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China plans to market the JF-17 and J-10 fighters

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Post time 3-10-2009 01:08 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Let's discuss bout this news...

China plans to market the Chengdu FC-1/JF-17 and J-10fighters aggressively as part of its plan to become a major player in theglobal aerospace industry.
"While AVIC's main job is to manufacture aircraft, the company alsofulfils a national agenda by producing military aircraft for China's political allies around the world,"says a source close to Chengdu'sstate-owned parent company. "There are also countries that would like tobuy a good fighter, but not at the cost of a Western fighter.

"While China'smilitary aircraft have been exported for many years, this is the first timethat there is a concerted effort to properly market them and establish asupport network," the source adds.

In the past few months,senior company officials have been identifying the military products that willbe given the most attention for the export market. In the fighter segment, theJF-17 and the J-10 are the two most important aircraft, says the source.

"Given that the JF-17has been in service in Chinaand Pakistanfor a number of years and is a mature programme, it is being given firstpriority," the source adds.
Islamabad, whichhelped to develop the JF-17, has committed to buying 150 aircraft produced bythe Pakistan Aeronautical Complex. This figure could rise to 300 aircraft toreplace the country's air force fleets of Nanchang A-5s, Chengdu F-7s andDassault Mirage III and Mirage Vs.

The JF-17 will be able to carry a variety of conventional and precision-guidedbombs, and air-to-air and air-to-sea missiles from short- tobeyond-visual-range. The type is already being marketed to countries in Africa,the Middle East, South America and South-East Asia.

"The J-10 is not readyfor export yet, as AVIC is still finalising upgrades for the fighter," thesource says. "But there has been interest from several countries."
AVIC is likely to begin exports of the new type - which entered Chinese airforce service in early 2007 - after it has finished developing an upgradedJ-10B version. Enhancements are to include a modified vertical stabiliser andventral fins, redesigned engine inlet, a new radar and an infrared search andtrack sensor.

Pakistan is likely to be the first export customer, havingbegun negotiations to buy 36 aircraft several years ago. To be designatedlocally as FC-20s, deliveries are likely to begin from 2014-15.

Beijing could extend loans to purchasing countries and offerlocal assembly if there are sufficient orders, the source adds.

(Flight International)

Malaysia x minat ke???

moh bincang..

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Post time 3-10-2009 01:21 AM | Show all posts
Sejauh mana China aggressive nak establish itself sebagai reputable arms exporter? Sejauh mana dia mau kasi concession?

Dalam telecommunication, kalau tak salah aku Huawei.
1. Generally, some of the equipment (eg 3.5G) dikatakan sebijik macam Ericsson tapi harga dia kira2 1/5 daripada Ericsson. Drawback, kalau rosak, kena ganti the whole thing, tak macam Ericsson boleh ganti parts by parts.
2. Ada telco kat Indonesia dapat offer dari Huawei (kalo tak silap jugak): Huawei akan cover FREE semua station pemancar (seluruh negara), semua equipment (A - Z). Syaratnya, buang semua existing equipment (brand Nokia la, Ericsson la, Motorola ke....)

Imagine kalo China bagi offer & syarat macam #2 tu. Buang semua Cik Su, Hornet, Hawk....etc. & China bagi warbirds dia FOC....

Takut dia cekik kat spares plak nanti...

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 Author| Post time 3-10-2009 01:27 AM | Show all posts
2# observateur

betul ke??? itu dr segi bussines telco je, kalo arms deal camni aku rasa ok... tgk Pakistan siap joint venture lg...aku nak highlight kan la, ape kata malaysia beli tapi EW dan avionics western (mcm cik su).... ape kata ko????

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Post time 3-10-2009 01:31 AM | Show all posts
ok ke barang buatan china nih..

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Post time 3-10-2009 01:34 AM | Show all posts
3# lkick2113

Betul...unless org Celcom & rep dari Nokia tipu aku ler..

Point2 aku dalam posting #2:
1) Aku involved dalam upgrade (infra) utk 3G Celcom tahun 2006. Rep Celcom yg cite.
2) Dalam meeting2, perkara ni rep dari Nokia cite kat aku.

Bab2 fighter dari China, tu kena tanya sifu2 kat sini ler. Tapi proposal western avionics dalam structure warbirds russkie & chinese (?) tu kemungkinan "the best of both worlds".

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 Author| Post time 3-10-2009 01:36 AM | Show all posts
4# cicitman

ok je tapi sbgi pengguna Malaysia kenela work closely with manufacturer, mcm check dr segi kualiti must be complying with our spec...
or wat JV ngn diaorg, cam pakistan wat...ok je, cube amik positif...

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 Author| Post time 3-10-2009 01:39 AM | Show all posts
3# lkick2113

Betul...unless org Celcom & rep dari Nokia tipu aku ler..

Point2 aku dalam posting #2:
1) Aku involved dalam upgrade (infra) utk 3G Celcom tahun 2006. Rep Celcom yg cite.
2) Dal ...
observateur Post at 3-10-2009 01:34

ha, ni yg aku nak ko tgk sebenarnye...

aku rasa JF-17 ni layak gantikan hawk 208 kita, hawk tu trainer yg diupgrade jd light attack aircraft, tapi JF-17 ni M-MRCA, tambah pulak singgle engine...kan betepatan dgn penggantian hawk tu... ko rasa camne??

