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Landak - Spiky, cute...
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Shakes and jiggles, they chomp on all things green

Tukiran Dalimin feeding the porcupines with papaya leaves.
BANTING: Meal times are a real symphony of rattling, clattering and trembling at Tukiran Dalimin抯 oil palm smallholding.
The noisy eaters are a group of 30 porcupines who shake the spikes on their coats, jiggle the hollow quills on their tails, grunt and huff when it抯 feeding time.
Even a month-old porcupette, goes into strike mode, raising its fine baby quills and holding on tight to its food.
The sounds are a little strange but Tukiran, who抯 been breeding them for the past year says that this is the only unappealing behaviour the animals display.
They are, otherwise, quite easy to care for, said the smallholder from Kampung Labu-han Dagang, a quiet village a few kilometres from the Kuala Lumpur International Airport.
Porcupines aren抰 fussy eaters, greedily chomping anything from papaya leaves to oil palm fruit.
For a vitamin boost, their meals are supplemented with small amounts of pellets like those fed to horses.
Tukiran, who started the breeding programme with five caught-in-the-wild porcupines, said he got involved for the extra income.
He isn抰 allowed to sell his porcupines just yet but has been swamped by requests for meat.
揝everal who came asking were pregnant women with a craving for porcupine meat which they抎 eaten before.
揑t makes a good rendang. It抯 tender, so people like it. |
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Landak? win tak penah jmp bebetul depan win...landak memang kiut tambah2 anak landak..tapi kan cane nak handle dia...i mean cane nak pegang n angkat dia? kalau tangan kita terkena duri tu gamak2 nya sakit tak macam terkena jarum ke?  |
penah jupe landak kat petshop..
very the chomel... kaler putih+gebu giteww..
rasenyer dier akan cacakkan duri tuh kalu dier rase insecure je kot.. so, kalu dapat jinakkan, bleh la memanje ng landak tuh tanpe luke2..
ape la ek rase landak tuh... cam xsanggup je nak makan hewan yg chomel2 nih.. |
tak penah nengok landak real2..
bulu landak pernah ar |
Dalam setengah badan setengah landak ada satu batu (lupa nama dia) orang cina akan beli batu ni ribu ribu ringit sebab ianya boleh menyembuhkan banyak penyakit. Masa anak lee kuan yew dpt barah dia makan banyak batu ni (dikisar halus). Nanti ku tanya my mum apa nama dia. |
azlandaniel08 This user has been deleted
i ader bela landak albino.. |
Reply #4 switnesz's post
bayangkan kita pegang landak tu tetiba je dia rasa cam tak selamat dia kuarkan semua duri2 tuh..ape akan jadi agaknye..nak lepas kang landak tu yang tercedera sebab terjatuh..takde ke cara selamat nak pegang landak ke ape? anyone?
teringin tengok landak...4 sure win bergmbar ni dengan landak.. |
takut jer bila bela landak tiba2 kena duri tue.... |
aritu tgk di carrefour usj dia jual rm80 sekor..kecik lagi
adalah dlm besar penumbuk |

A North American porcupine rests in a tree in Montreal's BioDome. |
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Old world porcupine;
banyaknye spesies landak pon tak penah nampak..unik..
gambar last tu ingatkan mati kene langgar..dia buat pe tu..kiut je terbaring  |
Reply #13 Syd's post
cute pulak tengok dia bergolek mcm nih |
Reply #6 DARSITA's post
dlm badan landak tu ada batu??
sesetengah landak jer ker??
so tak suma landak lah ada ekk batu tu?? |
Gambar-gambar landak (hedgehog) untuk dikongsi bersama..

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