This is a montage of clips from the most expensive film ever made (in today's dollars the budget would be over $700 million). These were the days before CG animation, there are no special effects creating these huge armies, it is all REAL. 120,000 soldiers in period costumes, thousands of horses, etc. No film will ever come close to this in terms of spectacle, without being, essentially, a work of animation (like The Return of the King).
P/S..$700 tu kalo kira inflasi. Filem ni costing $100 million pd tahun 60-an, its cost adjusted for inflation is over $700 million la kalo duit skrg.
filem skang kalau boleh abis kurang kos lagi bagus...metrowealth buat filem standard drama je kos..tapi leh kutip juta2 ape...bagi aku la, kalau kualiti gambar teruk walaupun citer ok2...baik buat drama jer..buat sakit ati je tengok wayang..huhuhu
ye ar bajet dieorng brape kan huhu... cthnyer klu cite zombie omputeh.. make up je dah brape.... klu malaysia tepek bedak sejuk je pon dah ok dah hehehe.. suke sgt cite zombi kg pisang lol
filem skang kalau boleh abis kurang kos lagi bagus...metrowealth buat filem standard drama je kos..t ...
waja8 Post at 15-12-2010 19:35
kalo idea cantik dan research dibuat lebih awal, buat filem murah macam mana pun tetap meletup. tp yg aku heran david teoh buat filem tah hapa hapa pun bleh gak meletup. musykil