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Bin Abdullah Issue? Abdullah is like a John Doe

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Post time 1-8-2017 12:12 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Mujahidin Zulkiffli
31 July 2017

Bin Abdullah Issue?

Apa salah Abdullah? Why you all wanna blame Abdullah when you're the one who made the baby lah? Abdullah is innocent ok! Plus, don't you know???? Abdullah is a non-Muslim name!! (Prophet Muhammad Bin Abdullah) Why you want to blame Prophet's father who died before our prophet was even born?

I once wrote about why the name of Allah is not exclusive to Muslims because even in pre-Islamic days, the name Abdullah had been around. One clear evidence is the prophet's father himself. So.. evidently, Abdullah is not a Muslim name lah...

Abdullah means servant of Allah. In Islam, everyone (Muslims and non-Muslims are considered servant of Allah). Whether the servant wants to serve Allah or not, that's a different story.

So why name a Muslim bastard kid (harsh you say? I know!!) after a generic name like Abdullah? This practice are not from the Quran. It's not from Hadith. The fatwa made by JAWI do not seem to have originated from Quran, no related Quranic quotes and not even related hadiths were quoted. Since they didn't quote anything related, we can assume they made the fatwa up themselves. What's new?

What's there in the hadiths about this?

A Hadith Sahih Muslim (Hadith 3437 of Book Marriage):
Narrated by my least favourite narrator, Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (Peace be upon him) as saying: The child is to be attributed to one on whose bed he is born, and for the adulterer there is stoning.
Whose bed was the prophet referring to? The husband of the child's mother who committed adultery with another man. That was the context of the Hadith.

So.. pity the husband... the wife and her man get to die of stoning and the husband is stuck with the baby that's not his. And the baby is attributed to the husband?? No way, we defy the Prophet and name them after Abdullah. You wonder where the term Anak Haram came about? It's when nobody wants the baby lah, Abdullah is like a John Doe.

What if it's for the child of unmarried sinners? There are no Hadith about this so we can play the prophet and make up whatever we think is best, (I'm obviously kidding but isn't that the basis of the JAWI fatwa anyway?)

A prominent Muslim scholar, Sheikh Muhammad Iqbal Nadvi, Imam of Calgary Mosque, Alberta, Canada, and Former Professor at King Saud University, Riyad, Saudi Arabia, said:
“The children born out of wedlock deserve all the care they need as children; thus you should provide them with all the requirements and elements to make them succeed in this life.
They are not responsible for the past deeds of their parents. However, the attribution of the child’s name to the father is based on the acceptance of the father. If he approves of it, then he/she can be named after him.”

I think he made a lot of sense here.

Remember though, in Islamic states.. the parents would have been lashed 100 times (if unmarried) or stoned to death (if married). So what's the fuss about naming the child after a dead person? (The likeliness of death for lashings is there as well, example is Abu Shayamah, son of Caliph Umar al-Khattab who died because he sinned and got lashed) Or to be named Bin Abdullah as alternative? (If father died already)

The problem today is, we don't kill the father. (Actually that's not a problem.. this is progress.. we used to orphan children back then, God forgive us)
So since the father will be alive, I say we let the parents decide. Who are we to decide for them? It's not our child, it's theirs! Are we going to take care of the child? No? Then shut the fuck up. We have no rights to decide.

And we seriously need to stop calling these children as Anak Haram or bastard or Anak tak sah taraf. They are innocent! They didn't choose to be born out of wedlock. We created this hatred towards them why? They are equals to us, they were born naked and innocent just like everyone else.

Stop playing God!! Have some decency and common sense.

So what if the father can't become 'wali'? Use 'wali hakim' lah.. you think your wali was qualified to be one in the first place? In this day and age, pretty much everyone is a fasiqeen (someone who commits big sin or keep small sins). Now who among us do not keep repeating small sins? We look at sexy women on TV don't we? Then we are sinners and therefore fasiqeen and therefore an unqualified wali.

So if you think about it, since most people are sinners and unqualified wali, we probably have only so few legal marriages. So technically, everyone been committing zina with their own husbands and wives. So who are we to judge and impose on these children? Our own children could actually be born out of wedlock due to unqualified Walis.

Do I even need to discuss about inheritance now?


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Post time 1-8-2017 05:33 AM | Show all posts
The reason kenapa orang sebok nak binti kan anak2 kepada nama bapa sebab nak tutup aib. Munah faham je. Ye la kan sebab baby tak salah yang salah mak bapak dia. Tapi imagine, kalaulah baby ni di binti kan nama bapak dorang, korang rasa mak bapak ni tak akan jadi greedy ke dengan walikan pernikahan anak dorang. Yela kan atas dasar tutup aib. Orang mesti pelik asal wali hakim padahal bapak kat sebelah je. Or bapak budak itu akan faraidkan harta kepada anak tu instead of hibah. Walhal faraid is not applicable kepada anak tersebut. Correct me if I'm wrong ok. Huhu. Dia ada pros and cons untuk isu ni. Hope mahkamah persekutuan boleh buat kata putus pasal isu ni.

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Post time 1-8-2017 10:49 AM | Show all posts
munahjolie replied at 1-8-2017 05:33 AM
The reason kenapa orang sebok nak binti kan anak2 kepada nama bapa sebab nak tutup aib. Munah faham  ...

Tapi wajar ke anak ni dikecam, dihina sepanjang dia membesar just atas kesalahan parents dia? Nak mark anak boleh, do it in surat beranak atau IC, sediakan special column. And data ni can be easily cari kalau perlu, yet hidden from public. Tok kadi boleh je kan mintak nak check IC/Surat Beranak untuk kes wali, atau pihak bertanggungjawab pun boleh check time pengagihan harta kan?

Ko imagine parents register anak ke sekolah, bebudak realize nama ayah x sama. Terus kena cop anak haram and dikecam seumur hidup. Perlu ke? Bebudak tu tak buat salah. We should not punish the kids for the parent's mistake kan?


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Post time 2-8-2017 04:48 AM | Show all posts
emino replied at 1-8-2017 10:49 AM
Tapi wajar ke anak ni dikecam, dihina sepanjang dia membesar just atas kesalahan parents dia? Nak  ...

Munah faham je nak jaga aib. Tapi based on saranan emino, budak tu tetap juga akan dicop sebagai anak tak sah taraf walaupun anak tu dibinti nama ayahnya. Nampak tak? Orang nak elak aib tapi last2 kena juga cop budak tu as anak tak sah taraf. So apa fungsi dibinti kan budak tu kepada bapaknya? Takat tengok nama bapak and nama binti lain kena ejek tapi kalau tengok ic yg easily accessible bak kat emino tu still tak dapat solve kan agenda 'tutup aib' kebanyakan parents yg ada anak tak sah taraf. Mungkin boleh come out with other option utk 'tutup aib' parents.

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Post time 2-8-2017 08:15 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tak semesti nya nama anak tu bin/binti Abdullah...
boleh letak 99nama Allah swt...
Harta ibubapa anak angkat boleh dpt dgn bersyarat ibuabapa berkenanaa gi kat lawyer bagi harta wasiat  tu kat anak angkat atas alasan hadiah/amanah/sedekah..

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