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The Tourist , Anyone??
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Post Last Edit by mbhcsf at 29-12-2010 22:47
Saya sempat menonton The Tourist by Depp and Jolie
well....i just give 4.75 stars lah / 5
it really really really makes you well i did scream at the end
but the plot however, is straight forward but cleverly plotted in a way that well , you just go in with the rides....
yes...and i love espionage like series
best sebabnya banyak suspense, dan pandai
dan saya dapat lihat satu - kali ni British jadi the master mind and involved agensi interpol and scotland yard rather than you know the classic bourne like MI5 or CIA....
hahahha but well...interesting
the saya pi shopping lepas tu
baru balik jer ni
pi lah tengok ya allah....heheheh |
finally.. ade org bukak thread |
dah kuar ke?aku tgk iklan mggu depan bru kuar... |
hmm??? i mean...sesape boleh komen johny depp dalam filem macam ni ...akeke...well enjoy ...i nak bagi tau bebanyak pun ...
ok ok..
spoilers alet ******
..tengok dia lari , the way he runs on the roof top...
hihihi |
finally.. ade org bukak thread
alesandra Post at 20-12-2010 11:30 
tu lah saya balik semalam nak bagi komen then saya tercari cari sampai page ke-4....tak der org buka rumah so saya bukalah satu....
tapi tak sabar tuungu korang komen tang
a) Johny Depp berlakon tu hahhahahahha CUBA tengok scene dia lari atas roof top hahahahhhah Familair , really familiar
b) the script
c) Jolie - ada ketika looks stunning tapi make up ya rabbi... |
Reply 3# sue87
betul betul..minggu depan baru kuaar ..ah aaah yer ...oops |
dah tgk trailer movie nie....
cam best jer... johny Deep cam ken set up jer dalam movie nie...
biler kuar kat MY erk? |
dah tgk trailer movie nie....
cam best jer... johny Deep cam ken set up jer dalam movie nie...
bi ...
HaMiZiE Post at 20-12-2010 20:26 
kat sini dah ...since i dunno 19th decemeber kot i ta sure tapi u know tangled ( rapunzel ) keluaq 28th january lamabar sikit
tapi seriously
i like it ...
angelina jolie nampak tua sikit kot......tapi johny depp lari....hehehheeh well just watch and listen .....hahahahah |
This weekend pi cinema... kalo movie ni dah released, sure akan tengok...
Time tgk trailer, cam ...
HaMiZiE Post at 20-12-2010 21:02 
tapi cinematography dia saya sukerrrr the location, it is just nice...dan adengan tak berapa soleh oleh dua org spy dalam van tu jangan ikut yer...
dan dari satu aspek nampak yang perubahan geopolitik dunia ni dipamerkan dalam filem ni ...
namoak seolah olah scotland yard ni yg superior pulak....but of course ....i cannot tell lagi lah sebab nanti spoilers
tapi just the script is nice , hmm....lawak , lucu , brilliantly sequenced plot ...i mena tengoklah dan jagn lupe menjerit last last sekali
saya tak sempat nak tengok nama ketua operasi scotland yard tu....timothuy dalton ade ke? i think dia ada juga....
but tengoklah ....stylishly and elegantly clever and funny plots
tengoklah dan komenlah ape ape ....
hehehehehehehe |
tapi cinematography dia saya sukerrrr the location, it is just nice...dan adengan tak ber ...
mbhcsf Post at 20-12-2010 21:24 
awat lak nak menjerit time pengkahiran citer?
sure ada surprise nie... 
from ur explanation, sound cam very interesting jer...
for sure akan tengok punya....
By the way, jangan luper tengok citer TRON yaa....
Kat US, boxoffice for this week... narnia pun kalah...
I tengok 2 kali.... 1st, 2D version dan yang 2nd, 3D version... |
This weekend pi cinema... kalo movie ni dah released, sure akan tengok...
Time tgk trailer, cam ...
HaMiZiE Post at 20-12-2010 21:02 
ohh tu lah bestnyer dier...dah tengok tangled.....yang about the nose tu nape yer hikhikhik |
awat lak nak menjerit time pengkahiran citer?
sure ada surprise nie...
from ur explanation, ...
HaMiZiE Post at 20-12-2010 21:29 
oh okay ..TRON yeah insya ALLAH ( ? boleh ke ni ni tengok wayang ni cakapinsya ALLAH) ??
yess i have been menaing to watch that
tulah tengah christmas breakni nak ada laifffff sikit org kata di sampaingbusy study so nak gak tengok
sehinok ka kan?
nampak syok
i must gi lah
my hiusemate nak tengok narnia pulakkk
alahai layan jer lah
pkay noted ...3D best lagi kot nooo?
ya ka? |
ko dok OZ ka?
hyie Post at 20-12-2010 23:16 
hihihi....location: classified dear... |
Nose... you are talking about which movie erk? I m lost already ...
HaMiZiE Post at 21-12-2010 08:44 
nose tu bukan kah hero in tangled cakap dia tak puas hati bila depa suka lukis hidung dia like crooked gittew? |
boley jer.. nawaitu bukannya nak buat jahat pun... kalo tak dok aral melintan, diizinkanNya, sur ...
HaMiZiE Post at 21-12-2010 08:51 
well...that 's nice yer kot , sebab tak pernah tengok movie with the beloved ones yang opposite gender ? i dunno i ..harapnya dalam konteks halal kot ..takut jugak unless i ada hubby ka...anyway ... ...
just watched it with my housemates....well...if you could consider as fun then ...hahaa |
Reply 1# mbhcsf
yes agreed...nicely plotted |
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