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Mengenang Pembunuhan James Bulger, Tiga Beradik Ini Terasa Abangnya Masih Ada
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Jika anda masih ingat dengan pembunuhan tragis kanak-kanak, James Bulger's, 2 oleh dua kanak-kanak juga pada tahun 1993, pastinya terkejut dan sedih dengan kisah menyayat hati itu.
Kini setelah 28 tahun berlalu, sebuah dokumentari, Lost Boy : The Killing of James Bulger turut menembual keluarga James termasuklah adik-adiknya yang terkesan dengan tragedi itu.
 Foto :Wiki
Menurut Michael, Leon dan Thomas, kehilangan abangnya sangat mengguris hati mereka sekeluarga.
Ibu mereka, Denise sentiasa mendendangkan kisah tersebut lalu menggambarkan bagaimana rupa parasnya.
 Foto  ollect Unknown
James yang dibunuh pada 12 Februari, 1993 setelah dua budak sekolah menculiknya dari sebuah pusat beli belah, Merseyside, England.
Robert Thompson dan Jon Venables, masing-masing berusia 10 tahun disahkan sebagai pembunuh. Mereka telah mendera, memukul, mencederakan secara seksual, menuang cat ke dalam mata James kemudiannya membaling batu ke kepalanya sehingga mati.
Mereka kemudiannya meninggalkan mayat di lintasan keretapi supaya dilanggar dan mayatnya hanya ditemui dua hari kemudian.
 Foto :caravan media
Leon, 21 menyatakan dia tidak mahu tahu kejadian tersebut dengan terperinci. Manakala Michael, 27 yang lahir selepas sembilan bulan kematian James berkata yang abangnya sentiasa berada di rumah mereka.
Michael turut menjelaskan yang pembunuhan abangnya membuatkan mereka tidak dibenarkan ke aktiviti sekolah yang perlu bermalam dan juga ke pasar raya bersama rakan-rakan.
Mereka cuma dibenarkan bermain di hadapan rumah dengan diperhatikan oleh ibunya.
Sementara itu, ayah James, Ralph Bulger menyatakan yang hukuman penjara selama lapan tahun kemudiannya dibebaskan sebenarnya membahayakan dunia. Ini kerana Venables, 38 pernah ditangkap pada tahun 2010 kerana kesalahan memiliki gambar lucah kanak-kanak. Tiga tahun kemudian, dia dibebaskan namun dimasukkan penjara sekali lagi pada tahun 2017 atas kesalahan sama. - CARI |
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Aku tak boleh baca cerita ni. Sakit hati bila budak2 pembunuh tu dilepaskan selepas 8 tahun & dapat identiti baru |
dahsyatnya kes ni 
btw, terima kasih untuk thread ni. info baru 
Rest in heaven James. Masa menda ni berlaku akak baru darjah 4. Terkesan betul akak bila baca laporan Berita Harian tentang kes ini. Antara kes yang trending satu dunia terus di masa itu.
Kau orang budak2 zaman sematfon, reti ke baca newspaper folo isu2 semasa di umur 9 tahun (akak awal sekolah. Advantage anak cikgu, kihkih)? |
Banyak jer kes2 melibatkan kematian kanak2 secara curang , pembunuh lepas , kalau penjara pun sekejap jer. Teramat jarang yang kena hukuman setimpal. |
Sgt disturbing ye kes ni
Kt ci ada rncgn psl kids yg terlibat dlm kes pembunuhan
Anyway yg tgh tu handsome
barbie dua ekor ni mkn apa ek sampai jd mcm tu perangai...... |
Walaupun dapat identiti baru tapi bapa James masih tau perkembangan hidup Venabels tu eh...
Omg sedih betul baca cara deorang seksa mangsa tu... Btw jon venables tu elok sape2 tembak je lah, tengok macam tak serik lagi. Muka dalam pic tu comel tapi sekarang cam babee jah muka, buruk sangat macam british incest yang lain2. |
dua_chzy replied at 4-3-2021 11:50 AM
Rest in heaven James. Masa menda ni berlaku akak baru darjah 4. Terkesan betul akak bila baca lapora ...
Kaka muda drp iols rupanya |
sarahmirza replied at 7-3-2021 02:34 PM
Walaupun dapat identiti baru tapi bapa James masih tau perkembangan hidup Venabels tu eh...
Bkn bapa james je yg tau.. satu UK tau..
James Bulger killers: what happened to Jon Venables and Robert Thompson after the conviction for murder?
