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Author: cyra

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Post time 6-12-2014 07:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Die suh tulis nama yg ada kat card but my card xda nama.. Tp ctu iherb say my card mastercard maybank but still cannot proceed.. Anyone pernah lalui benda sama x? Plz help

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Post time 7-12-2014 09:17 AM | Show all posts
ApplePie00 posted on 6-12-2014 07:54 PM
Die suh tulis nama yg ada kat card but my card xda nama.. Tp ctu iherb say my card mastercard mayban ...

Kat bhg nama tu.. taip je nama sendiri walau guna debit card.

Ai pun guna debit card maybank. Visa.

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Post time 7-12-2014 01:03 PM | Show all posts
kaogi posted on 7-12-2014 09:17 AM
Kat bhg nama tu.. taip je nama sendiri walau guna debit card.

Ai pun guna debit card maybank. V ...

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Post time 7-12-2014 01:03 PM | Show all posts
kaogi posted on 7-12-2014 09:17 AM
Kat bhg nama tu.. taip je nama sendiri walau guna debit card.

Ai pun guna debit card maybank. V ...

dia ckp mcm kat atas tuh... anyway, u pakai nutribiotic cleanser tak??

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Post time 7-12-2014 03:46 PM | Show all posts
ApplePie00 posted on 7-12-2014 01:03 PM
dia ckp mcm kat atas tuh... anyway, u pakai nutribiotic cleanser tak??

Ooo.. tak pasti pula kenapa.. kena call maybank utk tanya masalah ni..

Ai pernah kena 3 x order online website us guna debit card
Lepas tu website tu cancel my order.. tp duit tak reverse lagi..
Huhuhu... Ni gara2 Black Friday lah ni... Tamak membeli kat situ..

Skrg dok tgu duit reverse.. sbb kalu guna debit card,  depa buat pre- authorised.. pastu reversal..
Lambatnya reverse...

Btw, nutribiotic tu apa? Tak pernag dgr..
Ai guna Victoria Lanolin Agg Tval.. (ke main panjang nama cleanser)... Kehkehkeh

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Post time 7-12-2014 03:54 PM | Show all posts
kaogi posted on 7-12-2014 03:46 PM
Ooo.. tak pasti pula kenapa.. kena call maybank utk tanya masalah ni..

Ai pernah kena 3 x order ...

bila lg uols nk memborong kat iherb ni? mtk tlg bli kn... huhu.. total rm 283 nt iols bank in....

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Post time 7-12-2014 04:34 PM | Show all posts
ApplePie00 posted on 7-12-2014 03:54 PM
bila lg uols nk memborong kat iherb ni? mtk tlg bli kn... huhu.. total rm 283 nt iols bank in....

U pakai mastercard kan..

Pernah guna tak untuk online sebelum ni?
Maybe u tak minta authorised utk shopping online ..

Sorry. Ayat kongkang sket.. rasanya kena aktif kan kad utk transaksi online

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Post time 8-12-2014 08:00 AM | Show all posts
call orang bank..
iols punye cc pun kene sekat..diorang takut fraud.

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Post time 8-12-2014 08:18 AM | Show all posts
smalam iols sesaje tgk review morrocan clay mask tu kat youtube..ramai cakp bagus..
and diorang campur kan clay tu dengan rose petal witch hazel toner and tea tree oil...
tgk dia punye before and after pun..sgt menarik..l

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Post time 8-12-2014 09:53 AM | Show all posts
lil_honey posted on 8-12-2014 08:18 AM
smalam iols sesaje tgk review morrocan clay mask tu kat youtube..ramai cakp bagus..
and diorang cam ...

uihhh tempting la pulakk bila bace ni .. hmmhmm

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Post time 8-12-2014 10:16 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
iloveyou posted on 8-12-2014 09:53 AM
uihhh tempting la pulakk bila bace ni .. hmmhmm

Iols pun tempting jgk... warghhh.. tejebak...

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Post time 8-12-2014 11:34 AM | Show all posts
biri-biri posted on 8-12-2014 10:16 AM
Iols pun tempting jgk... warghhh.. tejebak...

Mesti ada rasa nak bli kannnnn

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Post time 10-12-2014 09:07 AM | Show all posts
macam best la pulak sabun badan nih...

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 Author| Post time 10-12-2014 02:23 PM | Show all posts
lil_honey posted on 8-12-2014 08:18 AM
smalam iols sesaje tgk review morrocan clay mask tu kat youtube..ramai cakp bagus..
and diorang cam ...

ok.. next haul nak beli clay mask ni ... matilaaaa tergodaaa

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 Author| Post time 10-12-2014 02:26 PM | Show all posts
lil_honey posted on 10-12-2014 09:07 AM
macam best la pulak sabun badan nih...

mmg besstt!! tapi i pakai utk baby dgn bebudak je... dulu pakai utk bebudak... tapi dah stop sbb derang bantai main sampai habis sebotol!

so skrang pakai untuk baby je... utk bebudak kalau kulit kering semacam baru i pakaikan... kena catu

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Post time 10-12-2014 02:30 PM | Show all posts
cyra posted on 10-12-2014 02:26 PM
mmg besstt!! tapi i pakai utk baby dgn bebudak je... dulu pakai utk bebudak... tapi dah stop sbb d ...

pergghh..botol besar gitu pun boleh main sampai abis..dasat anak2 u nih

td dah ade 8 barang dalam wishlist..
sabun nutribiotics tu cepat gile habis...asyik la dapat notification yang diorang restock.

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Post time 10-12-2014 02:35 PM | Show all posts
iloveyou posted on 8-12-2014 09:53 AM
uihhh tempting la pulakk bila bace ni .. hmmhmm

iols dapat hari isnin.. hari isnin tu iols cuba terus...then hari ni pun iols buat jugak..
bila kali ke dua pakai just notice macam dark spot tu dah pudar and pores tepi hidung tu dah mengecik sikit..iols pegang muka pun sedap la...takde kasar..kalau tak, selalu seminggu due kali iols scrub muka, kalau tak jadi kasar sikit muka..
iols tambah toner rose petal dengan argan oil jek..

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Post time 10-12-2014 02:36 PM | Show all posts
pelangisenja posted on 9-12-2014 03:00 PM
tp tak tau nak beli ape...huhuhu

kalau u tgk thread ni dari awal sampai akhir, ade forumer beli barang2 lain..uols pun boleh refer kt situ gak..
macam last shop iols tgk cyra ade beli lif exfoliator dari elf..terus iols masuk lam basket, sebab nak ganti dengan bodyshop punye.

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Post time 11-12-2014 12:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cyra posted on 10-12-2014 02:26 PM
mmg besstt!! tapi i pakai utk baby dgn bebudak je... dulu pakai utk bebudak... tapi dah stop sbb d ...

Thanks cyra n honey.. i pon plan nk beli baby bath yg ni.. gedik sgt kan... dah nk kena bl barang lain lg supaya xrugi bl satu barang je..

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Post time 15-12-2014 10:51 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
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