Israeli Security services uncover secret Hamas smuggling operation
Israeli Security forces uncovered a Hamas smuggling ring and arrested 3 Israelis in connection to the supplying of Hamas Militants with building materials to be used for building tunnels and rockets. File images from January 2015.
File Image: Goods from Israel waiting to enter Gaza via Kerem Shalom crossing however most of it falls into the hands of Hamas Terrorists and doesn`t reach the desperate people of Gaza.
File Image: Metal pipes entering Gaza via Kerem Shalom crossing to be used for civilian purposes however they find their way right into Hamas militant wings factories to be used as rockets and to be fired back into Israel.
File Image: Trucks unloading goods on the israeli side of Kerem Shalom crossing before being transferred onto Hamas Trucks and cross into Gaza.
File Image: Trucks unloading goods on the israeli side of Kerem Shalom crossing before being transferred onto Hamas Trucks and cross into Gaza.
File Image: Hamas Terror tunnel discovered during latest Hamas Israel War built from Israeli cement and fitted with Israeli communication cables smuggled from Israel.
Israeli Security forces uncovered a Hamas smuggling ring and arrested 3 Israelis in connection to the supplying of Hamas Militants with building materials to be used for building tunnels and rockets. File images from January 2015.