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HSBB ( Connection Up to 100megabait )
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Pernah Dengar tak ? ini adalah Produk terbaru TM ( Telekom Malaysia) kelajuan Connection Untuk menyalurkan data sehingga 100 megabait.Sekarang ini Tengah Testing Di TTDI ( Taman Tun DR Ismail ) Kalau berjaya TM dengan kerjasama Kerajaan Malaysia akan melancarkan Sistem ini.Harap-harap berjaya kerana sistem HSBB Mungkin Lebih Efisien Daripada sebelum ini..
Apa Pandangan Anda ? adakah anda berminat ? Sebarang PErtanyaan sila POst DI SIni,Mengenai Streamyx atau bantuan Technical insyallah saya akan bantu anda..exp ( Permohonan/Connection/Pakej/Kebaikan/BIl/Akaun dsbg)
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Prrrrrrfkh 100MB? TM? dalam mimpi jer la... aku rasa sampai aku tua sok pun entah dapat ke tak agaknya merasa speed macam tu... agak2 berapa harga untuk 100MB tu ye nanti? ok la kita takyah pikir pasal 100MB sekarang ni, bagi aku 10MB pun dah cukup memadai untuk residental. So berapa gaknya expected fees bulan2 untuk 10MB tu? RM500 sebulan??? kalo semahal tu baik lupakan jela. |
Tak dapat dipastikan lagie sebab under testing...Kemungkinan dalam rm200 ++ sebab 4 mgb sekarang pun dah 200 ++ harap2 la harga diturunkan lagi hope so...
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produk ni for first 5 year dia aka jual 500 hinggit |
ek eleh, 4mb = rm200 pun still lom cover smua area.
wat sakit ati jek. :kant: |
mende nih TM tabur kat ttdi jew dolo...
subang jaya pon skali rasernyer... |
ada dua area 1 kat area bukit bintang... satu lagi kat ttdi... Price blm tau lg...
bab 4mgb tu ada problem...Tm stop sbb tak stabel. |
ko keje ngan TM ke?
nanie Post at 18-7-2009 10:31 
ermm mungkin.... hihihihihi ada apa2 i boleh bantu x |
harga memainkan peranan penting dlm sesuatu produk...klu harga untuk 4Mbps dah RM160. bayangkan nanti klu speed mencecah 100Mbps, ini pun jika sampai.
Klu 10Mbps TM jual dalam RM200, mungkin boleh diterima lagi. |
HSBB ni insyallah berjaya sebab Kabel yang digunakan menggunakan Kabel Kaca Yang Halus dah boleh menyalurkan Data Yang Cepat Dan Pantas..Kita tunggu result bulan depan |
errr hardisk/network card cukup pantas ke nak download data 100 mbps??.Sata 9 kut  |
11# MBPJ
hopefully lah.... |
Post Last Edit by wakaka_eh at 14-8-2009 12:56
100.0MBPS - SPEED? ( ni speed internet ke?) atau network card?
aku pakai ni la sekarang..aku ambik package RM 60 sebulan..laju je..kalau compare dengan maxis broadband..macam hampeh..:@:@:@ |
tah la tapi setau aku kat sweden ke scotland.. tah la aku dah lupa.. diorang pernah test sampai 40gb... dl muvi dlm 2 saat je... |
Post Last Edit by newspr at 28-12-2009 22:14
HSBB guna fiber optic. aku percaya la boleh laju.
tak boleh nak banding ngan 4MB, dia tak guna fiber optic. |
Bila ke nak official HSSB ni? katanya speed 10MB <RM100 tapi taktau la betul ke tak.
Lagi satu yang aku dengar speed tu hanya untuk intranet jer. Wakaka. International link still slow. Kalo macam tu baik la takyah guna teknologi fiber optik ni. Prrrfkh.
Tapi TM dah banyak pasang box FTTH kat selected areas. Macam kat area TTDI sume tu. Ramai dah nampak box tu kat area umah dorang. Tunggu nak activate jer. Tah bila la agaknya. |
FTTH fiber optic for the home from TMNET a realityAug 21, 2009 10:21
FTTH: Fiberoptic To The Home. It's here. We're just waiting for blast-off. This junction box in Bangsar Kuala Lumpuris just waiting for activation. It was released as a trial in SriHartamas Kuala Lumpur way back at the end of 2007. But with therecession setting in, everything slowed to a snail's crawl. Well,snail's pace taken into consideration, it seems that things have pickedup again. Yayy!
FTTH translates to Max Speed of 100Mbps. And yes, we know that maximumspeeds are always a myth, especially with the involvement of a telcowith a poor track record. Realistically, we can actually hope for50Mbps. The pioneer areas with FTTH in Malaysia, as shared by the techguy at Telekom Malaysia, would be Sri Hartamas, the trial area, thenext phase being at my doorstep, Bangsar. Yippie!
FTTH is relatively new and Malaysia would probably be one of the earlybirds jumping on the bandwagon. With everyone's interest more centeredmistakenly on wireless Internet, it's good to know that some fellowshave been thinking out of the box to move toward stable and fast wiredconnections.
Malaysia does have some other fiber-optic ISPs, but with the backing ofa larger telco like Telekom Malaysia, its FTTH will rule. Otherfiber-optic ISPs so far in Malaysia are: Cyberjaya Metro Fibre Network, CMFN; Metrofon; Penangfon; and Time Fusion. These cover smaller areas and, relatively, may not have the infrastructure to grow as fast as FTTH from Telekom Malaysia.
Toward a fiber optic-linked 1 Nation. Cheers to TMNET, Telekom Malaysia. Please launch your FTTH service now.
Prrrrfkh. |
ermm mungkin.... hihihihihi ada apa2 i boleh bantu x
MBPJ Post at 2-8-2009 15:51  promote nampak.. baguih2.... |
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