The murder of James Bulger in 1993 shocked the nation, but 25 years on there remain unanswered questions
The murder of two-year-old James Bulger shocked Britain.
In 1993, Robert Thompson and Jon Venables abducted, tortured and murdered the toddler after leading him away from a shopping centre in Bootle, Merseyside.
The child murderers were sent to a young offenders’ institute, where they stayed until their release at the age of 18 in 2001.
They were both given new identities on the understanding that they had been rehabilitated and did not break the law again.
Bulger’s parents have said the senseless murder devastated their family, and have spoken frankly about how they struggled to keep going after the loss, and the huge public interest in their family.
What happened to Jon Venables?
The child murderer was born 13 August 1982, making him ten-years-old when he abducted Bulger from the New Strand Shopping Centre.
He was found guilty, alongside Thompson, on 24 November 1993 – when the pair became the youngest people convicted of murder in English history.
Venables was given extensive rehabilitation during his time in a young offenders’ institute and was issued with a new identity after leaving.
His identity has been changed twice since, after he compromised his identity and told friends he was a convicted murderer.
His current identity faced a legal threat in February 2018, 25 years after the murder, whenBulger’s father launched High Court proceedings to try and remove Venables’ entitlement to anonymity.
The lawyer representing Bulger’s father and uncle argued that the right to anonymity had only been granted on the understanding Venables did not re-offend.
As Venableshas been convicted of crimes since, they wanted his lifelong privacy revoked. Bulger’s mother, however, disagreed and argued that the anonymity should be maintained to avoid vigilante justice.
The father lost his legal challenge and the Attorney General’s office concluded the injunction was still necessary and justified.
Has Jon Venables committed other crimes?
In 2008, seven years after being released from prison, Venables was arrested after a drunken fight and was given a formal warning by the probation service. He was also given a caution for being in possession of Class A drug cocaine.
Two years later he was sent back to prison after hewas found with images of child sexual abuse.
The Parole Board recommended his release in 2013. However, in 2017he was arrested again for possessing child abuse images, and sentenced to 40 months behind bars in February 2018, almost 25 years to the day after he murdered Bulger.
In August 2019, his father warned that Venables will soon be on parole from his most recent period behind bars.
A parole hearing is expected to be held in October, half way through his prison sentence for the most recent offence.
Mr Bulger said: “Venables is up for parole any time now, and if it is granted he will be released into the community under a fake name and secret new identity.
“He is a dangerous, predatory child abuser and killer, and I am terrified he will strike again and harm another child like my James.”
What happened to Robert Thompson?
Thompson’s new identity is protect by an unprecedented injunction, which applies around the world, meaning that even searching for his address could lead to a prison sentence.
He has not re-offended since being released, and in 2010 it wasreported he was in a long-term relationship with a man who knows his true identity.
Thompson’s father left the family home five years before the attack in 1993, and his mother was an alcoholic and had depression.
He had no history of violence prior to the murder.
Police believe that Thompson was the ringleader behind the attack, who urged Venables to follow him.
Detective Phil Roberts, from the local force’s serious crime squad, received the call in 1993 notifying him of a missing boy.
“As far as I’m concerned that day — 20 years ago — I stared evil in the face,” he has said.
“I think Thompson was in charge, but they both attacked James.
“They were a match made in hell. A freak of nature. They went out that day to kill — I truly believe that. And if they hadn’t been caught I fear they would have struck again.
“Pure evil, I will never change my mind about that.”
Tinot7 replied at 8-3-2021 08:21 AM
Kaka muda drp iols rupanya
A'ah. Hahaha. |
dua_chzy replied at 8-3-2021 08:34 AM
A'ah. Hahaha.
Tapi gambar profil mcm ongtua.. iols ingatkan kaka ni dah umo 40an nak masuk 50an ka.. sudah 50an ka... |
Tinot7 replied at 8-3-2021 08:03 PM
Tapi gambar profil mcm ongtua.. iols ingatkan kaka ni dah umo 40an nak masuk 50an ka.. sudah 50an ...
Gambar profile Tinot pula macam kucen. Kaka ingatkan kucen macam @Sekngankucen. 
(Tu gambar Cardi B buat muka mengejek la. ) |
dua_chzy replied at 8-3-2021 08:28 PM
Gambar profile Tinot pula macam kucen. Kaka ingatkan kucen macam @Sekngankucen.
(Tu gamba ...
Eh ni gambar kucen iols.. kira betul la gambar muka iols juga.. |
Tq for the info.. Baru tahu ada budak budak, bunuh budak budak jugak |
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