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Author: Jentayupink

[V5] HADY MIRZA : Life BeginS At 40!

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Post time 21-1-2020 03:20 PM | Show all posts
Edited by deebiz14 at 21-1-2020 03:21 PM
ira_229 replied at 21-1-2020 02:33 PM
ada mamat tu react kat hady's GV video dia declare hady as king R&B
kalau nak compare dulu suara ...

Actually kan, after going through his old videos sumer... i rasa sore Hady sekarang lagi lunak, clean dan merdu sangat. Ntah secukup rasa gitu. Pitch mostly perfect. Maseh bercharismatic sejajar ngan umur heols yang tengah sedap2 nih.
Dan heols sangat2 bertenaga. Dulu pun bertenaga tapi aura dia lain. Gaknye berkat heols belajar ngaji dan berazan, penafasan dia bagus skali. Makin dia tarek...makin bertenaga, tapi tak overkill. Ibarat dia bawak you naik keter sports bukak tingkap, tak laju, tepi laut. Puas gitu.

Dan cara dia alun word tu ... cam wahhh... satu perkataan tu dia bole kasi penuh warna dan emosi. Eg. Lagu Ernie tu, pada lirik "Ku bersuara saat kau berikan derita". His DERITA tu cukup cukup cukupppp feeling, meaning dan warna - ada perasaan sedih, marah, pasrah dan kepuasan - hanya on his DERITA alone ... dgn cara nyanyian heols.

This is how i admire and appreciate his singing abilities. Insha Allah dia jaga la amanah Allah berikan pada dia baik2. Ameen.


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Post time 21-1-2020 03:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
SiAiGv replied at 21-1-2020 01:41 PM
Tk baik tipu tau. Tak kan awal2 kenal lagi dah nk tipu. Tapi maybe la masa tu dia dah buat grab sa ...

Sorry you....I tak lah maksudkan hady begitu pun sbb of coz kejujuran itu penting....I just reka ayat2 tersebut sendiri, ala2 kalau drama kan gitu la skrip dia (kuat nau tgok drama I ni).....sebab pastinya hady ckp hal yg benar driver means grab dia lah tu masa tu jannah pun okay je kawan dgn dia masa tu & tak tahu jugak pun before ni dia apa...

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Post time 21-1-2020 04:18 PM | Show all posts
aerara39 replied at 21-1-2020 03:25 PM
Sorry you....I tak lah maksudkan hady begitu pun sbb of coz kejujuran itu penting....I just reka a ...

Meols rase cik @SiAiGv bermaksud konon nak menegur Hady tak baik tipu2 Jannah time tu sis, bukan kat u ...   

Sheols kan byk berangan   Maciam la Hady masuk sini bace...   

Jangan marah ye cik SiAiGv ...

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Post time 21-1-2020 04:20 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Meols suke je hady nyanyi lagu pape .. meols suke tgk muke dia.. erk bleh gtu...

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Post time 21-1-2020 04:21 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Jentayupink replied at 21-1-2020 01:25 PM
ape yg potong??meols x terjah lg bts week 3 tu..bizi seketika...ape yg potong??sunat??sapo

Hahaha...potong criter...blum sempat sadaqallah hul azim da kena tutup buku. Adehhh...

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Post time 21-1-2020 04:24 PM | Show all posts
Memandangkan pepetang ni cam senyap lesu.. meh kita mengeteh..

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Post time 21-1-2020 04:28 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
deebiz14 replied at 21-1-2020 03:20 PM
Actually kan, after going through his old videos sumer... i rasa sore Hady sekarang lagi lunak, cl ... his voice acrobatics...satu word tu je boleh bwk mcm2 cara. Sebab tu kita dok dgr2 repeat je.

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Post time 21-1-2020 04:33 PM | Show all posts
Sukaperati replied at 21-1-2020 04:20 PM
Meols suke je hady nyanyi lagu pape .. meols suke tgk muke dia.. erk bleh gtu...

Boleh je... betul la tu ...  Sore sedap + ruper helok =  nyaman puas hati

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Post time 21-1-2020 04:35 PM | Show all posts
deebiz14 replied at 21-1-2020 07:20 AM
Actually kan, after going through his old videos sumer... i rasa sore Hady sekarang lagi lunak, cl ...

I agree! His vocals has matured somehwat. Time and experience has made him a better singer compared to 10-15 years ago.
He seems more comfortable singing now and he understands what he can and cannot do with his voice.


