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Apa yang terdapat di hutan amazon?

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Post time 14-4-2009 03:28 PM | Show all posts |Read mode

This whole thing started when Fred (my neighbour) plopped
down on my porch. And he asked me, "Did you see that TV
program that said the Amazon jungle was several million
years old?"

"Yes," I responded. "But, Fred, what if it's only 3,000
years old?"

"You're having me on," he laughed. "Why, everyone

No, I'm not kidding.

Were you aware that huge stone cities, very ancient, with
paved streets and tall pyramids choked with forest, have
been sighted in the Amazon jungle by several explorers in
recent years?

These mysterious cities were built when the climate in the
Amazon basin was more temperate and the rivers drained a
fertile area, but BEFORE the jungle took over.

(By the way, that's the very climatic situation one might
expect in the aftermath of a global Flood.)

Did you know that when cities were first built in South
America, the whole Amazon basin was a shallow inland sea?
And some Brazilian scientists say they have evidence that
this Amazon Sea existed AS RECENTLY AS 1200 BC?


In those early days, when South America was still free of
jungle, the human race had already settled and built a

Perhaps you have no idea how wonderful and elaborate these
cities were.  The citizens wall-papered their houses with
thin sheets of beaten gold. You can see further details in
the book Dead Men's Secrets - available at

The cities were built by people with fine features. They used
gold coinage and operated fleets. Their buildings were of
shining white stone. Their cities boasted magnificent plazas,
paved streets, ornamented temples, round-topped pyramids,
mansions and fountains.

They erected lighthouses and used lenses and reflectors, the
elements of the telescope.

And the cities were walled - not against savages, but the
mighty gulf, or sea, of the Maranon (the Amazon Sea).

Some of their ruins have been seen, so this is not fantasy.
Many of their alphabetic letters are identical with those of
the Phoenicians and Greeks, 3,000 and 4,000 years ago.

According to native traditions, they used a light source akin
to our electric bulb.


Recently a scientific "expert" wrote that the Amazon jungle
has been there for millions of years, that only primitives
have lived there.

Traditional "experts", I fear me, often constitute near

Little of what is known has found its way into textbooks.
Our sacred theory of evolution is at risk if this
information gets out.

The truth is: Overwhelming evidence exists that South
America was well known in antiquity.

Before the jungle took over, it was resplendent with great
cities.  Mighty empires spanned the continent.  They knew
how to write. And global communication in the distant past
equalled that of modern times.

It is abundantly clear that history needs to be rewritten.


This raises THE SECOND QUESTION: why do primitive
tribes worldwide have NO traditions of having evolved UP
from a sub-human past, but rather that they DE-volved from
superior ancestors?

Here is the truth. After the cities were destroyed by
earthquakes, volcanism or war, the survivors degenerated
into a primitive lifestyle.

Before long, the green forest covered the whole landscape.

Many ancient traditions survive of an advanced culture
which flourished thousands of years ago to the north and west
of the Brazilian highlands.

Their descendants are now scattered as primitive tribes
throughout the jungle.


Again, traditional "experts" tell us that writing was
unknown in South America.

Wrong again!

Books of wonderfully executed paintings and hieroglyphics
have been found among naked Panos savages of the deep
Peruvian forests near the gorge of the Ucayle, in the Amazon
headwaters, in the eighteenth century.  The Indians explained
that the books, handed down, contained a history of events in
the days of their ancestors.

The pages of fine cotton, in external appearance resembling
modern quarto leaves, were bound with a cover, glued
together and fastened by agave threads.

One of these ancient books was acquired by Fray Narcissus
Gilbar and sent to Lima to be inspected by P. Cisneros,
compiler of a periodical called El Mercurio Peruano. A
number of people inspected it.

Every page was covered in paintings and organised lines of
hieroglyphic style characters.

So here we have modern savages, living in a primitive state,
but with a heritage passed down from superior ancestors.

Use magic Report


Post time 14-4-2009 04:45 PM | Show all posts
ada anakonda, piranha, jaguar dgn arapaima

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Post time 14-4-2009 05:52 PM | Show all posts
Ada pyramid ruins kat Amazon???

