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All ABout Sugar Glider

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Post time 8-3-2007 10:37 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Post Last Edit by boocik04 at 6-3-2011 10:17

akum n salam sejahtera... aku nak tanya korang nie.. ada seisapa penah belka sugar glider dak?? kongsi la pengalaman anda yg penah bela binatang nie.. aku teringin nak bela..


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Post time 8-3-2007 12:26 PM | Show all posts
tak pernah mcm bess jer bela..

kena lesen gak ker bela sugar glider nih??

mana leh dpt ek??

aku skang tingin nak bela pet2 lain sma nih

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 Author| Post time 8-3-2007 12:54 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ena80 at 8-3-2007 12:26 PM
tak pernah mcm bess jer bela..

kena lesen gak ker bela sugar glider nih??

mana leh dpt ek??

aku skang tingin nak bela pet2 lain sma nih

tak payah lesen.. kat ikano pet safari n pet wonderland pun ada..
kecil jer n comel.. bleh letak kat badan kita n dia akan jalan2..
dalam rm200 lebih sekor... comel sangat.. makan buah n sometime kena bg serangga skit

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Post time 8-3-2007 02:24 PM | Show all posts

Reply #3 putra_bengal's post

minatang ni mengorek tanah tak?...ade skali membe adek aku tumpang kan topai nih (ini ke ekk..) kat umah mak aku mase raya sbb mamat tu nak balek kg...sekali tuh adek aku takot die ilang adek aku pi letak kat pasu bunger yang ade lam umah...akekekeke..sekali tuh die terbang bagai nak rak..hehehe sib baik tak ilang..langsong adek aku ikat kaki die ngan benang yang panjang2 ..pastu yang tak bestnye die ske korek tanah...pastu kambos kepale die kat dalam tanah...abes le lantai umah besekau ngan pasir dari pasu bunger tuh...sib baik tompang sehari...ibonda kami dah jelen semacam jek......

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 Author| Post time 8-3-2007 02:36 PM | Show all posts

Reply #4 hatemetoday's post

hehehe.. nie bukan tupai.. ini binatang malam baru actif... lemah lembut... slow jer...


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Post time 8-3-2007 04:41 PM | Show all posts

Reply #5 putra_bengal's post

:nyorok: bukan ekk...*tompang laluuuuu

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Post time 8-3-2007 07:22 PM | Show all posts
Pernah...housemate dulu bela...soo tolong aa jaga kan skali...
hahaha...comel yg kat rumah tu, dia tak jinak...kaloo nk angkat mesti nk kaloo tangkap dia letak kat bahu, mula aaa dia nk lari selamber jee terjun, sbb dah nama pun glider kan...

kadang2 bawak dia gi opis...letak dlm beg mula dia memekak...especially kaloo tgh tido kita kacau dia...wahahah...garang aaa dia seronok...

baca page nie tu info...senang jee nk bela dia...tak susah pun...

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Post time 8-3-2007 07:48 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1 putra_bengal's post

aku teringin sangat nak bela. tapi, boleh membiak ke? harganya pun boleh tahan jugak. dia beranak macam kanggaro juga yer. tu yg unik tu

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 Author| Post time 8-3-2007 10:39 PM | Show all posts
waa.. yer ker garang? kena main selalu kot... kawan ko bela brapa ekor?

azam jom kita bela nak? diorg kate leh biak

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Post time 9-3-2007 09:01 AM | Show all posts
garang sbb jarang manja kan dia...sibuk dgn kerja...
bela sekor jeee...

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Post time 9-3-2007 09:39 AM | Show all posts
wah..siyes tingin nak bela nih.

tp garang2 nih yg takut sikit nih

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Post time 9-3-2007 09:42 AM | Show all posts
- edited -

p/s : terdooble posting lak

[ Last edited by  ena80 at 9-3-2007 09:43 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 9-3-2007 12:17 PM | Show all posts


aku semua....
thanks krn bg supor kat saya terutama moderator n kawan2 yg antar post..

aku memang teringin nak bela binatang ni.. cuma tengah kaji..

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Post time 9-3-2007 12:24 PM | Show all posts
yea that's the right way...kaji dulu sebelum bela...kang takde aaa nk seksa menatang tu...

BTW dulu my pren beli dgn harga RM350...a few years before...soo skrang dah jadi RM200 ok laaa tu...jgn lupa beli kantung dia...nnt leh bawak dia jalan2...

