Dah search, cam tak dok agik... kalo ada, solex jer...
Tadi tengok citer nie... wow... memang best giler. Very fast at first, then slow a bit ... then gradually the actions getting fast and fast... before thing start to slow down at the end... Sebuah citer yang akan memainkan emosi audiences dari pelbagai segi... persahabatan, kasih sayang , pengkhianatan, permusuhan.... setiakawan... cinta etc...
By Caleb Yeoh, MSN, 22/10/2010
Movie Review: Takers
Even the most perfected plan is susceptible to the error of human nature, greed and betrayal to be precise.
Director: John Luessenhop Cast: Paul Walker, Hayden Christensen, Matt Dillon, T.I., Chris Brown, Michael Ealy & Idris Elba What it's about: Revolving around a notorious group of extremely capable criminals, 'takers' if you will, who continue to leave the authorities dumb-founded as they pull of heists, raking in millions of dollars. However, in an attempt to pull off the mother-of-all jobs, the crew is faced with their biggest obstacles: Detective Jack Welles (Matt Dillon) hell-bent on taking them in, and in the re-appearance of an ex-colleague with a hidden agenda. What we love: Adrenaline-pumped action scenes and full-proof plans that when executed, made the whole sequence seem like art in motion. The film definitely had us at the edge of our seats with its multiple climaxes that didn't feel overdone at all. But, the best part of the film is definitely Chris Brown's spectacular free running chase scene. Try not to blink when this goes down. What we don't: The ending could have been better, and towards the finale, Matt Dillan's role felt slightly irrelevant. There were also a few instances where the dots just didn't connect, leaving us wondering how a particular scene happened. Not to mention, the emotionless acting from Christensen and Walker that came along with their clichéd lines. But other than this, the movie was actually pretty decent. Verdict: An awesome movie of 'taking', betrayal and suspense. Watch it for the action, the suspense; the fitting soundtrack (that suits the Californian feel) and the all-star cast that complement each other well. 3.5 stars
suker ar tgk hip hop singers ni berlakon... lakonan T.I. memang mantop... Chris lak, OK ar ... need little bit exposure...
Zoe Saldana... she's cooollllll....
rasanya okie kut... cuma ada satu adengan paul walker masuk swimming pool naked dimana ada awek cina and awek negro dalam pool tu waiting for him... scene tu tak ler obvious sangat dan sekejap jer...
the rest... more to action... shooting, chasing, fighting... yang selalu ditengok dalam movie... cuma yang ni, diolah ngan baik sekali n u can feel your heart pumping very fast as well
T.I. ... lakonan dia memang mantoppppppp... cuma tu ar, dia jadi watak jahat dalam movie nie...
jahat tol watak TI dalam movie nie kan....
dah ler mengkhianati kawan... ex-gurl pun dia bunuh gakkk...
tapi ending citer ni memang bisa mengoncang emosi