memula ai kesian ngan bapak aquaman..tiap pg menunggu bini..tp tgk2 lg kesian kot kat atlanna..sengsorg duk ape ke name tmpt tu.. |
Edited by r_innalif at 1-1-2019 03:15 AM
Trivia ckit alang alang ramai yg rembes psl jason momoa ni. Wife dia Lisa bonet ialah ex wife Lenny kravitz. Lenny plak pnh kapel dgn nicole kidman ms nicole tgh hot jd janda tom kurus dlu. Dlm ni nicole jd mak jason momoa.. |
ai sefamily lerrr paling lewat tgk citer ni kot ,last sunday..no expect anything at first sbb tak baca apa2 review and beli tiket pun last minute sbb anak2 kata dah lama tak tgk wayang. so beli jer just to kill the time....and i'm not into superhero movies..BUT...i enjoyed this movie....superbbbb nya cinematography dia esp dlm ocean tu..mcm dlm fantasyland..rasa mcm Atlantis tuh betul2 spt digambarkan...pelakon2 sumer i tak kenal kecuali Nicole Kidman ( told you, i m not fan of superheroes movie)..dan atfirst i kutuk2 hero tu, cakap tak hensem, ugly and bapak besarrr sgt body dier...but throughout the end..i seriously suker citer ni and baru tau kewujudan hero nih...hahahha...
ok nak tanya, since i balik awal, tak tunggu pun credit citer nih...ada apa erk? anybody care to story? thanks in advance |
Edited by AshkieLa at 9-1-2019 11:39 AM
lepas credit..
tunjuk Manta diselamatkan dari laut oleh professor yg dalam berita tv yg claim kewujudan atlantean tu..then prof tu repair helmet manta.. manta tersedar dari pengsan dan still tak puas hati nak cari aquaman utk revenge sampai dapat...
filem aquaman ni bagi i filem paling best dari dc..justice league dgn superman vs batman pon tak sebest ni..tak sabar nak tunggu aquaman 2.. |
nadie90 replied at 1-1-2019 08:28 PM
Bru tgk....ceq dah mula ska JM....AH lawa gila dlm flm nie...dgn rmbut merah dia....pemilihn pelko ...
Yaa.. Mera is no damsel in distress.. Cara cakap pun very the confident & royal. |
Wow Aquaman dah passed 1 billion mark utk worldwide box office. By next week rasanya movie ni bakal jd the biggest superhero movies for DC mengalahkan The Dark Knight Rises!
Tahniah JW....2 flm arahan dia melepasi kutipan 1 Billion USD ...sapa sgka...tmbh wtk Aquaman ni xlah popular mcm wtk2 superhero yg lain....mcm Black Panther jgk....tp mmpu melepasi kutipan 1 Billion USD
P/S: nak p tgk utk kli ke2 lg esok |
best sgt filem ini... cuma akak turn off tgk jason momoa.. takde ke hero lagi tasty???
hero busukkkk juga yg jadi lead sedangkan ada pelakon lebih tasty and sesuai utk jadi watak utama....
bknnya kena buat byk action pun... |
jason momoa ni drogo ke.. laki si daenerys?? |
Baru tgk tadi.. eh, best la pulakk! Not your typical superhero movie gitu  |
Seriously James Wan did great for Aquaman!
glued to my seat
one of my favs termasuk crazy rich asians |
kosukeconan replied at 23-1-2019 09:52 AM
heols la tu
Patut iols rasa something in my heart gitu.. mcm ada old flames burning tiba2... Haha..
Anyway, iols tertidur tgk cerita ni.. tak habis2.. huhu |
I Watch this movie with my family in the theatre, I don't know why but my son like this movie much. he is forcing me to download it again then I found an app https://showbox.expert/ to watch a movie but I'm not able to download a movie from that app. Is there any other option available ?
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