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Simbol Nazi German di Permukaan Bulan
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alahh yeke.. tah2 fotoshop... |
mmg karut pun....... |
macam tipu jerr... |
fake ni  |
sekarang ni mcm2 hoax
dulu kan ada isu tengkorak besar
rupa2nya memang hoax |
rupe cam stesen pengkaji bulan jer.. |
waaaa....hitler ada kat bulan la pulak.......hebat sungguh. |
ni dari ceter pilem "ironsky space nazi" |
The most interesting way Energia has gain support for Iron Sky has been their viral campaign. They created a March 29, 2018 edition of a fake newspaper titled The Truth Today, which you can read online. There are stories that link to the events in the movie, as well as random articles that are just there to give it a comprehensive look. They are all worth a read, as many give you a bit of a chuckle. Earlier in the year, they actually make hard copies of the paper and distributed them in classic Newsies-style at the Berlin Film Festival, as seen below. The paper even caused a stir online when a few forums started threads about how scientists had found a Swastika on the moon. Though they thought it was real, they didn’t realize they were linking to a story from The Truth Today. That’s a good sign your viral is working. ... -star-wreck-series/ |
ayah pin? |
tapi nazi punya weapon mysteri jugak bai..mana la tau betul... |
Post Last Edit by ciklahcute at 24-10-2011 11:12
kat permukaan bulan ada tulisan arab...
ain ya nun dan perkataan ALLAH disebelahnya.
ni aku sendiri yang nmpk bkn dalam mimpi atau dalam solat
tapi bila aku pandang ke permukaan bulan ngn pakai spekmata... |
hah?yeke..pakai spekmata boleh nampak |
yang sebetulnya sapa dulu dok pakai simbol swastika ni...Hitler ke...Hinduism ke? kan Hinduism wujud dulu sebelum Hitler jadi...sang dewata hindu lah telah bertapa di bulan |
kat permukaan bulan ada tulisan arab...
ain ya nun dan perkataan ALLAH disebelahnya.
ni aku sendiri yang nmpk bkn dalam mimpi atau dalam solat
tapi bila aku pandang ke permukaan bulan ngn pakai spekmata...
ciklahcute Post at 24-10-2011 11:10 
Kelebihan diri tu kott... maybe bukan semua orang dapat nampak... pasti perkataan syukur alhamdulillah perlu meniti di bibir dahulu...  |
Kelebihan diri tu kott... maybe bukan semua orang dapat nampak... pasti perkataan syukur alhamdu ...
edy137 Post at 1-11-2011 23:16 
pelajar2 lain pun nmpak..cuma clah ni mata bolel...
kena pakai spek baru nmpak..rabun... |
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