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What is the significant of VERA-E to Malaysia???
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Hello everybody....
I juz wanna discuss about the above topic since this kind of radar sensor already in ATM inventory and operated by GAPU (if im not mistaken) (sori if REpost),
Brief about VERA-E
The state of the art PSS VERA-E is a modern ELINT and Passive
Surveillance System designed for detection, location, identification
and tracking of air, ground and naval (ship) targets.
PSS VERA-E is based on well proven passive Time Difference Of
Arrival (TDOA) multilateration technique. PSS VERA-E processes
signals of air, ground and naval radar, jammer, SSR/IFF transponders,
TACAN/DME interrogator, DataLink and other pulse
emitters. Besides ELINT missions, PSS VERA-E can fulfil missions in air
defence systems as a passive 3D radar. The PSS VERA-E uniquely merges ELINT features with high quality
surveillance features (tracking of targets) provided so far only by active radar
Operation Regimes
air target reconnaissance
a. ground and naval target reconnaissance
b. frequency activity survey, early warning
c. signal analysis
All regimes can run simultaneously
Basic Features
targets: radar, SSR/IFF transponders, TACAN interrogators,
jammers, DataLink
- solution with high ELINT parameters ensuring very high
Probability of Target Interception
- very high location/tracking accuracy
- 3D target location and 120 deg instantenous field of view
- high capacity of 200 simultaneously tracked targets
- precise determination of signal emitters characteristics
(Finger Printing, intra-pulse analysis) via independent ELINT
analysis channel)
- highly automated operation and modern MMI
- high mobility and quick deployment of the system
- low operation and maintenance requirements
Pecah kaca pecah gelas sudah baca harap balas..... |
dengo citer GAPU guna utk track UAV dr bukan ke passive radar leh detect stealth aircraft kan? |
IceMallet 2#
Vera-E ni pasif radarlah, dia boleh detect stelth jet fighter.... kan SG dgr citer nak beli F-35 JSF, jadi kita pki Vera-E ni kalo kolchuga pun sama gak tinggal lg kolchuga ni radius dia besar 800KM (kalo x silap la) |
salah... vera-e bukanlah radar sebenarnya... ianya adalah passive sensor yang tidak akan emit sebarang wave so dia bleh capture tanpa trasmit radio wave.... radar adalah radio detection and ranging.... ramai yang salah faham konsep vera-e dan keupayaannya... |
VERA-E is passive radiolocator, is an electronic support measures (ESM) system that uses measurements of time difference of arrival (TDOA) of pulses at three or four sites to accurately detect and track airborne emitters. |
The deployed system typically comprises a central site (containing the signal processing equipment and an ESM receiver) and two or three side sites containing only an ESM receiver. The side sites relay the signals received to the central site over a point-to-point microwave link. The central site uses the known propagation delay from the side sites to estimate the TDOA of the pulses at each site. The TDOA of a pulse between one side site and the central site locates the target on a hyperboloid. A second side site provides a second TDOA and hence a second hyperboloid. The intersection of these two hyperboloids places the target on a line, providing a 2D measurement of the target's location (no height). A third side-site provides a third hyperboloid, which, when intersected with the line provided by the other two side sites, provides a full 3D location of the target. This process is known as multilateration. The height of a target with an SSR Mode C or Mode S transponder can also be provided by decoding the Mode C or Mode S response directly, which is the normal mode of operation for the civilian VERA-AP system.
System accuracy is typically better than a microwave surveillance radar, and is a function of the deployment geometry, the inherent timing accuracy of the central site, the bandwidth of the pulse being detected and the signal-to-noise ratio. Wider separations of the side sites from the central site provide better accuracies – but at the expense of a reduced area of common coverage. Typically side sites are deployed 15-40 km from the central site, providing a reasonable compromise of coverage and accuracy.
The system is generally line-of-sight limited, with a nominal range of 450 km, the normal radio horizon. Detection of targets is within a sector of approximately 120 degrees, although IFF and SSR targets are detected using a dedicated omnidirectional antenna, and hence may be seen over 360 degrees. Up to 200 targets can be automatically tracked simultaneously, with an output rate adjustable from 1 to 5 seconds. |
VERA-E is passive radiolocator, is an electronic support measures (ESM) system that uses measurements of time difference of arrival (TDOA) of pulses at three or four sites to accurately dete ...
lkick2113 Post at 30-8-2009 14:32 
kalau copy n paste dari google n wikipedia susah org nak faham konsep sebenar n macammana dia beroperasi.... 
actually vera-e sensor berasal dari technology DF ngan stealth locater dari rusia... |
6# lkick2113
kalau nak belajar advance dlm vera-e nih bleh study dlm EW advance ngan spectrum analyzer... |
yela senang org paham, dia pun sejenis radar (yang digunakan untuk tujuan mengesan kedudukan objek) actually, tinggal lagi dia ni ESM system yg bertindak dalam pasif mode.
nak tau senario penggunaan cuba rujuk blog Military of Malaysia, post bulan bila aku x ingat, anyway thanx ven coz btl kan aku  |
so ven, pendapat ko, ape significant dia kat Malaysia??? |
Post Last Edit by cmf_tin at 30-8-2009 15:13
9# lkick2113
vera-e BUKAN sejenis radar... membaca saja x cukup untuk memahami konsep asas RADAR, LADAR, EW, ESM, ECM.... |
10# lkick2113
bagi aku ianya paling amat berguna dgn current threat disekeliling m'sia, cuma kalau boleh tambahkan kuantiti lagi so dgn sensor nih kita leh tahu keupayaan sebenar sekeliling negara... |
11# Venez
lg, ape yg ko tau??? boleh share... |
konsep vera-e kalau nak faham senang jerk... benda kat dunia nih akan emit EM dgn band dia sendiri, e.g kapal terbang akan emit radar wave dia semasa dia terbang utk detect ground, target tracking, distance n etc... once radar emit wave, vera-e akan capture n learn semua parameter kapal tuh... vera-e bleh learn ALMOST ALL varian emitter termasuk stealth n comm... |
13# lkick2113
cukup ler apa yg boleh dibaca kat blog military of malaysia. |
13# lkick2113
sori, aku xleh share lebih2... vera-e is classified item... tuh yang x semua info mengenai vera-e ada dlm internet... |
15# cmf_tin
bro, kalau to much info yang aku bagi kat atas, mohon edit or delete... TQ... |
Signifikannya Vera-E nie... ada perkara yang patut kita bincang panjang lebar dan ada perkara yang wajar kita simpan untuk pengetahuan kita sendiri.. walaupun porem cari nie nampak koman, tapi dah pernah terjadi di porem nie perebet epos dari pulau kecil sekangkang kera yang mengaku rakyat Malaysia dan cuba memancing pelbagai maklumat dan cerita dari topik-topik macam nie... sendiri mau ingat ler. |
18# standupper
Cam Tin ckp arr..Vera-E nie baca kat blog mil msia dah arr
p/s : Eh! apasal otai2 MPSA tiba2 muncul sekali time2 camnie nie... |
aku juz nak tanye pendapat, yg patut confidential kita confidential kan... |
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