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Borneo Td:499 |Th:21329|Rank:5 

Moderator: Vellfire, tari
[Sabah] Pelbagai inisiatif diambil atasi masalah akibat pandemik agree
Vellfire    |   10-10-2021 01:24 PM    |   View:2877   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 10-10-2021 01:24 PM
[Sabah] Pelajar mempunyai tanggungjawab untuk divaksin agree
Vellfire    |   10-10-2021 01:22 PM    |   View:2992   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 10-10-2021 01:22 PM
[Sabah] Sebahagian besar daerah di Sabah catat peningkatan kes agree
Vellfire    |   10-10-2021 01:09 PM    |   View:2961   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 10-10-2021 01:09 PM
[Sarawak] Kerajaan GPS beri jaminan terus tolak unsur, golongan pelampau agree
Vellfire    |   10-10-2021 01:06 PM    |   View:2797   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 10-10-2021 01:06 PM
[Sarawak] 197 saman guna nombor pendaftaran 'fancy' dalam lima hari agree
Vellfire    |   10-10-2021 01:02 PM    |   View:2985   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 10-10-2021 01:02 PM
[Sarawak] Proses vaksinasi secara ‘Walk-In’ di PPV Klinik Kesihatan Lawas dapat sambutan l agree
Vellfire    |   10-10-2021 12:54 PM    |   View:2897   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 10-10-2021 12:54 PM
[Sarawak] 74 kes kematian, Sarawak kedua tertinggi agree
Vellfire    |   10-10-2021 12:51 PM    |   View:2853   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 10-10-2021 12:51 PM
[Sarawak] Abang Johari: Sarawak perolehi RM6.8 bilion melalui SST agree
Vellfire    |   10-10-2021 12:49 PM    |   View:2780   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 10-10-2021 12:49 PM
[Borneo] Boleh kena jangkitan otak, elak cabut bulu hidung atau picit jerawat sekitar seg agree
Vellfire    |   9-10-2021 12:31 PM    |   View:3431   |   Reply:6    |   Likes: 0
Normabaru 10-10-2021 10:46 AM
[Sarawak] Ekonomi Sarawak dijangka berkembang 4 hingga 6 peratus tahun ini agree
FanTasyCreaTioN    |   10-10-2021 07:22 AM    |   View:2878   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
FanTasyCreaTioN 10-10-2021 07:22 AM
[Sarawak] Ditegur cari kerja, pemuda cederakan bapa dipenjara 12 bulan agree
Vellfire    |   9-10-2021 10:55 AM    |   View:3099   |   Reply:3    |   Likes: 0
nakkomenjugak 10-10-2021 01:20 AM
[Borneo] Kebenaran Rentas Negeri Serentak Di Seluruh Negara – PM agree
Vellfire    |   9-10-2021 12:27 PM    |   View:3413   |   Reply:7    |   Likes: 0
nakkomenjugak 10-10-2021 01:04 AM
[Sarawak] Covid19 09/10/2021 agree
FanTasyCreaTioN    |   9-10-2021 08:45 PM    |   View:2961   |   Reply:1    |   Likes: 0
FanTasyCreaTioN 9-10-2021 10:10 PM
[Sarawak] Mukah : Hilang ketika menjala UPDATE : dijumpai ...lemas agree
FanTasyCreaTioN    |   8-10-2021 07:48 PM    |   View:3104   |   Reply:5    |   Likes: 0
ease 9-10-2021 09:27 PM
[Sabah] Bayi cukup sifat dibuang di tong sampah agree
kerisnaga    |   6-10-2021 10:56 PM    |   View:2484   |   Reply:10    |   Likes: 0
ease 9-10-2021 09:09 PM
[Sabah] Sabah Laksana Projek RAVO Bagi Percepat 80% Vaksinasi Lengkap Dewasa agree
Vellfire    |   9-10-2021 12:17 PM    |   View:3075   |   Reply:1    |   Likes: 0
FanTasyCreaTioN 9-10-2021 09:02 PM
[Sarawak] RRSS juara Forum Pelajar kebangsaan agree
