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The Green Hornet (Jay Chou)- 27 Januari 2011

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Post time 31-1-2011 02:38 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Post Last Edit by Yna@shynee at 31-1-2011 14:42


The Green Hornet is a 2011 superhero action-comedy film, based on the character of the same name that had originated in a 1930s radio program and has appeared in movie serials, a television series, comic books and other media. Directed by Michel Gondry, the film stars Seth Rogen, who co-wrote the screenplay with Evan Goldberg. Supporting actors include Jay Chou as Kato, Christoph Waltz, Cameron Diaz, Edward James Olmos, David Harbour, and Tom Wilkinson.
The film was released in Japan on January 12, 2011, and North America, the United Kingdom and Ireland on January 14, 2011, in versions including RealD Cinema and IMAX 3D.

Britt Reid (Seth Rogen) is the 28-year-old slacker son of widower James Reid (Tom Wilkinson), publisher of the Los Angeles newspaper The Daily Sentinel. Britt is an irresponsible playboy, but his attitude changes when James is found dead from an allergic reaction to a bee sting. After the funeral, Britt fires the staff aside from his maid and Kato (Jay Chou), James' mechanic and a skilled martial artist.

Britt and Kato get drunk together and, upon agreeing that they both hated James, visit the graveyard to cut the head off James' memorial statue as payback. After they succeed, they see a couple being mugged, and rescue them. Britt and Kato are themselves mistaken by police for criminals and chased through the streets, but Kato evades them and he and Britt return to the mansion.

Britt convinces Kato they should become crime-fighters who pose as criminals in order to infiltrate real criminals, and also to prevent enemies from using innocents against them. Kato agrees, and develops a car outfitted with several gadgets and weapons, which they call the Black Beauty. Britt plans to capture Benjamin Chudnofsky (Christoph Waltz), a Russian mobster who is uniting the criminal families of Los Angeles under his command, and whom his father was trying to expose. To get Chudnofsky's attention, Britt uses the Daily Sentinel as a vehicle to publish articles about the "high-profile criminal" the Green Hornet.

Britt hires Lenore Case (Cameron Diaz), who has a degree in criminology, as his assistant and researcher, and uses her unwitting advice to raise the Green Hornet's profile. Britt and Kato blow up several of Chudnofsky's meth labs, leaving calling cards so Chudnofsky can contact them. Throughout all this, Daily Sentinel managing editor Mike Axford (Edward James Olmos) fears this single-minded coverage will endanger Britt's life, and District Attorney Frank Scanlon (David Harbour) frets over public perception that he cannot stop the Green Hornet.

Britt asks Lenore out, but she rebuffs him and instead invites Kato to dinner, making Britt jealous. Kato learns from her that mobsters often offer a peace summit to rivals in order to get close enough to kill them; Britt then tells Kato that Chudnofsky has offered them such a meeting. Kato tries dissuading him, but Britt, feeling overshadowed, follows his instincts. This nearly proves fatal when Chudnofsky tries to kill them.

Barely escaping to the mansion, Britt and Kato argue and fight, and Britt fires both Kato and Lenore, whom he believes are in a relationship. Kato receives an email from Chudnofsky on the Hornet's calling-card email address, offering $1 million dollars and half of Los Angeles if he kills Britt. Meanwhile, Britt discovers Scanlon is corrupt, learning that he tried to bribe James into downplaying the level of crime in the city to help his career.

Scanlon invites Britt to meet in a restaurant, where he reveals he murdered Britt's father. Kato arrives, and instead of killing Britt, he attacks Chudnofsky's men, allowing him and Britt, whom Chudnofsky deduces is the real Green Hornet, to escape. They head to the Daily Sentinel, where Britt intends to upload a recording of Scanlon's confession onto the Web — and belatedly discovers he did not manage to record it. Chudnofsky and his men follow the duo there, where a firefight ensues. Kato ultimately stabs Chudnofsky in the eyes in self-defense and Britt shoots him to death. A SWAT team appears and fires at the Green Hornet and Kato, while they use the remains of a nearly demolished, second Black Beauty to run Scanlon out the 10th-floor window, killing him. The Green Hornet and Kato flee to Lenore's house, where she learns their secret identities and that she has been the accidental mastermind behind the Green Hornet's plots. Despite being furious, she helps them hide from the police and tends to Britt's shoulder gunshot wound.

The next morning, Britt promotes Axford to editor-in-chief and stages being shot in the shoulder by Kato, further establishing the Green Hornet as a threat (and allowing Britt to get treated by professionals in a hospital). Later, the two weld James' stolen bust back onto his memorial statue. Now with Lenore to aid them, Britt and Kato vow to continue protecting the law by breaking it.

* dah mula tayang kt sini 27hb ari ak ok la sbb aksi-aksi lam filem tu mmg ak ley kira hebat gak la (3 1/2 bintang)
so korang yg dh tengok filem nie ley la komen2 pe yg patut....

momod...klu dh da thread nie merge je la ek....dh cari tp x jumpa...