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Post time 3-10-2009 02:03 AM | Show all posts
Sejauh mana China aggressive nak establish itself sebagai reputable arms exporter? Sejauh mana dia mau kasi concession?

Dalam telecommunication, kalau tak salah aku Huawei.
1. Generally, some of t ...
observateur Post at 3-10-2009 01:21

Huawei bnyk tiru sebijik cisco punya produk..sebab harganya yg jauh lagi murah, TM guna Huawei produk utk network infra. tp mostly utk access and distribution layers..utk core and backbone layers masih menggunakan produk US spt cisco and juniper.
India juga mula mengeluarkan produk yg harga lebih competetive utk menyaingi Huawei cam produk Tejas.

kalau produk china, harga sudah tentu jauh lg murah tp kualiti mungkin boleh dipersoalkan. tp ia boleh memberi peluang negara2 dunia ketiga memliki air fighter sendiri..

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Post time 3-10-2009 02:06 AM | Show all posts

JF-17 Thunder


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Post time 3-10-2009 02:39 AM | Show all posts
7# lkick2113

"aku rasa JF-17 ni layak gantikan hawk 208 kita, hawk tu trainer yg diupgrade jd light attack aircraft, tapi JF-17 ni M-MRCA, tambah pulak singgle engine...kan betepatan dgn penggantian hawk tu... ko rasa camne??"

Sori la bang... aku bukan dari geng military. Tatau banyak mende.

Tapi yg interesting tu, avionics dia pakai open achitecture. Beli sikit utk develop local programmers elok gak...
"The software written for the JF-17's avionics totals more than one million lines of instructions, incorporating the concept of open architecture. Rather than using the Ada programming language, which is optimised for military applications, the software is written using the popular civilian C++ programming language to better utilise the large number of civilian software "  (sumber: wikipedia)

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 Author| Post time 3-10-2009 02:39 AM | Show all posts

JF-17 Thunder

eco_internet Post at 3-10-2009 02:06

amat sesuai untuk penggantian Hawk 208...

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Post time 3-10-2009 02:41 AM | Show all posts
8# eco_internet

Aku selalu dengar kawan aku cakap (pepatah inggeris?):
Cheap not good
Good not cheap.

Applicable utk pembelian warbirds dari china?

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 Author| Post time 3-10-2009 02:41 AM | Show all posts
10# observateur

ha, ni la yg dikatakan really economic...huhu

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Post time 3-10-2009 02:42 AM | Show all posts
11# lkick2113

looks better than Hawk...

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 Author| Post time 3-10-2009 02:46 AM | Show all posts
14# observateur

Yup exactly...

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Post time 3-10-2009 03:12 AM | Show all posts
15# lkick2113
if only looks can kill
tapi bagi wa, barangan China nih patut dielakkan sehingga depa punya kualiti dan mutu boleh dipertingkatkan.
alangkan susu tepung untuk bayi pon depa boleh bubuh melamine, cat mainan untuk budak2 depa guna yg ada toksik yg tinggi.
ini cukup membayangkan how low can they go..

tgk Thailand pon dah cukup. depa beli 95 bijik Type 69 II tapi cuba check berapa jer yg servicable. sama gak dengan frigate Jianghu dan Jianghu IV depa. murah mmg murah tapi kenapa lepas beli 6 bijik frigate drp China, depa lease 2 bijik frigate ex USS Knox Class? cuba wat research sket...

Pakistan beli military equipment drp China sebab murah, mudah dan kedua negara berkongsi satu musuh yg sama. kalo buleh, takdernya Pakistan hingin nak beli arms drp China. Bangladesh pon sama, beli sebab murah...

Bukan takleh beli tapi kenapa nak beli senjata yg kurang bermutu semata2 mau rega yg murah. dah la weapon chosen are usually made by the lowest bidder. kalo nak beli gak, buleh tapi jangan harap Proton Saga BLM mau menang bila lumba dengan Civic 2.0 laaa...

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Post time 3-10-2009 03:51 AM | Show all posts
adeh!!produck cina ni susah mau ckp.....

rasanya boleh belajar ngan KTM pasal ni...dah ada pengalaman dah...huhuhuhuh

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Post time 3-10-2009 08:25 AM | Show all posts
Klau beli je airframe J-17 ni murah2 pastu install western avionics mcm MKM value for money tak?

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Post time 3-10-2009 09:21 AM | Show all posts
1st, epos pon tak hingin.
2nd, military nuts pon tak hingin.

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 Author| Post time 3-10-2009 12:10 PM | Show all posts
16# cmf_tin

tapi kan skrg pun Gov dah berjinak2 gak ngn barang China ni, bkn ke kita ade beli 12 VSHORAD dr depa??? kalo x silap namanya FN-6...

so ramai dlm MPSA ni x berapa suka Brg China la ye...hehehe...
xpe keep going bg pendapat, kita terus kan perbincangan..

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