Vellfire    |   9-10-2021 10:40 AM    |   View:3042   |   Reply:2    |   Likes: 0
FanTasyCreaTioN 9-10-2021 08:51 PM
[Sabah] Covid19 09/10/2021 digest agree
FanTasyCreaTioN    |   9-10-2021 08:31 PM    |   View:3273   |   Reply:1    |   Likes: 0
FanTasyCreaTioN 9-10-2021 08:33 PM
[Sarawak] Belasah teman wanita di kedai makan attachment agree  ...2
FanTasyCreaTioN    |   8-10-2021 03:20 AM    |   View:4212   |   Reply:33    |   Likes: 0
namemysoul 9-10-2021 04:53 PM
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[Borneo] Harga baharu kit ujian kendiri Covid-19 dalam penilaian agree
Vellfire    |   9-10-2021 12:08 PM    |   View:3212   |   Reply:1    |   Likes: 0
krustykrab 9-10-2021 01:49 PM
[Sabah] Sandakan Naik Taraf Bandar Raya Februari Depan – Bung Moktar agree
Vellfire    |   9-10-2021 12:21 PM    |   View:2964   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 9-10-2021 12:21 PM
[Sarawak] 20 rumah ibadat di kawasan Bukit Semuja terima sumbangan agree
Vellfire    |   9-10-2021 12:14 PM    |   View:3026   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 9-10-2021 12:14 PM
[Sarawak] Ejen judi dalam talian kantoi di Bau agree
Vellfire    |   9-10-2021 12:13 PM    |   View:2887   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 9-10-2021 12:13 PM
[Sarawak] GPS pelawa penyertaan belia untuk proses demokrasi agree
Vellfire    |   9-10-2021 12:11 PM    |   View:2861   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 9-10-2021 12:11 PM
[Sarawak] Syarikat Korea berminat bangun projek hidrogen di Bintulu agree
Vellfire    |   9-10-2021 12:10 PM    |   View:3092   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 9-10-2021 12:10 PM
[Sabah] Pertimbang wujud kelas komputer di sekolah rendah agree
Vellfire    |   9-10-2021 10:49 AM    |   View:3063   |   Reply:2    |   Likes: 0
sensa 9-10-2021 11:19 AM
[Sarawak] 600 menara telekomunikasi di Sarawak dibina mulai bulan ini agree
Vellfire    |   9-10-2021 10:21 AM    |   View:2943   |   Reply:2    |   Likes: 0
Skuau 9-10-2021 11:06 AM
[Sabah] Sabah Tidak Benarkan Rentas Negeri Dalam Tempoh Terdekat agree
Vellfire    |   9-10-2021 11:03 AM    |   View:2922   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 9-10-2021 11:03 AM
[Sabah] Sabah Sasar 80% Lengkap Vaksin Pada Awal November agree
Vellfire    |   9-10-2021 10:59 AM    |   View:2958   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 9-10-2021 10:59 AM
[Sabah] HSN platform terap budaya sukan dalam masyarakat agree
Vellfire    |   9-10-2021 10:52 AM    |   View:2780   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 9-10-2021 10:52 AM
[Sabah] ADUN mempunyai hak demokrasi memilih untuk berkhidmat agree
Vellfire    |   9-10-2021 10:51 AM    |   View:2832   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 9-10-2021 10:51 AM
[Sarawak] Sarawak masih berbincang pemberian dos penggalak vaksin COVID-19 agree
Vellfire    |   9-10-2021 10:45 AM    |   View:2708   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 9-10-2021 10:45 AM
[Sarawak] PSB tidak akan hadiri mesyuarat khas Belanjawan Negeri 2022 Selasa depan agree
Vellfire    |   9-10-2021 10:36 AM    |   View:2774   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 9-10-2021 10:36 AM
[Sarawak] Pawagam di Sarawak mulai beroperasi 10 Oktober 2021 agree