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Post time 31-1-2011 02:55 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 31-1-2011 02:57 PM | Show all posts
aku suka jay chou dlm movie neh

cameron diaz nampak tua sbb kedut2 yg obvious tp still cun.

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 Author| Post time 31-1-2011 03:04 PM | Show all posts
Reply 3# Que_9

hahhaa... ak tgk lam cite ni jay chou x byk ckp pun..sure ssh giler dia nk hafal kn..

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 Author| Post time 31-1-2011 03:05 PM | Show all posts

selambe jek!!!

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Post time 31-1-2011 03:09 PM | Show all posts
Reply  Que_9

hahhaa... ak tgk lam cite ni jay chou x byk ckp pun..sure ssh giler dia nk hafal  ...
Yna@shynee Post at 31-1-2011 15:04

english die mmg kureng ke, just utk movie ni je? xtau la kan tp aku sukaaa dia. kt sini aku boleh la puji jay chou puas2 sbb masa tgk ngn husband aritu xleh puji lebih2 sgt kan

p/s : ko minat ryeowook ke weh? aku suka kyuhyun

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 Author| Post time 31-1-2011 03:18 PM | Show all posts
Reply 6# Que_9

hahaha ko nie sempat lgi ek sal SUJU....ak mnt giler kt ak minat suju baru lgi..lam thn lepas..sbb sblm ak kurang amek tau..
ermm jay ada cite kt kosmo kot..x silap ak la dia da ckp yg dia blaja english ni 4 jam sehari...

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Post time 31-1-2011 03:28 PM | Show all posts
Reply  Que_9

hahaha ko nie sempat lgi ek sal SUJU....ak mnt giler kt ak minat  ...
Yna@shynee Post at 31-1-2011 15:18

owh yeke..mati2 aku ingat die buat2 xreti english je dlm movie neh

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 Author| Post time 31-1-2011 04:03 PM | Show all posts
Reply 8# Que_9

x da la..dia mmg kureng sket lam english nie..

Maksudnya anda memang tak tahu berbahasa Inggeris langsung sebelum ini?

Ya. Saya hanya tahu bercakap bahasa pasar dalam bahasa Inggeris. Tetapi untuk filem ini, saya menghabiskan masa tiga jam sehari untuk menghafal skrip dan memahami maksud dialog saya. Jika khalayak menonton filem ini, mereka akan menyangka saya fasih berbahasa Inggeris, sedang hakikatnya tidak. Malah Seth dan Cameron selalu mempermainkan saya.

terlebih plak..just 3 jam jer...

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Post time 31-1-2011 04:13 PM | Show all posts
x pernah nak minat jay chou sebab tau die berlakon nak nampak cool jer memanjang padahal

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Post time 31-1-2011 04:18 PM | Show all posts
x pernah nak minat jay chou sebab tau die berlakon nak nampak cool jer memanjang padahal
ahmad_dhani91 Post at 31-1-2011 16:13

   Dari tengok muka sepet dia ni, baik saya tengok Spiderman.

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Post time 31-1-2011 09:28 PM | Show all posts
jay chou berlakon mane ade ekspresi muka...

tu jelah pun.. huhuhu nasib baik karakter ni mmg memerlukan die berwajah cool nak kontra ngan seth rogen yg lawak tu

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Post time 31-1-2011 09:31 PM | Show all posts
jay chou berlakon mane ade ekspresi muka...

tu jelah pun.. huhuhu nasib baik karakter ni mmg meme ...
annehuda Post at 31-1-2011 21:28

   Tak sangka pula ya ada orang bukan Cina kenal si JC ni.

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Post time 31-1-2011 09:37 PM | Show all posts
Tak sangka pula ya ada orang bukan Cina kenal si JC ni.
spiderman80 Post at 31-1-2011 21:31

    ape plak tak kenal? x-bf i dulu...wakakaka

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 Author| Post time 1-2-2011 09:20 AM | Show all posts
Reply 14# annehuda

ha'ah..asal x kenal lak..

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Post time 1-2-2011 02:27 PM | Show all posts
saya pun suka jay chou since dia berlakon dlm citer secret...
He's very talented artist..bleh nyanyi, berlakon, main piano...
lagi pun dia very cute la....

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 Author| Post time 1-2-2011 02:33 PM | Show all posts
Reply 16# sagilicious

suka tgk dia lam cite kungfu dunk ngan initial D...len cite xtau{:1_137:}

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Post time 1-2-2011 02:41 PM | Show all posts
Initial D blum sempat tgk lagi....

Selain dr green hornet dia ader movie (chinese) terbaru... x igt citer per...

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 Author| Post time 1-2-2011 02:46 PM | Show all posts
Reply 18# sagilicious

iye ke??thn lepas nye movie??

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Post time 1-2-2011 02:59 PM | Show all posts
yup true legend.....

baru google tdi.. nak kuar secret part 2 this year...

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