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ati graphic + nvidia physx
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for the time being aku guna 9600gt utk graphic n 8600gt sonic+ utk run physx. not bad though. not much increase in frame rate in 3dmark06 tp rendering gamba n lighting effect lg cantik dr guna single 9600gt.
harap kalo ada sesapa berjaya configure guna ati n nvidia. currently using winxp sp3... mls nak donlod windows7. reported konfigurasi ati +nvidia hanya leh wat dlm winxp n win7. care 2 share anyone? |
Reply #2 halimi78's post
apa itu physix? macam SLi/crossfire ke?
kalo hybrid sli/hybrid crossfire cuma available dlm vista/win7 aje.
mungkin physix ni do-able dlm vista?
search result physx:
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
PhysX is a proprietary realtime physics engine middleware SDK originally developed by Ageia (now NVIDIA) as the NovodeX SDK. The software was PhysX can also refer to a PPU add-in card designed by Ageia to accelerate PhysX-enabled video games. Video games supporting hardware acceleration by PhysX can be accelerated by either a PhysX PPU or a CUDA-enabled GeForce GPU, thus offloading physics calculations from the CPU allowing it to perform other tasks faster, and as such, the whole system can provide a higher framerate, resulting in a smoother gaming experience.
Middleware physics engines allow game developers to avoid writing their own code to handle the complex physics interactions possible in modern games. Sony has licensed the PhysX SDK for their PlayStation 3 video game console [1] and Microsoft for their Xbox 360 [2].
The PhysX engine and SDK are freely available for Windows and 32-bit Linux.
In February 2008, NVIDIA bought Ageia and the PhysX engine and has begun integrating it into its CUDA framework, which already has multiple drivers for Linux, effectively rendering the PhysX add-in card redundant.[3] With Intel's cancellation of Havok FX, PhysX is currently the only available solution for physics hardware acceleration. |
ati manada fizik! |
Balas #5 adie82\ catat
running ati as primary, nvidia 2nd. not SLI, not xfire  |
Balas #3 bzzts\ catat
physx... spy efek tu nampak cam reallife. tu yg diorang adopt dlm game2 baru. single gpu nvidia mmg lehrun graphic n physx. tp x berapa cantik compare ngan ada dedicated gpu run utk physx.
x perlu setup SLI, mobo xfire pon xpe sbb setting multigpu. kalo guna 2-2 gpu nvidia mmg trs leh setting 1 run physx 1 run grafik. dia akan select primary card utk run grafik. so 2nd card run physx. 8500gt pon boleh tp recommended not lower than 8600gt. kalo dah pakai 9800gtx nak syok amik 9800gt wat run physx..
so efek physx nampak bila ada meletop2, bersepai2.. muka berkerut2... kain bergoyang etc2.... |
lagi satu 8600gt tak sapot fizik la... |
Balas #4 bzzts\ catat
anyway tq... nanti2 la baca. dah penat dah ni. sok nak skolah lagik. lusa skolah... bila x skolah ha??? |
nvidia je ada bende ni kan....kalo letop2 kuar cebis2 tu mmg detail la nampak |
Balas #8 adie82\ catat
starting from 8 series upwards... aku skrg 2nd card 8600gt... leh enable physx dgn 8600gt sbb 1st card 9600gt. akunyer 4830 kat pc lg 1... sementara aku cr jawapan |
Reply #9 halimi78's post
ko skolah apa? hari ni jumaat, esok sabtu.
aku pun nk tido dah ni. sok keje.  |
Balas #10 an2toncit\ catat
yup... tu sbb ramai dok main kacuk2 nih... |
Balas #15 adie82\ catat
1 ati utk run grafik, 1 nvidia utk physx |
Originally posted by halimi78 at 20-2-2009 12:24 AM 
datok lokman, kg pandan
aku budak lokman 2 tahun gak dulu pastu form 4 pindah sebelah kat SAB lak....
skang banyak gado ngan singa bogel lagi ke ?
kenangan manis aku kat situ bila score gol dr tengah padang (mentang2 padang kecik) |
Balas #17 an2toncit\ catat
aku br msk sini. thn 2007. thn 2008 aku cuti panjang. thn ni br stat btl2 balik. btw, singa bogel tu apa ha? |
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