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 Author| Post time 21-1-2020 04:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
meols tgk2 video bts ni dok tepikir plk since hady join DDS ni blh nmpk yg dia blh sebenanya bwk mcm2 genre..wlupn sedikit tp puas gak la...lagu traditional..rap..even lagu bbnu d zapinkan ke rs  blh je bwk dgn memek muka dia..lagu ahmad jais lama giler kot x dgr sekali haji hady bwk mmg sedap sungguh jadinye...

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Post time 21-1-2020 04:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Jentayupink replied at 21-1-2020 04:43 PM
meols tgk2 video bts ni dok tepikir plk since hady join DDS ni blh nmpk yg dia blh sebenanya bwk mcm ...

Tu la sebab nye...dia mmg boleh je genre apa2 pun. Ada peminat yg itu tu yg nk sgt suh dia nyanyi irama asli kat GV tu.. ckp tk adil..kang kalau dgr abg aji nyanyi uols menangis bab sedaq sgt dok repeat senyap2 bwh katil.

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Post time 21-1-2020 05:01 PM | Show all posts
Si OfficialriaX ni pun ngakal kan? Saje je up caption ngundang camtu;  da tentu2 Hady tu begurau. Kalau ada haters sengaje makan umpan, mmg dasarrr busukkk hati tahap loji.

Dan admin officialriax tu tak pasal2 jadi batu api ronson tahap sampah.  


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Post time 21-1-2020 05:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Perghhh kejap je dh nk kena pindah ke lain penthouse ...dasyat betul korang heheh

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Post time 21-1-2020 05:05 PM | Show all posts
KiahRonggeng88 replied at 21-1-2020 05:03 PM
Perghhh kejap je dh nk kena pindah ke lain penthouse ...dasyat betul korang heheh

Meols rindu ahh kat Kak Kiahhh ...


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 Author| Post time 21-1-2020 05:06 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
MsChinta83 replied at 21-1-2020 04:58 PM
Tu la sebab nye...dia mmg boleh je genre apa2 pun. Ada peminat yg itu tu yg nk sgt suh dia nyanyi  ...

dpt dgr sikit2 pon jadilah...rse mmg astro smpn heols utk lagu2 asli ms DDS after perrsetujuan d capai hahahha xkisahla janji mmg heols masih berkualiti wlupn da 40 thn...

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Post time 21-1-2020 05:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
deebiz14 replied at 21-1-2020 05:05 PM
Meols rindu ahh kat Kak Kiahhh ...

Kak Kiah dh dua hari migraine tp dlm migraine pon bleh lagi layan forum cuma x hardcore je...lately ni asal peyed je migraine... huhu dh la malam ni ada rehearsal dgn kebudayaan dan keagungan para alien ... Huhuhu... Bagi shuben je lah take over ... Bukan penat buat keje penat main hp hahaha..

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 Author| Post time 21-1-2020 05:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
deebiz14 replied at 21-1-2020 05:01 PM
Si OfficialriaX ni pun ngakal kan? Saje je up caption ngundang camtu;  da tentu2 Hady tu begurau. Ka ...

hahahah rupanya hady bergurau..sat g headline kat bodgos plk hahahahha tau2 jelah haters d mana2 ya

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 Author| Post time 21-1-2020 05:09 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
KiahRonggeng88 replied at 21-1-2020 05:03 PM
Perghhh kejap je dh nk kena pindah ke lain penthouse ...dasyat betul korang heheh

bizi nau kak kiahnye ponnn...sat g lagi skali masuk dah pindah umah dah..dah kene solex

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Post time 21-1-2020 05:11 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Jentayupink replied at 21-1-2020 05:09 PM
bizi nau kak kiahnye ponnn...sat g lagi skali masuk dah pindah umah dah..dah kene solex

Tu lah tu... KaK Kiah dok riki tgok bang haji dkt INSTAGRAM je... Molek sungguh hahahaha... KaK Kiah doakan bang haji success selalu n tahun ni bang haji dgn Kak Kiah berjaya dpt baby hahah

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Post time 21-1-2020 05:14 PM | Show all posts
KiahRonggeng88 replied at 21-1-2020 05:07 PM
Kak Kiah dh dua hari migraine tp dlm migraine pon bleh lagi layan forum cuma x hardcore je...latel ...

Wah Kak Kiah pun ber-rehearsal jugak? Ada kKonvensyen para2 alien planet mane tu ..ahhaha

Take care Kak Kiah. Lagi ngah musim2 flu2 senang jangkit ni, nak kene kuatkan pertahanan badan. Mohon spaceship Kak Kiah ade pasang sheild ya ala2 star wars tu ya.

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