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Translation error yang kelakar
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Post Last Edit by MamüVies at 24-3-2011 12:59
Tak tau la korg akan gelak atau tak, tp saper yg translate tajuk citer nih mmg dah seminggu tak tido agaknye
mana pix?? tak nampak pung.. |
sila promot blog kat tmpt lain ok  |
Whoops... tak berniat camtu.
Nak save bandwidth sebenarnye... okay2, let me edit balik |
Tak tau la korg akan gelak atau tak, tp saper yg translate tajuk citer nih mmg dah seminggu tak tido ...
MamüVies Post at 24-3-2011 10:40 
aku rasa ni typo laaaa..dia tertulis BESAR..
klu dia nk translate, apsal filem lain xder pun translate...
tp mmg KELAKAR arrr GIANT BESAR..giant mmg ler besar..
seb baek dia tak tulis Pasaraya GIANT..hahahha |
hehe...mebi TT patut post dlm bod Joke...baru laa lawak ini dihargai...hehehe |
erm..... |
ingatkan tajuk thread ni ttg tajuk filem terbaru prof razak midin |
huruf a/s dan r/t mmg sebelah2 dlm keyboard..
tu bukan translate tapi typo.. |
okay, typing error then. |
typo...agak lawak gak la... |
bukan salah translate la.. ni mesti tgh mamai mase taip tajuk ni...  |
haha,,,klaka,tp momod bacteria xdpt bg kdt pasal ko x letak lam bod die,haha |
jangan memain wo silap translate aku bentangkan fakta pasal muvie chen zhen. ni chen zhen yg first ek, yg jet li berlakon. bukan yg donnie yen berlakon tu.
The English-dubbed U.S. release by Miramax and Buena Vista Distribution contains four specific mistranslations that drastically alter the meaning of the film as a whole.
1.Before Chen leaves Japan, Mitsuko asks him if he hates the Japanese. In the U.S. version he replies, "I don't hate." In the Hong Kong version he replies, "I don't know."
2.In the U.S. version of the scene where Chen fights Fumio, Fumio asks him what the most effective way to defeat an enemy is. Chen replies that the most effective way is to focus one's energy and strike, and Fumio agrees with him. In the Hong Kong version, they begin by discussing their match. Chen says that the purpose of martial arts is to defeat an enemy. Fumio says, "No, you're wrong. The best way to defeat your enemy is to use a gun. Martial arts is about personal development."
3.Prior to the final fight sequence in the U.S. version, Chen and Huo face Fujita who holds up a sign reading Dongya Bingfu (東亞病夫) and he tells them that the sign says, "Jingwu is closed". The Chinese characters are commonly translated to "Sick men of the East" and is used as a famous reference to Fist of Fury. The subtitles in the Hong Kong version translate the sign correctly.
4.At the end in the U.S. version, Chen's driver asks him if he will go to be with Mitsuko. Chen responds, "If I no longer have a country, at least I can still be with the woman I love." His response in the Hong Kong version is, "Which area is most affected by Japanese invasion?" The driver says, "Tungshan" and he says, "We'll go to Tungshan then."
tak ke lain bebenor tu????? khabarnye filem ni mmg kene boikot ngan chinese sbb dialog no 3 tu.... |
How about translation kat wayang Malaysia yg entah ape2
True story:
Finding Nemo jadi Nemo si Comel (watafak?) |
How about translation kat wayang Malaysia yg entah ape2
True story:
Finding Nemo jadi Nemo si Co ...
MamüVies Post at 25-3-2011 20:52 
betui tu. suka2 hati mak bapak dia je translate mcm harammm!
mcm aritu pegi tgk battle LA, translation mcm haramm! |
Reply 18# fcuk.em
hahahahaha!! Ade satu line aku ingat;
"We are fighting for our planet now, damn it!"
"Sekarang kita berperang untuk dunia kita, celaka!" (Salah context)
Tergelak sorg2 tak pasal2 time screening tu. |
Post Last Edit by Esperanza at 25-3-2011 21:39
filem omputih mana ntah, x ingat sbb dah lama
seorang anak ucap "i love you, dad" kpd ayahnya...
translation melayu.. "aku cintakan kau, ayah"...
mmg mcm haremmmmmmmmmmmm :@ |
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