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Post time 15-4-2009 10:37 AM | Show all posts
ade kanibal ke kat sane??

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Post time 15-4-2009 11:16 AM | Show all posts
ada Ikan Lumba-Lumba Air Tawar....

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Post time 15-4-2009 11:27 AM | Show all posts
Ada Capibara,platypus dan Kelawar penghisap darah dan  Brazil coconut, juga sejenis kayu yg bila dibawa ke Malaysia dipanggil kayu Koka dan didakwa pula sebagai jenis kayu yg sama dengan kayu kapal Nabi Nuh.Dah ramai yg kena teypu.Di Hutan AMAZON juga terdapat air terjun terbesar di dunia iaitu Iguazu Fall dan air terjun tertinggi di dunia iaitu Angel Fall.

[ Last edited by  sayapghaib at 15-4-2009 11:33 ]



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Post time 15-4-2009 11:42 AM | Show all posts
macam2 rasanya

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Post time 15-4-2009 11:50 AM | Show all posts
boleh letak gambar tak?..kalau rajin le..

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Post time 15-4-2009 12:41 PM | Show all posts

Balas #8 intandanial\ catat

Kena masuk ke forum Geografi kut

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Post time 15-4-2009 03:14 PM | Show all posts
ada flora dan fauna

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Post time 15-4-2009 03:28 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 15-4-2009 03:30 PM | Show all posts

lagi map


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Post time 15-4-2009 03:37 PM | Show all posts
A canopy of green spreads over a 2,030,000 square mile ecosystem that includes the Amazon River Amazon Forest (the largest and densest rainforest in the world) and upwards of five million animal species.

Over 25,000 species of plants and more butterflies can be found here than anywhere else on the planet. There are also 170 Indian cultural groups living in the Amazon remnants of the 7 million who flourished there once but who have been reduced to no more than 200,000 today

The Amazon Basin is the planet's largest body of fresh water with 1100 tributaries 17 of which are more than 1000 miles long. Many of the tributaries begin in Colombia and Peru.

Recognized as the world抯 greatest reserve of life form with the greatest biological accumulation of carbon on Earth the Amazon is one of the largest remaining contiguous tracts of nature on earth. The Amazon is the "lungs of the world."




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Post time 16-4-2009 11:42 AM | Show all posts

Balas #6 sayapghaib\ catat

selama ni igtkan niagara waterfalls yg terbesar di pas google, rupenye ade lg yg besar..tq info

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Post time 16-4-2009 11:56 AM | Show all posts
Iguazu lebih besar dari Niagara lagipun Niagara menjadi bertambah lebar kerana satu empangan yg dibina kat Tasik Superior,(betulkan kalau saya silap) berbanding Iguazu yg wujud sepenuhnya secara semulajadi.Kalau dalam ranking air terjun semulajadi terbesar di dunia, Iguazu adalah nombor satu manakala Victoria di Zimbabawe pula menduduki tempat kedua.Pernah tengok beberapa gambar kat yahoo tentang proses pembinaan sebuah empangan di Kanada yg melebarkan Niagara Fall.Angel Fall yg berketinggian lebih 900 meter pula adalah air terjun tertinggi di dunia.Angel Fall terletak di Hutan Amazon di Venezuela.

[ Last edited by  sayapghaib at 16-4-2009 12:25 ]



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Post time 17-4-2009 01:58 AM | Show all posts
ada ketek atas pokok

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Post time 17-4-2009 10:02 AM | Show all posts
betul ke puak kanibal wujud kat sane??

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Post time 17-4-2009 02:57 PM | Show all posts
Amazon River Dolphin (Inia Geoffrensis)

[ Last edited by  HangPC2 at 7-5-2009 20:38 ]



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Post time 17-4-2009 03:45 PM | Show all posts
Macam dugung aja negok

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Post time 17-4-2009 04:19 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sayapghaib at 15-4-2009 11:27
Ada Capibara,platypus dan Kelawar penghisap darah dan  Brazil coconut, juga sejenis kayu yg bila dibawa ke Malaysia dipanggil kayu Koka dan didakwa pula sebagai jenis kayu yg sama dengan kayu kap ...

Platypus ada kat Australia je bro...

Use magic Report

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