Electromagnetic Interference / Compatibility
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gals2 ni skrg tgh study@keje??... tau byk psal EM ni.
bleh sy tau gals2 skrg study@keje kat ner skrg?? |
Reply #49 gals2's post
eto.... pasal gelombang dkt power plant... Ramai org yg keje kat power plant. Bukan satu dua, tapi beratus-ratus kalau tak beribu-ribu kat seluruh dunia. Kenapa aku tak pernah dgr pun kes pekerja power plant dpt kanser atau leukemia atau seumpamanya disebabkan berada ditempat kerja?
And electromagnetic radiation kan wujud kat mana2. Visible light pun em radiation... and freq em utk visible light jauh lebih tinggi drp radio freq. Higher freq means higher energy wave, so lebih greater effect. Blah blah... Tak der pape pun jadi kat aku lagi... Masih idup dgn sihatnya selama 19 tahun.
Korang macam pandang rendah kat sistem imunisasi badan manusia. Mutasi sel bukanlah perkara yg jarang berlaku dlm badan. DNA termutate dlm badan sering berlaku. Tapi kenapa kita tak kena kanser? Sebab sistem imunisasi kita bleh kenal sel2 renegade ni dan musnahkannya sebelum dia wat aper2 kemusnahan yg besar. Sistem imunisasi badan kita memang hebat.
Jadi pada pendapat aku, gal ni dah jadi paranoid setelah blaja benda2 ni semua. Aku tak heran la... media masa and all kdg2 exaggerate benda2 ni... |
Originally posted by gals2 at 11-1-2007 10:31 AM
:no: jgn duduk dekat2 ngan microwave oven masa kita dah on microwavetu.. kalau dok jauh2 takpe.. sebab wave ni bila dlm jarak2 tertentu diaakan berkurangan.. :bgrin: its ok je kalau nak guna.. tapi jgn dokintai2 lama2 sampai berjam2 masa tgh masak tu.. tapi.. kalau sekejapidak ler kasik effect sgt2..
Wavelength utk microwave dlm microwave oven is in the order of centimetres. Kalau ko tengok dpt skrin kaca ketuhar gelombang mikro tu, ader garisan2 melintang, kan? jarak antar garisan2 melintang ni lebih kurang 1-2 cm la. Ko ni patut tahu for diffraction to occur, slit width must be about the size of the wavelength of the wave. Jadi microwave to tak diffract past skrin microwave tu. Jadi selamat la, sebab kebanyakan microwave tu tak tembus skrin disebabkan diffraction, tapi direflect dan akhirnya di absorb.
With all the inconclusive experiments conduction on the allerged dangers of electromagnetic radiation emitted by handphones, microwave ovens, power plants, blah blah blah... I can only surmise that even though one day it might be proven that electromagnetic radiation from these sources are harmful to the living environment, the risk is small and worth taking. It would be absurd to give up the convenience of handphones and the many household appliances for a small risk of getting cancer and such.
Of course, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Inconclusive expirements do not mean em radiation is not dangerous. Famous theoretical physicist Richard Feynmann said in a lecture that we can never be sure that we are right, we can only be sure when we are wrong...
'Safety precautions' such as not sleeping with your handphone or staying away from a 'safe' distance from the microwave oven are in my opinion, rather ludicrous. Although it is true intensity of em radiation obeys the inverse square law, but these are seemingly more of psychotic disorders rather than being careful. I see no great danger in staring at your microwave oven while defrosting your stale pizza.
One may assert than it is logical to find an alternative to electromagnetic radiation. Indeed, I would like to listen to alternatives to electrmagnetic radiation. Since electromagnetic radiation are actually photons in the particle model, perhaps one day we may use the hypothetical particle, gravitons for information transfer?
Gal also said that SIRIM ni bukan bleh percaya sgt. Or maybe I miscomprehend. But her words implies so. Betul ker ni? Bleh bagi evidence yg konkrit appliance2 yg dijamin SIRIM mencederakan para penggunanya?
And lastly, aku mohon maafla kalau terkasar bahasa. Aku ni pelajar Fizik biasa jer... Tapi aku sgt2 skeptical la ngan 'bahaya' em radiation dari henfon, power plant dsb... |
tulapasal devices are tested for both EMI n EMS
must not interfere n must be strong enuf to stand interference
according to current stds |
Fuhhhhhh......pusing kepala baca posting kat sini sebab tak faham certain terms but very good info. TQ all... |
Ni nak tanya skit pasal power plant. Sapa pernah dengar about Wind Farm?
I kerja in the office kat Wind Farm, consists of 48 wind turbines whose output is fed into main grid. Then convert into energy/electricity.
Soalannya : Apa effect yang harmful pada para pekerja? Nak tau jugak sebab tak aware langsung about the effect sebelum ni? |
Reply #25 gals2's post
off topik sat....
cik gals 2.....kau punya avatar magik betui aa....mula2 aku tengok dia pusing ikut lawan jam...lepas tu aku nampak dia pusing ikut lawan jam...terkagum dgn gambar tu...pinjam avatar aaaa.... |
Reply #69 platinum8's post
not sure about that... betul gak eh.. |
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