Vellfire    |   9-10-2021 10:19 AM    |   View:2788   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 9-10-2021 10:19 AM
[Sarawak] 200 jemaah hadir sempena majlis kesyukuran TYT Sarawak di Masjid Jamek agree
Vellfire    |   9-10-2021 10:15 AM    |   View:2839   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 9-10-2021 10:15 AM
[Sarawak] UNIFOR anjur majlis doa kesyukuran Sambutan Ulang Tahun TYT Sarawak agree
Vellfire    |   9-10-2021 10:13 AM    |   View:2805   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 9-10-2021 10:13 AM
[Sarawak] Pustaka Negeri Sarawak Sibu kini dibuka semula agree
Vellfire    |   9-10-2021 09:57 AM    |   View:2806   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 9-10-2021 09:57 AM
[Sabah] Dua Deret Rumah 16 Pintu, Musnah Terbakar agree
FanTasyCreaTioN    |   8-10-2021 08:02 PM    |   View:3010   |   Reply:1    |   Likes: 0
Revolver 8-10-2021 08:11 PM
[Sabah] DBKK lakukan pembersihan Pantai Taman Awam Teluk Likas agree
FanTasyCreaTioN    |   8-10-2021 07:59 PM    |   View:2972   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
FanTasyCreaTioN 8-10-2021 07:59 PM
[Borneo] Vaksin Pfizer diberi kelulusan bersyarat sebagai dos penggalak agree
FanTasyCreaTioN    |   8-10-2021 07:54 PM    |   View:2958   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
FanTasyCreaTioN 8-10-2021 07:54 PM
[Sarawak] Covid19 08/10/2021 digest agree
FanTasyCreaTioN    |   8-10-2021 06:29 PM    |   View:3201   |   Reply:2    |   Likes: 0
FanTasyCreaTioN 8-10-2021 06:47 PM
[Sabah] Covid19 08/10/2021 digest agree
FanTasyCreaTioN    |   8-10-2021 06:03 PM    |   View:3033   |   Reply:3    |   Likes: 0
FanTasyCreaTioN 8-10-2021 06:17 PM
[Sabah] Isu pencerobohan China, kerajaan Sabah desak adakan rundingan antarabangsa agree
FanTasyCreaTioN    |   2-10-2021 09:08 PM    |   View:2016   |   Reply:4    |   Likes: 0
HangPC2 8-10-2021 02:11 PM
[Borneo] Isu kekurangan guru: Keutamaan diberi kepada Sarawak, Sabah agree
FanTasyCreaTioN    |   5-10-2021 03:59 AM    |   View:2693   |   Reply:10    |   Likes: 0
Olumis 8-10-2021 01:49 PM
[Sabah] Serangan kiambang Salvinia Molesta di Sabah perlu ditangani segera agree
FanTasyCreaTioN    |   7-10-2021 05:38 PM    |   View:2643   |   Reply:5    |   Likes: 0
FanTasyCreaTioN 8-10-2021 03:03 AM
[Sarawak] Covid19 07/10/2021
FanTasyCreaTioN    |   7-10-2021 05:48 PM    |   View:2352   |   Reply:2    |   Likes: 0
FanTasyCreaTioN 7-10-2021 05:59 PM
[Borneo] [ Edisi Pertanyaan ] Info vaksin hilang bila tukar nombor handphone agree  ...2
FanTasyCreaTioN    |   2-10-2021 06:58 PM    |   View:4015   |   Reply:24    |   Likes: 1
FanTasyCreaTioN 7-10-2021 05:31 PM
[Sarawak] Curi kipas bapa, anak dipenjara empat bulan agree
FanTasyCreaTioN    |   7-10-2021 04:17 PM    |   View:2281   |   Reply:4    |   Likes: 0
FanTasyCreaTioN 7-10-2021 04:52 PM
[Borneo] Memandu Dari Sarawak Ke Brunei dan Sabah agree
FanTasyCreaTioN    |   7-10-2021 05:42 AM    |   View:10897   |   Reply:15    |   Likes: 0
FanTasyCreaTioN 7-10-2021 04:47 PM
[Sarawak] Mayat pembantu tekong ditemui dan dikenalpasti keluarga agree
FanTasyCreaTioN    |   7-10-2021 04:40 AM    |   View:2798   |   Reply:8    |   Likes: 0
FanTasyCreaTioN 7-10-2021 04:45 PM
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