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Flick Picks by MamüVies
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Nak buat thread satu2 takut semak pulak forum nih. So buat satu jer lg org appreciate kot?
Anyway, ni blog exclusive pasal movie semata2. Takde ape2 pasal gossip2 murahan, artis mana hisap dadah atau Fasha Sandha pakai bikini semua tak main la.
Updated once or twice daily. So klu boring2, nak tau ape movie best sila2 la bertandang...
Ape2 update kat blog ni update kat thread ni jer senang.
Link : Flick Picks by MamüVies
A little overdue introduction this recently-revamped blog;
About the Blog |
March 23rd update:
MamüVies Post at 23-3-2011 07:28 
dah jenguk....
i like ur blog and ur writing... |
Reply 10# myralupilato
aw hey... Thank you! 
I just want to share what I love, and this is the only way I know how.
Hope you had as much fun reading it as I have writing it. |
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