jerry: From Cartoon to Live Action Movies (CGI)

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Post time 24-1-2009 12:43 AM | Show all posts |Read mode

Warner Bros. announced plans today to build an Alvin and the Chipmunks-esque family franchise around the classic animated series Tom and Jerry, in which the cat and mouse will be CG characters who scamper around in live-action settings. It certainly worked for Scooby-Doo and those other rodents, so the question is whether Tom and Jerry have enough staying power to match that post-millenial "movie plus merch" madness. (You may recall the terrible 1992 Tom and Jerry movie, the aptly titled Tom and Jerry: The Movie, which bore virtually no connection to the original 114 animated shorts by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera.)

Variety reports that the film will focus on an "origin story that reveals how Tom and Jerry first meet and form their rivalry before getting lost in Chicago and reluctantly working together during an arduous journey home." I guess that'd make for a decent narrative, but I don't know if I'd buy it as a Tom and Jerry narrative. We never needed to know why these two hate each other, and that was kind of the point. And it's clearly not even hate, because they're constantly grinning at each other even whilst jousting with an enormous fork and knife. Maybe we'll finally learn exactly which medical condition causes seconds-long delays on Tom's part after he's inflicted with severe bodily harm, and the real deal regarding the complex chemical repellent Jerry must have applied half-hourly to ensure that he somehow wouldn't get eaten. Seriously. Tom. EAT HIM. Don't just swallow! DIGEST. (It bewilders me that I appear to be on Team Tom, as I am terrified of/kind of hate cats.)

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saya rase bagus jugak di bawakkan citer nie ke live action movies... dapat sesuatu yg refresh dari Tom and Jerry. Lagi pun saya pun side Jerry team.

saya berpendapat selagi citer tue menarik utk di pasarkan tidak makna dia merosakkan franchise citer nie... kan! Lagi pung saya lama mimpikan citer nie di CGI kan... lagipun teknologi sekarang canggih. Saya x faham laa mentaliti sesetenggah org tue masih hidup naif dengan memori lama dia tue tentang sesuatu citer.

if you dont like it, don't watch it, x de org yg paksa awak utk tgk citer yg awak x suka.....

That just my 2 cent!!!

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Post time 24-1-2009 02:12 AM | Show all posts
kalo fully CGI atau 3D animated feature mungkin ada potensi...kalau CGI dgn live action mcm susah skit....scooby doo agak berjaya sebab rasa, watak dan perwatakan adalah hampir sama dengan siri asal tapi alvin n chipmuck tu hancuss lulosss...

Tom n Jeryy ada harapan jadi mcm Alvin n Chipmunk....tapi everything is possible la kan, cuma dlm hal ni, hanya idea yg luarbiasa kreatif sahaja mampu berikan "good surprise"....otherwise, mungkin kuncing dan tikus itu jadi macam Garfield versi filem...satu watak yg completely different dengan watak asalnya....

Seingat aku, manusia2 dalam Tom n Jerry dari siri animasi classic Hanna and Barbera tu tak pernah tunjuk rupa2 manusia di dalamnya....dan siri animasi versi baru Tom n Jerry (setiap pagi Sabtu di Tv3) pun rasanya masih mengekalkan tradisi dan keaslian ini.....versi CGI nanti...mcm perlu dikekalkan juga...

tapi bolehkah?

Lagikan transformers pun terpaksa masukkan "manusia"....

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Post time 24-1-2009 10:35 AM | Show all posts
adeh.. kalau betul, nak bawak budak2 la nih...

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Post time 24-1-2009 10:49 AM | Show all posts
mane satu tom, mane satu jerry??
lupe lah.. haha...

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Post time 24-1-2009 12:32 PM | Show all posts
jadi mcm alvin n the chipmunks, ok bg aku
-ingat mengecewakan

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Post time 24-1-2009 01:48 PM | Show all posts
x best...

citer tom en jeri ni seswai 5-6 minit sajork...

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Post time 24-1-2009 09:55 PM | Show all posts

Balas #1 logy\ catat

apa maksud encik khairul..

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Post time 24-1-2009 11:06 PM | Show all posts
apa2pun yg original gak yg best

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Post time 28-1-2009 12:23 AM | Show all posts
yeay2!!!!!nak tgk tom and jerry!!!!nak tgk!!!.nak kene suh bf baby amik cuti ni!!!

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Post time 28-1-2009 12:25 AM | Show all posts
Cambest jek....Classic cartoon time aku kecik2..

Tp arap2, Jerry the mouse tu x slalu kalahkan Tom lah...

Xtau nape walaupon Tom tu jahat tp aku slalu suke dia rather than the poor mouse..

Can't wait!!...GO TOM!!!

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Post time 28-1-2009 12:45 AM | Show all posts

Reply #10 InVendeTTa's post

btol tu.. aku lebih sukakan tom berbanding jerry..
kekadang aku rasa jerry lebih jahat dr tom..

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 Author| Post time 28-1-2009 05:37 PM | Show all posts

Reply #11 sickchild's post

Jerry jahat pasal dia selalu curi makan kat dapur, dalam peti ais laaa.... jadi Tom terpaksalaa halau tikus tue pasal takut nanti tuan rumah marah kat dia nanti. lagi pung dia kan kucing, memang kerja dia tangkap tikus. Tapi tikus tue cam style ngada2 pulok bile Tom tue nak tangkap si Jerry tue!  Lepas tue berlakulaa siri chasing yg chaos.. huru hara di buatnya... sampai haru biru tuan rumah di buatnya...      

[ Last edited by  logy at 29-1-2009 12:43 AM ]

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Post time 28-1-2009 05:57 PM | Show all posts

Balas #10 InVendeTTa\ catat

harap2 jadi mcm alvin n the chipmunk, tu best!

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Post time 28-1-2009 08:06 PM | Show all posts
tom n jerry mmg best

not bad kalau it turn out to be like alvin n chipmunk

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 Author| Post time 29-1-2009 12:44 AM | Show all posts

Reply #14 jajamis's post

Akui pung harap begitu jugok  laaa.... Alvin n the Chipmunk... Ok ape!!!

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Post time 14-2-2009 10:02 AM | Show all posts
dari kecik sampai ke tua cita nih mmg besh

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