hahaaaaa... ada ghupernya benang pasai mobie nie ...
dah nonton last friday nyte ...
memang kelako gilerr ....
banyak tol scene scene lawak ....
dan semestinya dialog lusyahhhh yang lawakkkk ....
ada satu dialog tu .. bercakap pasai kote tak sunat ....
part ni .. adooiiiiii ..... mmg sampai kuar air mata gelak wehhhhh
jgn expect so much ar .... scene yang bamp bump bamp ....
sebab generally .. this is a comedy mobie...
kalo stresss ngan kije ... life ... recommended to be watched
aku tgk masa premiere screening...as usual tak ramai yg tgk..mungkin sbb lagi hype dgn mission impossible fallout kot
mmg lawak..lawak pun ya ampunnnnnn..mujurlah mmg dah rate under 18....mmg 2 ekor nih kelam kabut sungguh lah..actually aku tgk movie ini sbb sam heughan..for his first hollywood movie....harap2 byklah job dia dpt sbb dia nih sgt low profile..byk main theatre atau underground movies je di UK..lakonan dia dlm movie nih pun ok ..pandai juga dia nih berlakon ala2 bangang/lawak..
sbb movie nih just for fun / clear headed..so jgn expect too much..just enjoy the eye candy (i mean the one who brings the character of agent sebastian henshaw )yg ada dlm movie ini try nk tgk kali ke 2 tp kat tempat aku dah takde dah movie nih kat pawagam..lel...kurang dpt sambutan kot..takpe ah..aku tunggu version blu ray 2-3 bulan nnt
yes! puas hati..manja bg 7/10...finally...mmg lawak..suke watak kate, it's like the script was written for her..jalan cerita pun ade twist and turn..
aksi2 action adventure secukup rs...i'm quite impressed