ngv nie memang bahya lah.
aku tgk keta yng terbakar tepi jalan banyak yng teksi.
sah2 punca dari ngv pasal belakang montot dia abis giler.
depan ada tingal kesan2 hampir2 terbakar. |
aku rasa ngv dan petrol ni sama bahayanya...... |
Originally posted by stfunewbiez at 26-1-2008 05:51 PM 
ngv nie memang bahya lah.
aku tgk keta yng terbakar tepi jalan banyak yng teksi.
sah2 punca dari ngv pasal belakang montot dia abis giler.
depan ada tingal kesan2 hampir2 terbakar.
bukan sbb ngv yg bahaya tp sbb cara pemasangan yg tak betol.
2-3 ari lepas ada isu kat akhbar pasai kes2 pasang ngv yg tak kemas hgg ada kebocoran gas. Kena hati2 kalu pasang ngv yg kos murah tu ..... buat main2 je tu |
Originally posted by medangmru at 30-11-2007 04:38 PM 
Cuba baca ni : mungkin membantu....
" Intrinsic safety views electrical devices from the ability of the circuits to create a sparkunder operation or failure. IS guidelines not only look at energysources (batteries), heat generation (resistors, light bulbs) andmaximum voltages, but also the circuits ability to store enough energyin the inductance and capacitances to create an ignition source forflammable vapors/liquids. IS standards are designed to be veryconservative (sometimes seemingly ridiculous) - but with the idea tokeep "Stuff" from "happening". Within a few feet of a gas pump is apotential hazardous environment by definition.
The main issue of a cell phoneor pager is NOT the RF - it is things like the battery, vibrator motor,and maybe that charge pump for the LED, florescent, or incandescentbulb backlight. From a IS standpoint, a good portion of a cell phone is unsafe.
Howmany of you remember as kids the pretty arcing/sparking you could getfrom your slot cars in the dark? Remember those Boy-Scout fireprevention examples using batteries, a little steel wool, and somegasoline vapors?
Stuff happens even when previously examined indetail by very experienced people and put into practice over years. Howlong were 747 aircraft in service before TWA fight 800 went upin a fireball over Long Island Sound? Supposedly the vapors in the 747center fuel tank never reached an explosive ratio. They still don'texactly know what the ignition source was, but the fuel probes aresuspect. Prior to this incident it was believed the low energy of thefuel level probes (a capacitance measurement device) was safe.
I have no doubt that under the proper conditions, a cell phone or pager could easily cause a fire at a gas pump. It might be rare, but it could, and possibly already has happened."
baca ni juga :
What it is about a cellular phone that could possibly trigger an explosion is difficult to fathom, however. The claim that the batteries used in a cellular phone can ignite gasoline seems specious, since cellular phone batteries are the same voltage as automobile batteries (12V D.C.) but deliver far less current. Likewise, the claim that a "cellular phone ringer uses more than 100 volts for excitation" is a curious artifact of the "regular" telephone era: cellular phones don't have ringers; they produce audio tones that simulate the sound of a ringing telephone. In a world where people are increasingly unwilling to allow even the possibility of something going wrong, however, we're bound to see even more regulations "protecting" us from yet another non-existent threat.
Sokong... yang menjadikan handset berbahaya kat stesen minyak bukan kerana gelombang radio tu sendiri tapi kerana electronic switching circuits laa (butang2 etc.). In fact, kalau main apa2 suis memang ada tendency untuk hasilkan spark sekejap sebelum suis betul2 in contact sepenuhnya. Tu sebenarnya sama macam larangan bukak / matikan suis bila gas memasak bocor. Bila spark yang terhasil tu ada wap petrol atau gas NGV / LPG kat sekeliling dier, memang meletup laa... tak pun tebako laa... |
Originally posted by sedondon at 26-1-2008 05:57 PM 
aku rasa ngv dan petrol ni sama bahayanya......
Memang betul, NGV dgn petrol memang sama bahayanya, tapi enjin spark ignition memang perlukan bahan api yang mudah meruap (untuk pembakaran sempurna), flash point (takat tebako kalau ada punca api) yang rendah dan takat tebako sendiri yang tinggi (untuk elak detonation dan preignition). Dalam kes ni, cuma minyak petrol, gas NGV dgn etanol yang seswai untuk jadik bahan api enjin petrol laa, dan minyak petrol laa yang paling seswai sebab entalpi dier (kadar perubahan tenaga hasil perubahan suhu) dan tenaga dalaman dier tinggi. Gas NGV perlukan lebih kurang 800 liter gas (pada tekanan atmosfera) untuk hasilkan tenaga yang sama macam 1 liter petrol, dan 1 liter etanol lak hasilkan 2/3 drp jumlah tenaga 1 liter petrol. |
Originally posted by Squall-Leonhart at 27-1-2008 12:23 PM 
Memang betul, NGV dgn petrol memang sama bahayanya, tapi enjin spark ignition memang perlukan bahan api yang mudah meruap (untuk pembakaran sempurna), flash point (takat tebako kalau ada punca ...
kalau diringkaskan lagi asquall/.... apa kesimpulannya?
aku tak berapa nak jelas... |
Reply #23 waksir's post
setuju, CNG (NGV) sebenarnya lebih selamat banding petrol sebab hanya mula terbakar pada suhu 2 kali ganda berbanding petrol
Cara pemasangan tu yg bahaya. Disyorkan jgn pasang kat pemasang yg tak bertauliah, tak berkelulusan ataupun tidak kemas kerja mereka.
Baik kalau pernah ambil kursus P-116-2 (sijil SKM) ataupun belajar dari Hijau (sijil UniKL MFI) |
Reply #23 waksir's post
setuju, jgn terlalu khusyuk cari yg murah je, kualiti & keselamatan lebih penting.
lagipun, CNG (NGV) tak begitu mudah terbakar berbanding petrol tapi kalau kena suhu tinggi (seperti tangki acetelyn (kimpalan) ) itu yg bahaya
tahu tak ada 1 bengkel tepi Jln Kepong dimana ia sebelah bengkel pengimpal? Tak tahu bila letupan kan berlaku :@
dari segi kualiti, setahu saya, banyak pemasang kat Batu Cave ni tak tahu pasang, kualiti teruk |
budus punye orang pakai hp kat stesen minyak
[ Last edited by unnamed at 27-6-2008 07:31 AM ] |
haku tgk myth buser itu hari, depa test, BUSTED beb. depa kena buat spark dekat ngan petrol baru leh terbako.. |
aku rasa henset tuh telah dijadikn kambing itam dlm insiden nieh.......
mesti sbb benda lain nih.... |
ooooo ingat kan ngv tu yg buat hal...rupaa2nya pasal HP...mmg la mana bole guna HP kat stesen minyak |
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