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Post time 9-3-2007 01:09 PM | Show all posts

Reply #9 putra_bengal's post

aku mmg nak bela. nak tambah lagi satu koleksi pets aku.tapi nak juga tau cara2 nak bela dia. tunggu dulu info dari members

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 Author| Post time 9-3-2007 02:49 PM | Show all posts
Caring For Your New Sugar Glider
Essential Care Items:
  • Large Cage (Large Bird Cage Works Well)
  • Food
  • Water Bottle
  • Ceramic Food Bowl
  • Bird Perches or Eucalyptus Branches
  • Corn Cob Litter
  • Toys
Sugar Gliders are marsupials which are mammals that carry their young in a specialized pouch.  Sugar gliders are also unique because they have webbed bodies that enable them to "fly".   Their flying is actually more like gliding downhill when descending from the top of a tree.  We have given the sugar glider an overall pet rating of 3 stars because they need precise care in order to keep them healthy, they can be difficult to tame, and require a lot of attention.  You should consider how much time you will have for your new sugar glider because they require a lot of attention and can become depressed very easily.  You may want to get two so that they will have company.  Endearing qualities of the sugar glider are their large eyes and special bond they develop with their owner.
Housing - You should try and get the biggest cage you can afford.   We recommend a cage that is no smaller that 4 feet tall by 3 feet wide.  A large powder coated bird cage with no more than 1/2 inch spacing between bars and extra shelves works well.  Since sugar gliders cannot be litter trained, it is important to get a cage that has a pull-out tray for easy cleaning.  You can use corn cob litter in your pull-out tray.  Be sure to put in several sized bird perches and/or eucalyptus branches for lots of exercise.  Plastic bird perches work well because they are easily washed and do not hold urine smells.  Your cage should be kept out of direct sunlight and drafts with a temperature in the range of 70 - 90 degrees.  A general rule is... if  your comfortable, your sugar glider is comfortable.  In the wild, sugar gliders gather in hold in the trees line with leaves for sleeping.   Therefore, your sugar glider will be more at home if you supply sleeping quarters.   Since the sleeping quarters will need to be cleaned regularly, a plastic house lined with washable fleece is a good choice.  Baby wipe containers work well.   For an extra treat, supply eucalyptus branches with leaves and watch them strip the leaves for bedding material.  Be sure to change the soiled leaves.  Another idea for sleeping quarters is pre-made fleece line sleeping pouches.
Food - Sugar gliders in the wild eat a wide variety of food ranging from sap on the trees, fruits and nuts, to insects.  To provide the best diet, we recommend a base of good quality dry cat food supplemented with yogurt, baby food, corn, sweet potatoes, carrots, apples, grapes, melons, very small pieces of cooked chicken, eggs and even crickets.  A a special treat, you can provide nectars specially made for sugar gliders.  To prevent vitamin deficiencies, be sure to provide a calcium supplement which can be found in the reptile section of your pet store.
Potty Training - Since sugar gliders are known for not being interested in potty training, be sure to have plenty of baby wipes handy!
Grooming - Sugar gliders are good groomers, grooming themselves frequently.  For those difficult nail trimmings, try fine grain sandpaper under the food bowl and on a ramp to reduce the number of nail trimmings.
Handling - This it the best part...sugar gliders become very attached or bonded to their owners.  It is critical in the first few weeks of getting your sugar glider that your spend as much time as possible "pocket training" and bonding together.  Pocket training is accomplished by lining your shirt pocket with a piece of fleece or pre-made fleece pocket liners and by keeping your sugar glider in your shirt pocket as much as possible.  The pocket should be considered by your sugar glider as a safehaven.  If it jumps off or out of the pocket, put it right back in the pocket.  When you take your sugar glider out of the pocket, put it in your hand with food on your fingertip so that it will get used to you.  Try using soft sticky food like yogurt and baby food.  As soon as it is done eating, put it back in the pocket.  If bonded correctly, it will go to the safehaven on its own.  Soon you will have a cute and cuddly friend darting all over you and returning to your pocket for rest and security.  If a sugar glider is scared, it will make hissing noises and roll over.  Do not use discipline with the shy sugar gliders, patience is the only trainer.
Toys - Sugar gliders are active and require a lot of different stimulation.  You can provide climbing ladders, plastic chains (baby links) for climbing, used paper towel rolls, balls with bells, ropes with knots to untie, and hamster tubes.
Health - We recommend neutering your male sugar glider due to the fact that they do develop scent glands on their head and chest.  Although it is not a strong odor, they will rub their scent to mark their territory.  
Sugar gliders can also develop hind-leg paralysis which is life threatening.  It is caused by a vitamin deficiency from improper diets.  Be sure to provide a calcium rich diet for strong bones.  You will also need to provide Vitamin D which aides in the absorption of calcium.
For more information on sugar gliders:

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agelgold This user has been deleted
Post time 14-3-2007 11:10 AM | Show all posts
dia ni bunyi nyaring. lepas tu suka gigit. tapi, gigi dia kecik la macam binatang tu jugak.

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 Author| Post time 15-3-2007 08:21 AM | Show all posts
hehehe.. tp ada yg jinak.. best n manja

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Post time 16-3-2007 11:47 AM | Show all posts
kena bela dari kecik nak bagi manja ni...kalau harga time dia kecik sampai rm200 gak ke?

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Post time 16-3-2007 01:14 PM | Show all posts

tu blom kos mentenen lagi...

kalo sakit ke... kalo mati ke...

rugi ada.. bersalah pon ada...

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